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1. Define the function of the Infinitive in the sentences below:


1) President Medvedev raced between panels and podiums to make the case that change in Russia is afoot.

2) Plans to exempt investors from long-term capital gains taxes were first presented by the Finance Ministry in March.

3) The state should not tear apples from the tree of economics.

4) What it should do is help to grow our apple orchard, to develop our economic environment.

5) The country now needs new approaches to solve its heavy dependence on natural resources.

6) The death of the adopted Russian boy in the US will add determination to efforts to reach

a U.S.-Russian agreement on adoptions.

7) The criminal made no attempt to escape.

8) The villagers put up three circles of barricades to stop attackers.

9) Freelancers tend to be workaholics and care about job stability less than the average Russians.

10) The tunnel will help to increase the traffic flow of the Volga-Baltiisky route.

11) To make errors is human.


2. Replace the clauses with the Infinitive:


1) The secretary brought the papers that will be looked through.

2) The problems that will be discussed are vital for our work.

3) The decision which must be made is hardly an easy one.

4) This was a lucky chance that couldn't be missed.

5) There are the measures that must be urgently taken.

6) Here are some suggestions that must be discussed.

7) The people that will be invited to the conference will receive special invitations.

8) This is the issue that will be debated in the Parliament.

9) He has spoken about the new legislation which will be introduced.


3. Define the functions of the Infinitive. Translate into Russian:

1) Their intention is to collect funds to fight the disease.

2) The lawyer's advice was to talk as little as possible.

3) The right solution is to hold an open discussion between the parties concerned.

4) He was too excited to explain his position clearly.

5) The manage is experienced enough to solve any problem.

6) Their mutual respect was deep enough to encourage them for future cooperation.

7) The purpose of education is to encourage people to be individuals/

8) The man got a job to earn money to provide for the family.

9) His desire was to make a career in politics.

10) The task of the City Council is to improve the standards of living.


4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Infinitive form (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect или Perfect Continuous):


1) I hate (to bother) you but can you help me with this problem?

2) I appear (to work) for the company for many years.

3) She pretended (to read) and (to hear) my words

4) He pledged (to keep) his promises in future.

5) I am sorry (not to come up) with this idea earlier.

6) The USA claim (to defend) democracy.

7) The suspect hopes (acquit) in the end.

8) The talks seem (to come) to an end.

9) The relations between the two countries appear (to reach) the lowest point.

10) There was no time (to spare).


5. Put the verbs in brackets in the Infinitive form:


1) I am afraid it will be his destiny (throw out) in the street.

2) His answers became increasingly brief, he hardly seemed (listen) any more.

3) I liked in them the things they didn’t want (like) for.

4) The old man began to confess he was a fool (spend) so much of his life in the city, (leave) himself so little time to enjoy this.

5) Well, there were worse types of human being. I might almost claim (be) one myself, long ago.

6) This time Jane didn’t wait (attack).

7) She sprang up from the armchair in which she appeared (doze).

8) He is said (injure) in a car accident.

9) She was thought (shop) in Regent Street.

10) I am very sorry (involve) you in this.


6. Write the appropriate form of the Infinitive (Full Infinitive or Bare Infinitive):


1) She made me (wait) for half an hour.

2) She didn’t dare (argue) with the boss.

3) How dare you (come) gatecrashing like this!

4) She might have had her objections, but she dared not (say) a word.

5) The student was made (revise) the Infinitive structures.

6) I used (live) here when I was a child.

7) I’d like you (join) us.

8) I think we should (start) early in the morning. It may (become) hot later.

9) You need not (answer) today. You can (think) for a day or two.

10) Will you help me (write) the report?

11) I’d rather not (go) to the lecture. I have a headache.

12) If you don’t remember spelling the word, you’d better (look) it in the dictionary.

13) Her parents wanted her (learn) two languages.

14) The burglars had the old lady (show) them where she kept her money.

15) The earthquake measured only two. There was no damage done. I just felt mu house (shake)

16) As he had lost his key there was nothing (do) but (break) the door open.

17) Would you rather (stay) at home or (join) them?

18) You had better (put) the money in a bank than (keep) it in a tea-pot.

19) She did not as much as (open) the letter, let alone (answer) it.

20) I need (help) my mother. She can’t (do) it herself.

21). Do you need (see) the boss today? – Yes, I had better (do) it. There is some urgent business (discuss).

22) He is a very dependable man. I have never known him (let) anybody down.

23) We heard the door (creak) and saw a shadow (steal) into the room.

24) She was heard (say) that she always voted Labor.

25) She had the maid (bring) some tea.

26) Why not (enjoy) the evening at home?

27) She does nothing but (find) fault with everybody around her.

28) I asked why it was necessary (take) tablets?

29) I advised him (ask) a passer-by where (turn) to get to Regent Street.

30) Rather than (argue) for hours why don’t you (look) in a reference book?



7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Ing-form or the Infinitive:


1) The accused deny (do) anything wrong.

2) You'd better not bother them - they seem (work).

3) He pretends (earn) a lot of money but in fact his position is very miserable.

4) He must (work) outdoors when I rang him up.

5) She hoped (give) a promotion, but someone else got it.

6) I heard car breaks (screech) and people (shout) in the street.

7) They leave Angola (live) in Western Europe.

8) I think you'd better (change) the manager.

9) He went talking without (stop).

10) He claims (meet) many famous people.



8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Ing-form or the Infinitive:

1) Yukie is considered by many (be) the finest employee in our company.

2) I meant (tell) you I would be out, but I forgot.

3) We offered (help) him with the task, but he said he (manage) on his own.

4) Are you still tired? Or do you fell (go on) with editing the report?

5) This job involved (deal with) lots of people and (travel) to far-flung places – so I decided (quit) it.

6) It’s no use (call) Jim – his phone is out of order.

7) He resents (treat) like a junior member of the team.

8) She happens (meet) the man before – so she knows how (deal with) him.

9) Sorry, I’m late. I had to stop (pick up) Jane on the way from the airport.

10) We encouraged them (tell) us about the way they reorganized their company.


9. Translate from Russian into English:


1. Наш учитель решил предоставить нам свободу действий.

2. Как ты смеешь морочить мне голову?

3. Он слишком умен, чтобы рисковать головой.

4. Ситуация, похоже, вышла из-под контроля.

5. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы не совали нос в чужие дела.

6.Он был первым, кто отрыто высказался против создания атомной бомбы.

7. Этот опыт слишком болезнен, чтобы так просто исчезнуть из людской памяти.

8. Общественность намерена заставить правительство сдержать свои обещания.

9. Некоторые чиновники легко нарушают свои обещания. Все их обещания – пустословие.

10. Как ты сумел уговорить его? Ты, наверное, его подкупил!

11. По правде говоря, мне трудно принять правду.

12. Ты все неверно понял! Я не хотел тебя обидеть!

13. Ты не мог бы помочь мне последить за работой машины?

14. Я обещаю держать за вас кулаки, когда вы будете писать конкурсное сочинение.

15. Если они откажутся принять жесткие меры против коррупции, они проиграют следующие выборы.

16. Ваш перевод оставляет желать лучшего. – Я обещаю его исправить.

17. Я вконец вымотан. Я бы хотел отправиться на боковую

18. То что он так холодно обошелся с ней – непростительно.

19. Мы обещаем, что постараемся оставить оппозицию позади.

20. Начнем с того, что ваши последние публичные выступления открыто противоречат тому, что вы говорили раньше. Прежде вы защищали демократию – теперь вы пошли на уступки консерваторам.

21. Когда я сказал ему, что мы будем поддерживать его конкурента, он вышел из себя.

22. Почему вы призываете к протестам? Сами-то хорошо устроились – машины, дачи, фирмы, счета за границей – в затруднительном положении окажутся другие, не вы!

23. Это дело легче легкого! Я бы хотел получить что-то более трудное для перевода.

24. Он всегда поддерживает тех, кто у власти – с поправкой в ту или иную сторону.

25. Это говорит о том, что средства массовой информации пытаются преуменьшить масштаб катастрофы.

26. Обсуждать с ним эту проблему – напрасный труд.

27. Попридержи язык за зубами. Ты слишком молод, чтобы негодовать по поводу действий политиков.

28. Правительство сделало крутой поворот – оно решило молчать о последствиях этих событий.

29. Начнем с того, что ваш перевод сделан наспех. Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы усилили работу над грамматикой и словарным запасом.

30. Он слишком глуп, чтобы занимать эту должность. Он то и дело ляпает что попало.

31. Босс сегодня явно не в духе. Вчера он подвергся критике со стороны собственных подчиненных.

32. Я сказал это наугад. И, как оказалось, попал в цель. Лучше бы я молчал как рыба.

33. Я обещаю, что буду придерживаться той линии, которую отстаивал на протяжении последних месяцев.

34. Я отказываюсь молчать о фактах коррупции среди руководителей высшего звена.

35. Правительство полно решимости принять жесткие меры по отношению к взяточникам.

36. Последние реформы, как оказалось, привели к свержению правительства.

37. Мы хотим, чтобы все наши сотрудники имели возможность открыто высказывать свое мнение о работе компании.

38. Представители нашего избирательного округа негодовали по поводу последнего решения мэра.


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