Section V. Grammar: Forms of Participle I
Grammar: Forms of Participle I. Word-formation: Suffixes –able, -ible. Speaking: The notion of noise.
Learn the pronunciation and meaning of the words:
Vocabulary development: word building: Exercise 1 . Translate the original and derivative words:
Text Noise The notion “noise” can be defined as any loud and unpleasant sound, especially confused or disagreeable. Noise may be scientifically – based or life – conditioned. The former refers to as any factor in the communication process that interferes with exchanging messages and achieving common meaning. Noise can range from interruptions while the sender is encoding a message being transmitted to fatigue on the part of receiver while decoding takes place. Thus, noise can occur during any stage of the communication process. The other noise natural sources are thunderstorms and lightnings. Thunderstorms are considered to be electromagnetically noisy environments. Lightning, in particular, emits large amounts of radio-frequency noise, causing the familiar crackle on AM radios many kilometers away. In ordinary life noise is all around us and usually we do not notice it. But sometimes it gets too loud for comfort. The noise of traffic in cities, of motorways through the country, of aeroplanes makes life not so pleasant for thousands of people. Loud music is not just unpleasant, it can make people ill. Some people become very nervous and upset because of all these noises. They may have to take drugs to keep calm and get asleep at night. Noise may be of production origin and people who are exposed to loud noises during productive process all the time run the risk of going deaf. It is necessary to become aware of the threats to our environment. Although noise is not a chemical and cannot be seen, it is a kind of pollution, because it is harmful to the health.
Grammar study: Forms Participle I
Причастие настоящего времени имеет две залоговые и две видовые (временные) формы. На примере глагола из текста to transmit эти формы образуются следующим образом:
Exercise 2 . Define the form and function of the –ing words in the text: exchanging, achieving, meaning, encoding, being transmitted, decoding, lightning, causing.
Exercise 3 . Translate Participle II in the word combinations: defined notion, confused sound, scientifically – based noise, life – conditioned noise, emitted light, caused crackle, noticed fatigue, transmitted message.
Exercise 4 . Insert the proper words into the sentences:
1. (Производственно обоснованный шум) refers to any factors in the communication process. 2. (Понятие шум) can be defined as any loud and unpleasant sound. 3. Noise can (случиться) during any stage of the communication process. 4. The other noise natural sources are (гроза) and (молния). 5. Lightning can (вызывать) (щелчки) on radio-sets. 6. Many people become (расстроенный) because of the noise. 7. Some people (подвергаться) to loud production noises and their (здоровье) is becoming worse. 8. Noise is considered to be (вредный) to the people’s health.
Exercise 5 . Translate into English: 1. Шум считается одним из видов загрязнения окружающей среды. 2. Шум от транспорта, самолетов, громкой музыки выводит людей из равновесия. 3. Беспорядочный шум является неприятным для людей. 4. Источником шума могут быть аппараты, передающие сообщения. 5. Природным источником шума является гром. 6. Молния, излучающая радиочастотные помехи (шум) вызывает треск в приборах. 7. Громкий шум является неприятным и вредным для здоровья, так как он создает дискомфорт и расстраивает людей. 8. Некоторые люди подвергаются воздействию громкого шума на производстве, где работают различные приборы и станки. 9. Следует признать шум как угрозу окружающей среде.