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Summarize the text in two paragraphs emphasizing the importance of emotions and feelings in our life.

4. Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the questions:

1. Why do people have emotions and feelings? What good are they? 2. What emotions and feelings are usually classified as posi­tive and negative? Is there a strict border line between them? 3. If you have a look at the topical vocabulary list, you'll notice that it deals with painful feelings and emotions rather than joyous ones. How can you account for it? 4. The first and simplest pleasure is the pleasure of our senses. How can you illustrate the joys of taste, smells, sounds, and sights? 5. There are various sources of pleasure such as discovery, the immersion of ourselves in an activity, con­frontation with nature and the thrill one gets in all cooperative ef­fort, to mention but a few. Which of these gives you the most joy­ous experience? 6. It isn't always easy for us to keep our temper when things go wrong. What do you do or say to let off steam?

7. When we don't care one way or the other about something, we can be really boring. What is the best way to make someone take an interest?

Make a list of some of the things which have happened to you that really made you angry. Imagine they have all happened today. Tell your friend about them. Use the Topical Vocabulary.

6. You have been asked to give a talk to all the students in the school about the meaning of feelings and the propriety of their public expression. The maga­zines and brochures you wanted haven't arrived. The talk begins in ten minutes. You haven't prepared it well enough. You can't get out of it now. Tell your friend.

7. There are different degrees of anger and different ways of showing it. Read the following text and comment on it:

If we could listen in on classrooms without being seen, we would hear many kinds of anger being expressed by teachers. One teacher frequently screams and yells at her children. Another furi­ously bangs on his desk. A third teacher throws an eraser across the room. Another sarcastically insults a child. One teacher grabs a child furiously and shakes him. One teacher slaps a child; anoth­er raps children on the knucles. Many angry threats are heard: "I'll show you who 'is the boss'. Don't talk to me that way." One teacher is furiously tearing up papers, another charges back and forth across the front of the room, letting off steam.

8. The teacher can't but react emotionally to what is happening in class. Read the following text and comment on the feelings involved:

I've had to learn how free I could be. That's the hardest thing for a new teacher. At first everybody worked. I thought, man, this is neat— everybody does what they're told. Then I thought, what a bore. It's no fun. And I got a little too free. Now I know they can sense when I start setting my jaw even before I know I'm doing it. They know where to settle it down. The hardest thing for me was to learn how to balance teacher control and class freedom.

9. We cannot always be bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of de­pression or sadness. It's been one of those days — tell your friend about these evSnts which have made you feel really depressed:

1. You've lost your purse. 2. You've got to buy a present. 3. You got very wet in the rain because you left your umbrella at home. 4. You've got an exam tomorrow and you're going to fail. 5. You've just had a row with your girlfriend (or boyfriend).


10. Have a close look at this cartoon by Bidstrupp. How do different people react to one and the same incident? What type of temperament does their reac­tion reveal?


11. Very often an expression of anger on the part of children is met by pun­ishment from parents and teachers. Enlarge on the humour of the cartoon.

'I'll teach you to hit other children.


12. Read the following dialogues. Observe the WAY PEOPLE TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS:

— What's the matter? You don't look well.

I'm rather worried.

— What about?

— My exam.

Oh! Is that all?

I feel very nervous.

Don't worry about it. Try to look on the bright side of

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 679. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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