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I. SSP being the component of only one syntactic structure

(СВП, що виступають компонентом лише одного типу синтаксичної структури).

I.1. SSP entering the structure of complementation performing the function of the object

( СВП, що входять до структури комплементації, виконуючи функцію додатка.)

I.1.1. SSP with the infinitive, e.g.:

I made them let me out of the hospital (Rendell Ruth).

I.1.2. SSP with Participle I, e.g.:

She left him standing there (Grisham John).

І.1.3. SSP with Participle II, e.g.:

She felt her gaze drawn to meet the pair of eyes that looked down at her from lean strong face …(Loring Jenny).

I.1.4. SSP with the non-verbal part of speech, e.g.:

Well, don’t get too happy, I prefer you thin (Archer Jeffrey).

I.2. SSPentering the structure of predication performing the function of the subject

(СВП, що входять до структури предикації, виконуючи функціюпідмета.)

І.2.1. SSP with the infinitive, e.g.:

And what proof was there that she hadn’t reached the cliffs until ten o’clock, half an hour after Hilary Robarts was thought to have died? (P.D. James).

І.2.2. SSP with Participle I, e.g.:

Rumour said that on certain nights of the year ghostly lights might be seen passing from window to window of the upper storey, for the house was supposed to be haunted … (Thompson Flora).

І.2.3. SSP with Participle II, e.g.:

At the far end of the corridor, almost in front of the large window, at that moment filled with grey light and rain, my father’s figure could be seen frozen in a posture that suggested he was taking part in some ceremonial ritual (Kazuo Ishiguro).

І.2.4. SSP with the non-verbal part of speech, e.g.:

In conservative circles in the state, Luke was considered a murderer and a crackpot (Conroy Pat).

I.3. SSP entering the structure of modification in the function of the adverbial modifier (СВП, що входять до структури модифікації, виконуючи функцію обставини.)

I.3.1. SSP with the infinitive, e.g.:

… when Penelope emerged from the kitchen, after clearing the meal away and washing up the dishes she found him waiting for her, already dressed for outdoor activity, with a worn corduroy jacket to protect his old bones from the nippy breeze, and a scarlet muffler wound round his neck (Pilcher Rosamunde).

І.3.2. SSP with Participle I, e.g.:

Then,eyes on Jacaue’s serious profile he was eating a millefeuilli with his fingers, forks being the only thing he had forgotten – she realized that no such thought would occur to him (Huth Angela).

І.3.3. SSP with Participle II, e.g.:

Ricards wasn’t there but the message given, he rang off
(P.D. James).

І.3.4. SSP with the non-verbal part of speech, e.g.:

The article complete, I spent more time analysing and transcribing Joao and Aldas field notes (Boyd William).

II. SSP being the component of different syntactic structures

(СВП, що виступають компонентами різних типів синтаксичних структур.)

ІІ.1. SSP with the infinitive introduced by the preposition “for”

(СВП з інфінітивом, що вводиться в речення прийменником “for”, e.g.:)

I was out, but Mrs Cooper took it down and left it for me to find (Pilcher Rosamunde).

ІІ.2. SSP with gerund, e.g.:

He shouted about my being English (Kazuo Ishiguro) [9].

Structures of secondary predication are the allomorphic feature of the English language. They are rendered into Ukrainian with the help of subordinate clauses as parts of complex sentences, where their poly-predicative nature is revealed, e.g: He heard her playing the piano. – Він чув, як вона грає на піаніно.

Discussion questions and exercise tasks:

I. Consider your answers to the following:

1. Describe the nature of a simple sentence. What parts of the sentence are usually enough to make a simple sentence?

2. State the difference between the principal parts of the sentence and the secondary parts of the sentence.

3. Define the subject of the sentence. Are there any differences in the subject expression in English and Ukrainian languages?

4. What are subjectless sentences?

5. Define the predicate of the sentence. Are there any differences in the predicate expression in English and Ukrainian languages?

6. Describe the types of predicates in both contrasted languages.

7. Define the object of the sentence. What is the difference between the direct and indirect objects, between the prepositional and non-prepositional objects?

8. Define the attribute of the sentence. What types of attributes in both contrasted languages can be mentioned?

9. Define the adverbial modifier as the part of the sentence. Do the types of adverbial modifiers coincide in English and Ukrainian languages?

10. What are complex parts of the sentence? Describe their types and constituent parts.

11. State the difference between the syntactic structures of predication, complementation, modification and coordination. Provide examples in both contrasted languages.

12. What are the structures of secondary predication? State the difference between the primary predication structures and secondary predication structures.

13. Dwell upon the problems of secondary predication structures classification.


II. Define subjects and predicates (types of predicates) in the given sentences. Characterize the means of their expression. Render these Ukrainian sentences into English, comparing the ways of subject and predicate expression in both contrasted languages.

1. Сто друзів – це мало, один ворог – це багато
(М. Стельмах).

2. Ми з тобою йдемо стежкою в саду (М. Рильський).

3. Чисте, свіже повітря насичене було пахощами липового цвіту та жасмину (І. Франко).

4. Пливе овець отара в білім молоці своєї вовни
(Б.-І. Антонович).

5. Тяжко-важко умирати у чужому краю! (Т. Шевченко).

6. Найчистіша душа незрадлива (В. Симоненко).

7. Ах, скільки струн в душі дзвенить! (Олександр Олесь).

8. Я любив зустрічати вечірні перельоти на цьому озері
(М. Хвильовий).

9. А раптом все моє життя до цього було лиш передмовою життя? (Б. Олійник).

10. Тарас Григорович Шевченко невіддільний від українсь­кої культури (О. Гончар).

*The material is taken from the text-book: Терлак З. Українська мова: Збірник вправ із синтаксису та пунктуації. – Львів: Світ, 1999. –
P. 35.


III. Define what parts of the sentence are expressed by the numbered words:

1 – agreed attribute; 7– adverbial modifier of cause;

2 – non-agreed attribute; 8 – adverbial modifier of purpose;

3 – direct object; 9 – adverbial modifier of manner;

4 – indirect object; 10 – adverbial modifier of measure and degree;

5 – adverbial modifier of place; 11 – adverbial modifier of condition;

6 – adverbial modifier of time; 12 – adverbial modifier of concession.

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