Electrical hazards
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has investigated several work–related electrocution deaths following natural disasters. To prevent future electrocutions, NIOSH urges those involved in cleanup activities to take the following steps: · if water has been present anywhere near electrical circuits and electrical equipment, turn off the power at the main breaker or fire on the service panel. Do not turn the power back on until electrical equipment has been inspected by a qualified electrician. Never enter flooded areas or touch electrical equipment if the ground is wet, unless you are certain that the power is off. Never handle a downed power line. · when using gasoline and diesel generators to supply power to a building, switch the main breaker or fuse on the service panel to the “off” position prior to starting the generator. This will prevent inadvertent energization of power lines from backfeed electrical energy from the generators, and help to protect utility line workers from possible electrocution. · if clearing or other work must be performed near a downed power line, contact the utility company to discuss de-energizing and grounding or shielding the power lines. Extreme caution is necessary when moving ladders and other equipment near overhead power lines to avoid inadvertent contact. If you are working on or near power lines, it is necessary to take into account that workers and employers must take extreme caution while attempting to restore power or clear areas near downed power lines. In one instance, a worker lost his life following Hurricane Hugo after removing trees from de-energized power line that had been knocked down by storm. While inspecting the completed work, the man stepped on the line and was electrocuted by “feedback” energy from a portable backup generator at a nearby gas station. Feedback energy occurs when a de-energized line becomes energized by a secondary power source. A year later, another worker died cleaning branches from a power line, following a tropical storm. He was electrocuted after falling from a tree onto a line thought to be de-energized. Although the workers had opened a fused switch on a transformer, the line remained energized through another transformer. Grammar study: Participle I Одной из функций причастия настоящего времени является обстоятельство времени (с союзами when, while). В этой функции причастие I переводится на русский язык: 1) фразой со словом «при»; 2) фразой со словом «будучи»; 3) деепричастием. Союз при переводе опускается. Sample: When fulfilling rescue works it is necessary to observe extreme caution. – При выполнении спасательных работ необходимо соблюдать чрезвычайную осторожность. Exercise 2 . Translate Participle I in the sentences: 1. Extreme caution is necessary when moving ladders and other equipment. 2. The employers must take extreme caution while attempting to restore power near downed power lines. 3. When using gasoline and diesel generators, switch the main breaker on the service panel to the “off”. 4. While inspecting the completed work, one man was electrocuted by “feedback” energy from a backup generator.
Exercise 3 . Define the form of the –ing words and translate them into Russian: … prior to starting the generator; … if cleaning or other work…; … to discuss de-energizing and grounding or shielding;
Exercise 4 . Insert the proper words into the sentences: 1. It is dangerous if water has been present anywhere near (электрическая цепь). 2. Switching the breaker off can prevent (непреднамеренный) energization of power lines. 3. Those involved in cleanup works can be subject to (поражение током). 4. When working in downed power lines areas, the first task is to (изолировать) them. 5. As a rule, the electrical (бедствия) are the result of (ураган) and (наводнение). 6. (Обесточенный) line can be (неумышленно) energized by a secondary power source. 7. A man can be (поражать электротоком) when working in wet conditions and (необесточенной силовой линии).
Exercise 5 . Translate into English: 1. Тем, кто занят расчисткой зоны бедствия, следует соблюдать осторожность, работая с электричеством. 2. Не следует включать энергию, пока не будет проверено электрооборудование. 3. Не входите в затопленную зону, пока не будет отключена подача энергии. 4. Если вы не уверены, что энергия отключена, не работайте с поврежденной линией. 5. Перед началом работ в разрушенной зоне необходимо удостовериться в обесточивании, заземлении или изоляции электрических коммуникаций. 6. При восстановлении силовых линий следует соблюдать правила техники безопасности. 7. Следует помнить, что влага и контакт с проводами под напряжением опасны для жизни.
Exercise 6. Read the additional text and translate it with the help of the words given below: