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Exercise 1

Fill in the gaps with suitable modal verbs (can, may, must) or their equivalents (to be able to, to be allowed to, have to)

Translate sentences into Russian.

1. You... not come to the office tomorrow: the work is done.

2. … you help me now? – I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I’ll be free in the evening.

3. A - … I return your papers to you on Friday? I’m afraid I … not finish reading them before.

B – No, that is too late. You … bring them to me not later than Wednesday.

4. After our intensive language course you … to speak English very well.

5. The director is alone now. You … see him for a moment.

6. You … to be a member of our organization next year.

7. The accountant is to determine the ways in which the business … grow in the future.

8. In any organization, managers … carefully coordinate the use of human, physical, and financial resources.

9. The Chairman … to stop discussion.

10. A business organization … be a large automobile manufacturer, a grocery store, or an accounting firm.


Exercise 2

Translate sentences from Russian into English.

Use modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. Я мог бы вас подвезти до гостиницы после заседания Совета Директоров.

2. – Мы звонили вашему торговому представителю много раз, но никто не подходил к телефону.

- Возможно, он еще не вернулся из командировки.

3. Когда нам разрешает разгрузить товар в порту?

4. Принимая во внимание вышеизложенное, мы не можем согласиться с Вашим предложением.

5. Мы бы получили большую выгоду, если бы нам разрешили заключить больше бартерных сделок с соседними государствами.

6. Вы сможете договориться о платеже в кредит?

7. Вчера нам позволили заключить контракт с известной иностранной фирмой.


Exercise 3

Choose the right modal verb and translate sentences.

1. Employer: You (must, has to, have to, will have to) come to work in time.

2. (Can, may, must, should, have to) you tell me the time, please?

3. My friend was an orphan. He (might, can, could, had to) earn money for his living.

4. (must, can, may, has to) I have a discount?

5. Our chief (can, may, can’t, wasn’t to) attend the meeting so he is going to send his assistant instead.

6. I (has to, have to, is to, could) attend meetings that are held in English with our suppliers.

7. You (needn’t, hasn’t, isn’t to) calculate the costs.

8. We (could, shall be able to, might, was to) discuss this financial report again only next Monday.

9. What (is to, can, may be, must) this lorry’s maximum load?

10. (May, must, could, ought to) you predict the increase in sales two years ago?


Exercise 4

Translate sentences from English into Russian.


1. You shouldn’t waste so much time.

2. How soon can you prepare some figures?

3. You ought to be more hospitable with our partners.

4. We had very little money left, so we had to shelf the project.

5. If you help me, we’ll be able to finish the job much sooner.

6. A market is a geographical area, or a section of the population, where you can sell products.

7. Qualified employees will be unable to achieve organizational objectives if there are not enough of them to do the work.

8. We’ll be allowed to refund you if you are not satisfied with this product.

9. When I first went to Spain I could read Spanish but I was unable to speak it.

10. Employees must work both efficiently and effectively in order to meet the objectives of their organization.


Exercise 5

Translate sentences with modal verbs into Russian.


1. We cannot make use of the goods and are very sorry to have to return them to you.

2. May we congratulate you on your promotion?

3. The car should have a service every 7000 km.

4. Before we start discussing the guarantee clause, can I ask you a couple of questions?

5. Manufactures may choose to deal in (торговать) their goods thought intermediaries.

6. We are to pay 20 per cent in advance, 65 per cent by a draft and the remaining 15 per cent – by a letter of credit.

7. In this circumstances we can’t grant you any extra discount.

8. If you want your letter of congratulation to be a success, you should write it as soon as possible.

9. They could not fulfil the loading program as one of the vessels chartered had had a collision.

10. You must talk to your partner seriously about his future.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 504. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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