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The causative-consecutive compound sentences

The causative and consecutive connection in compound sentences is rendered in Ukrainian with the help of the conjunctions і, а and in English – so (that), for, and the connective adverb therefore. At such a connection the second sentence expresses explanation, confirmation, conclusion or consequence of the idea expressed in the first part of the compound sentence. The coordination (сурядність) in such a case renders the relations more characteristic of complex sentences (властиві підрядним реченням). At this each part of such a sentence retains the meaning of an independent unit, though a connected one with the other.

The consecutive connection is rendered in English with the help of the conjunction so (less often therefore), in Ukrainian – with the help of the conjunction a, e.g.:

She hasn’t much strength in her, so I easily kept her quiet
(Ch. Dickens).

Повернувся козак Нечай на лівеє плече, а вже з ляшків, вражих синів. Кров ріками тече (Нар. пісня).

The causative connection in the compound sentence is rendered with the help of the English conjunction for and the Ukrainian conjunction i, e.g.:

It was not yet daylight, for the candle was burning (Ch. Dickens).

Андрій почув у руці одрізані пальці, і злість туманом піднялась йому до мозку (М. Коцюбинський) [5; 142].

2.5. Compound sentences with the meaning of suddenness (складносурядне речення із значенням раптовості)

The peculiarity of the Ukrainian syntax is a wide usage of compound sentences with the meaning of suddenness. They are formed most often with the help of the conjunctions аж, коли, як and are used in the emotionally coloured speech. Such sentences usually render the action and the sudden character of it. Compare:

Ой пішла я у яр за водою, аж там милий гуляє з другою
(Т. Шевченко).

Сьогодні вранці я спокійно сиджу вдома, коли дзвонити твій секретар (Ю. Корнійчук).

Widely spread in modern Ukrainian is a subtype of such sentences, where in the first part the verbs of physical perception are used (дивитися, глянути, бачити, слухати, чути and others), and the second part starts with the conjunctions аж, коли, e.g.:

Дивлюсь – аж он передо мною неначе дива виринають
(Т. Шевченко).

Коли гляне – попереду старший їде (Т. Шевченко).

Similar connection is also rendered with the help of asyndetic (безсполучниковий) connection. Compare: Бачить – ліс чорніє
(Т. Шевченко) [1; 142–143].

3. Compound sentences with asyndetically joined clauses (складносурядні речення без сполучників)

Basic means of the expression of grammar relations between parts of the compound sentence, when it is not joined with the help of conjunction is their adjoining and a corresponding intonation (зіставлення та відповідна інтонація). In comparison with compound sentences joined by conjunctions, compound sentences with the asyndetic type of connection have a more independent character of their constituent parts.

With the help of asyndetic connection the compound sentences are able to render the same type of relations as the compound sentences joined by conjunctions, apart from the disjunctive meaning (розділове значення).

In both cases such sentences are represented by two common subtypes:

a) Compound sentences with an implicit though quite transparent copulative interrelation between the constituent clauses and with close semantic and syntactic ties between the succeeding and preceding clauses. As a result, asyndetically adjoined clauses in the sentences of this subtype can be substituted for syndetically connected clauses (that is with the help of the copulative conjunction “ and”). Compare: She’s worthy, she’s provincial. – She is worthy, and she is provincial. Similarly in Ukrainian: Вона гонориста; (і) вона провінціалка.

b) Compound sentences of the second subtype are characterized by a still looser connection between the ajoined clauses which are marked by a comma or a semicolon. The syntactic interrelation between the component clauses in the sentences of this subtype may be of copulative or adversative nature. Compare: Young John has never studied a doctrine for himself; he has never examined a doctrine for any purpose (M. Twain). – Young John has never studied a doctrine for himself, (and) he has never examined a doctrine for any purpose. The coordinate copulation is also preserved in Ukrainian: Молодий пастор Джон ніколи не вивчав якоїсь віри, (і) він ніколи не заглиблювався в неї з якоюсь певною метою [10; 401–402].

Discussion questions and exercise tasks:

I. Consider your answers to the following:

1. Define the composite sentence and its subtypes.

2. What is meant by “semi-complex” and “semi-compound” sentences? Are these types found in both contrasted languages?

3. Dwell upon the compound sentence with conjunctions in English and Ukrainian; state main similarities and differences.

4. Describe the copulative compound sentence in both contrasted languages. Name the types of relations between the constituent parts of the copulative compound sentence expressed with the help of the most frequent coordinative conjunctions. Provide examples in both languages.

5. Dwell upon the disjunctive compound sentences in English and Ukrainian. What are the most frequent conjunctions that unite the constituent parts of such a sentence in both languages? Provide examples.

6. Describe the adversative compound sentence in English and Ukrainian. Name the type of relations between the constituent parts of such a sentence expressed with the help of coordinative conjunctions. Provide examples.

7. What are other types of compound sentences with conjunctions besides copulative, adversative and disjunctive? Are these types present equally in English and Ukrainian? Provide your own examples.

8. Speak about the peculiarities of compound sentences with asyndetically joined clauses in English and Ukrainian.


II. In these examples, the units that are coordinated are enclosed in brackets [ ]. Identify the structural type of the coordinated units (e.g. clauses, noun phrases, adjectives). State the type of sentences with coordinated units. Provide your own examples of sentences with coordinated clauses.

1. Um you can work [on campus] or [off campus] (conversation).

2. Be [reliant] and [helpful to others] (conversation).

3. Either [you’re going to like it] or [you’re going to hate it] (conversation).

4. Do you have any [start dates] or [stop dates]? (conversation).

5. Oh [she cooks] but [she never bakes] (conversation).

6. She’s got [a squiggle ball case] but [no squiggle ball] (conversation).

7. I heard a story about [you] and [Dave] (conversation).

8. [You can be quite fluent in a language] and [yet, [something you say is not understood] and [you cannot understand why]] (academic prose).

*The material is taken from “Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English Workbook” by Susan Conrad, Douglas Biber, Geoffrey Leech, Pearson Education Limited, 2003. – P. 58.


III. State which of the presented sentences belong to compound sentences. Define the type of the found compound sentences and the type of conjunctions with the help of which their constituent parts are joined.

1. Тихесенький вечір на землю спадає, і сонце сідає в темнесенький гай (В. Самійленко).

2. Сичі в гаю перекликались, та ясен раз у раз скрипів
(Т. Шевченко).

3. Світ, бачся, широкий, та нема де прихилитись в світі одиноким (Т. Шевченко).

4. Не вертаються три брати, по світу блукають, а три шляхи широкії терном заростають (Т. Шевченко).

5. Цвітуть бузки, садок біліє і тихо ронить пелюстки
(М. Рильський).

6. Де-не-де біля вирв сивіє безводний полин або кущиться пахучий чебрець (О. Гончар).

7. Поет не стратить духу марно ні в стисках муки, ні в журбі, але ж страждань своїх безкарно він сам не вибачить юрбі (Г. Чупринка).

8. Бліді на небі гасли зорі, і вітер плутався в мережах верховіть, і не гойдалися берези білокорі (М. Рильський).

9. Чи тільки терни на шляху знайду, чи стріну, може, де і квіт барвистий? (Леся Українка).

10. Білясті хмарини на очах розпливаються і тануть у барвінковому небі (В. Козаченко).

*The material is taken from the text-book: Терлак З. Українська мова: Збірник вправ із синтаксису та пунктуації. – Львів: Світ, 1999. –
P. 122.


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