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Contrastive linguistics attracts attention of linguists around the world, since its value is not purely theoretical, but serves as a basis for the practical application of the linguistic science.

The birth of contrastive language studies was caused by the need to study foreign languages, which is of topical character nowadays. One of the factors creating obstacles for the successful acquisition of a foreign language is the negative influence of the native tongue (also called native language interference). This influence can be removed by contrastive analysis of the native tongue (the source language) and the foreign language being acquired (the target language).

The results of contrastive linguistics (in particular contrastive grammar) can be applied for the development of the methodology of foreign language teaching. Nationally targeted methodology, which is based on the results of the contrastive language study, creates a lot of advantages for the learning process, namely: provides increasing of effectiveness and intensifying of the learning process, gives the possibility to widen the learning material, its quicker and deeper comprehension, lessens the factor of native language interference, increases the level of language culture awareness. The contrastive aspect provides as well the possibility to determine the study direction of the language material presentation: from the form to the content (in case of analogies in presenting phenomena, easy for acquisition), or from the content to the form (in case of analogies absence and presence of differences, creating difficulties for a certain national group of language learners).

Contrastive linguistics is of practical value for translation studies. Results of contrastive analysis of the lexical, grammatical and stylistic systems of two languages facilitate the work of a translator, giving the possibility to observe all the inadequacies on different language levels and the possible ways of their rendering.

Contrastive linguistics contributes greatly to the theory of language typology. Due to the observation of similarities and differences in languages we can speak about the initiation of their typological classification, its aim nowadays being the establishing of language types on the basis of their structure specific features that is taking into account characteristics reflecting the most important features of a language structure.

As a result of languages contrasting scholars came to reveal language universals (features or phenomena available in all or the majority of languages of the world). Therefore, nowadays the contrastive analysis continues, on one hand, to supply the facts for the universology, being, on the other hand, the instrument, which enables the discovery of new universals without the necessity to study all languages of the world for this purpose.

Contrastive linguistics yields valuable results for the lexicography. The contrastive analysis of language systems is substantial for the translation dictionary compiling. The lexicographic work upon the bilingual types of dictionaries is, in fact, language contrasting.

The present period of language studies witnesses the intensification in the research of national language pictures of the world. This research has become possible due to the contrastive language studies, since the peculiarities of the language conceptualization by means of each separate language can be revealed, first of all, through language contrasting.

Therefore, the results of contrastive analysis have the practical application in all the mentioned cases, when a researcher or a learner deals with the cross-language information recoding.

The practical value of contrastive linguistics is constantly increasing. It is widening the sphere of its application, which is connected with the growing role of the cross-language and cross-cultural communication in all its forms (internationalization of European education standards, the increase in effectiveness of foreign language teaching, as well as in demands to translation quality in different spheres of activity). Contrastive linguistics is changing with the shift of linguistics interests towards the sphere of language usage; with the appearance of corpus linguistics and development of applied/computer linguistics, which present researchers with the possibilities of language data analysis.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1295. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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