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Make up and act out a dialogue using the word combinations and phrases (p. 188).

8. Find in Text Six equivalents for the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own:

womanly; to make an earnest request to smb.; to hold tightly; not to let go near; to face smb. in a hostile way; to stretch out one's hand; to take away; to seize; to be exactly alike; in an impolite manner; a strong desire for fame; to feel respect and admiration for smb.; in a difficult position; to face smb. boldly; to stand in an erect position; to give smb. away to the enemy; loss of good name; not showing respect; obviously frightened.

9. Find in Text Six English equivalents for the following words and phrases and write them out:

необычайно изящная; умное лицо; избавиться от необходимости; погладить по щеке; с сияющей улыбкой; самая скучная штука; разра­зиться потоком брани; поделить что-л. по-честному; задыхаться; за­ламывать руки; грубо и фамильярно; компрометировать кого-л.; об­щественное мнение; драться на дуэли; быть выше подозрения; попасть кому-л. в руки; надменно; честолюбивый муж; социальное положение; выведенный из себя.

10. Explain in English what is meant by the following phrases and sentences:

1. character in the chin. 2. keen, refined and original. 3. Never you mind him, General. 4. Leave me to deal with him. 5. Producing an effect of smiling through her tears. 6. in dignified reproof. 7. This incautious echo of the lieutenant undoes her. 8. Dalila, Dali- la, you have been trying your tricks on me. 9. The vile, vulgar Corsi- can adventurer comes out in you very easily. 10. Gloating over the papers. 11. Bitter-sweetly. 12.1 am a true Corsican in my love for sto­ries. 13. Caesar's wife is above suspicion. 14. You have committed an indiscretion. 15. You may go too far. 16. Do you mean that you are that sort of man?

11. Answer the following questions or do the given tasks:

1. What do you know of Bernard Shaw and his place among the English playwrights? 2. What is the historical and social back­ground of the play "The Man of Destiny"? 3. Comment upon the na­ture of Shaw's long stage directions. Are they typical of his art? 4. What do you know of Julius Caesar? Of Paul Barras? 5. Write out

from the text all the phraseological units. Comment on their stylistic value and suggest neutral equivalents. 6. Why is Dalila a symbol of a treacherous woman? 7. Pick out the elements (lexical and syntactical) of colloquial speech and comment on them. 8. Find in the text sentences containing repetition and syntactical parallelism. What is the effect achieved? 9. Write out from the text all the adverbs formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -ly and translate them into Russian. Which of them are epithets? 10. The following words are bookish: 'affrighted', 'unvoluntarily', 'reproof, 'enraptured', 'tranquil', 'confronting (him)'. What are their syn­onyms in colloquial English? 11. Pick out metaphors from the text and comment on them. 12. How do the following words of the Lady characterize Napoleon? A) "Thousands of lives for the sake of your victories, your ambitions, your destiny!" b) "The vile, vulgar Corsi- can adventurer comes out in you very easily." c) "Caesar's wife is above suspicion." d) "You became friends through your wife." e) "A vain, silly, extravagant creature, with a husband who... cannot help his man's instinct to make use, of her for his own advancement." 13. How do the following remarks made by Napo­leon characterize him? a) "I see you don't know me, madam, or you would save yourself the trouble of pretending to cry." b) "I am wait­ing for my despatches. I shall take them, if necessary, with as little ceremony as I took the handkerchief." с) "I am not to be tri­fled with now." d) "I am a true Corsican in my love for stories." ' e) "Next time you are asked why a letter compromising a wife should not be sent to her husband, answer simply that the Jiusband wouldn't read it." 14. How does Napoleon's attitude towards ho­nour and happiness and his fear of looking ridiculous characterize him? 15. What is the Lady like as shown through her words, actions and the author's remarks? 16. What kind of person is Napoleon ac­cording to Bernard Shaw?

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 575. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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