-al: physical, vertebral, cranial, spinal, central Adverbs -ly: probably, nearly, frequently, primarily, especially, commonly Упр. 10. Прочтите и определите значение английских слов по сходству их с русскими эквивалентами. Degeneration, progressive, atrophy, protein, abscess, parasite, canal, tendency. Упр. 11. Прочтите текст «Diseases of the Central Nervous System», Part I.
Diseases of the Central Nervous System Part I
In domestic animals diseases of the nervous system are not seen as commonly as are diseases of other systems. However, symptoms in any way referable to the nervous system, occur frequently enough to be given careful consideration by the veterinary practitioner, especially from the standpoint of diagnosis. In contrast with the circulatory, respiratory or digestive systems the nervous system is nearly inaccessible to direct methods of physical examination. With the exception of the optic nerve head, which can be examined with the aid of the ophtalmoscope1, the central nervous system is enclosed within the bony framework of the skull and vertebral column, and is completely removed from observation. Therefore, the practitioner is dependent for diagnosis on the interpretation of symptoms. Different tumours have been found to occur in the central nervous system of cattle. Tumours which arise primarily from the brain, cord and meninges are somewhat rare in calle, probably, the most common tumour being that of lymphomatosis2. In this condition there is often a tendency for lymphoid masses to invade the spinal canal. Having done so they exert pressure on the spinal nerves and roots, producing degenerative lesions in these organs.
1 ophtalmoscope – офтальмоскоп, прибор для исследования глаз 2 lymphomatosis – лимфоматоз
Vocabulary List to accompany to lead to enclose to give rise to invade
rigidity cavity observation pressure direct inaccessible identical rare retectable probably Упр. 12. Найдите в тексте и прочтите вслух ответы на следующие вопросы. 1) При помощи какого прибора можно обследовать глазной нерв? 2) В каких органах нервной системы встречаются опухоли? 3) Каким образом влияют опухоли на состояние здоровья? Упр. 13. Ответьте на вопросы. 1) Is the nervous system accessibile for direct examination? 2) Where is the nervous system situated? Упр. 14. Прочтите и переведите. Physical examination, the most common tumour, lymphoid masses, degenerative lesions, having done so. Упр. 15. Прочтите и переведите текст «Diseases of the Central Nervous System», Part I. Home task 1) Выучите теорию «Сложные формы причастия, независимый причастный оборот» (стр. 151-160). 2) Выучите Vocabulary List. 3) Выполните письменно упр. 16, 17, стр. 22-23. 4) Прочитайте и переведите текст «Diseases of the Central Nervous System», Part II, стр. 242.
Упр. 16. Translate the sentences using a dictionary. 1) The bronchi are two in number, the right brouchus being the larger. 2) Dogs may become infected with human tuberculosis, the usual source of exposure being tuberculous owner. 3) The filterable virus of Botkin’s disease being highly infective, it survives in water, food, and on hands for days and weeks. 4) Being fed with the nourishing diet, containing many vitamins, the animal began to gain weight. 5) Having been treated for a prolonged period of time the patient began to feel better. 6) Having prevented the spread of inflammation the surgeon saved the life of the patient. 7) Diagnosis of the disease is usually difficult, the only definite means being the horse inoculation test. 8) Proteins are among the most complex of all plant or animal compounds, each molecule probably containing many thousands of atoms. Упр. 17. Translate into English. 1) Различные опухоли могут встречаться в головном или спинном мозге животных. 2) Лимфоидные скопления вызывают закупорку спинномозгового канала. 3) Болезни нервной системы менее распространены, чем болезни других систем. 4) Глазной нерв можно осмотреть при помощи офтальмоскопа.