Much, many, few, little, a lot, a few, a little
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian 1. The assistant doctor reads English very much 2. How many questions does your teacher ask at the lesson of Pharmacology? 3. How much does this set of instruments cost? 4. Patients in case of cardio-vascular insufficiency receive many administrations (orders) at out-patient department 5. The patient in hepatitis will be admitted to in-patient department in few hours 6. Does this nurse usually do much or little work? 7. As he had little time last week, he couldn’t come to the ophthalmologist 8. He reads little, that is why he knows few special terms 9. Last month we learned few Latin words and as a result got bad marks 10. There are a lot of valuable manuals and medical journals at our library 11. He has a little free time today and he will come to the dentist 12. He knows French a little and can translate this report 13. He learned a few terms and can understand a summary Exercise 2. Put much, many 1. The traumatologist advised the patient not to walk … 2. There is … fresh air in this ward. 3. There are too … people at the library now. I’ll come here tomorrow. 4. Did you have … work to do last classes? 5. How … time a day do you work at your English? 6. My fellow-student brought me … necessary reports to read. Exercise 3. Translate into English, using much/many 1. Викладач використовує багато крейди на заняттях з іноземної мови. 2. Було використано велику кількість шматків крейди. 3. Для отримання теоретичних знань треба провести багато часу в бібліотеці 4. У дільничного терапевта велика кількість викликів на дім після годин відвідування в поліклініці. 5. Для життя необхідно багато води і сонця. 6. Ангіна і скарлатина мають велику кількість спільних ознак.
Exercise 4. Put little, few 1. Did you read … in your childhood 2. Let him think … before answer 3. Unfortunately she attended … lectures last year due to the ulcer 4. Please, give me … money 5. We spent … days at home, and than came back to the hostel 6. There are … mistakes in your control test in Biology 7. You know German … try to translate this sentence. It's not difficult at all
Exercise 5. Translate into English 1. На прошлому тины у нього було мало вільного часу. 2. Сьогодні у неї є трохи вільного часу. 3. Він мало читає, тому й знає мало іноземних слів. 4. Студенти трохи знають латинь та можуть перекладати призначення лікаря. 5. Іноземні студенти 1 курсу трохи розуміють російську мову. 6. Щоб прийняти участь у конференції кращі студенти готують декілька докладів. 7. У нас дуже мало паперу щоб надрукувати це наукове дослідження. 8. Студенти все ще перекладають мало медичних статей.
Exercise 6. Put much, many, little, few 1. We are always asked … questions 2. Medical students read … special literature 3. During summer holidays they are going to work … as nurses 4. Let him to think … before retelling the main inform 5. Future doctor must spend … time at the Anatomical hall and library 6. Medical sciences require … abilities and real calling-for Exercise 7. Translate into English (Revision) 1. Вчені провели велику кількість експериментів з виявлення збудників грипу. 2. Під час епідемії в аптеках було мало антивірусних і антибактеріальних засобів. 3. На столі лежать декілька історій хвороб. 4. Зараз в бібліотеці надто велика кількість людей, я прийду сюди завтра. 5. В тій палаті мало свіжого повітря і світла. 6. Студенти повинні багато читати, щоб отримати глибокі знання.
Exercise 8. Insert some, any or their derivatives. 1. …. stole … money from the cashbox this morning. 2. Has … already sent for an ambulance? 3. Though it was wet after the rain, …. slipped and got … fractures. 4. The surgical operation can’t be done by …. Only a surgeon can do it. 5. He is ill with bronchitis, so he must take … medicine. 6. Can you give me … information about the research you make? 7. This is a No Parking area. … who parks their cars here will have to pay a fine. 8. Has … direct contact with a patient suffering from an infectious disease? 9. In order to catch a flue, you should make … vaccination. 10. - Where is Dr. Brown? - He is operating … for an acute appendicitis.
“To BE”
Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1. You are right. 2. He is busy. 3. She is late. 4. I will be at home in the evening. 5. I am often late. 6. They will be free in 2 hours. 7. The house was long and dark. 8. The man is young and strong. 9. Sometimes we are free on Saturday. 10. He was busy in the morning. 11. The room is light. 12. We were cold. 13. She will be at home at 3 o’clock. 14. They were busy yesterday. 15. Are you free?
Exercise 2. Translate into English: 1. Квартира темная. 2. Он сильный 3. Мне жарко. 4. Ей холодно. 5. Вы правы. 6. Я сегодня занят. 7. Вы опоздали. 8. Стол длинный. 9. Девочка слаба. 10. Пол темно-коричневого цвета. 11. Они будут свободны в 3 часа. 12. Мы были заняты в 10 часов утра. 13. Через 2 часа он освободится. 14. Мальчику 10 лет. 15. Мужчина невысокий.
Exercise 3. Insert the right form of the verb “to be”: 1. They... in Kiev last week. 2. He... ill two weeks ago. 3. Diamonds... not cheap. 4. Where... my key? 5. She... 23 when she got married (вышла замуж). 6. They... in clinic yesterday. 7.... you in the Crimea last year? 8. He... not at home at 3 p.m. 9. She... an active student. 10. I... at home last Sunday. 11.... those men friends? 12. John... afraid of dogs. 13. It's 10 o'clock. You... late. 14. Next year he … 25. 15. They... here 2 hours ago.
Exercise 4. Translate into English: 1. Я буду дома через 3 часа. 2. Он будет завтра занят. 3. Они будут дома через 3 дня. 4. Дети опоздают на концерт. 5. Завтра мы будем рано. 6. Иногда я свободен утром. 7. Я часто занят вечером. 8. Мужчина молодой и сильный. 9. Сегодня она дома. 10. Мы очень замерзли.
Exercise 5. Translate into English: 1. Вчера я был свободен. 2. Утром она пришла (была) рано. 3. Вы были правы. 4. Дети были свободны в январе. 5. Летом я была в Польше. 6. Зимой дни короткие. 7. Летом дни длинные, а ночи короткие. 8. Женщина не слабая. 9. Она не свободна. 10. Квартира не светлая.
“THERE + to BE”
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: 1. There is a table in the corner of the room. 2. There are some students in the corridor. 3. There were some little mice on the floor. 4. There was a plate on the shelf. 5. There will be much snow this year. 6. Are there many flowers in your garden? 7. There is little sand on the beach. 8. There was much paper on her desk.
Exercise 2. Insert correct forms of the verb “to be”. 1. There... many people in the street. 2. There... much water in the ditch. 3. There... little ink in my pen. 4. There... few boys on the playground. 5. There... many birds on the tree. 6. There... little milk in the bottle. 7. There... only a few desks in the classroom. 8. There... so much fresh air here! 9. There... little grass in his garden. 10. There... many children on the ice.
Exercise 3. Translate into English: 1. В соседней (next) комнате мои родители. 2. У окна свободное (vacant) кресло. 3. В вашем стакане есть вино (wine)? 4. В этом доме несколько кошек. 5. Нет времени для игры в теннис.