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To give - to have given

To form, to fill in, to investigate, to reduce, to cause, to make, to get, to tell, to know, to take, to keep, to find, to cut, to rise, to spread, to divide, to compose, to call, to revealto teach, to undergo, to write, to visit, to carry out, to measure, to examine, to occur, to arise, to appear, to produce, to diminish, to eliminate, to extract, to give.


EXERCISE 3. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the predicate and italicized expressions. Define the Tense. Make them negative and interrogative.

Model:He had written a letter yesterday by 2 o’clock.

He had not written a letter yesterday by 2 o’clock.

Had he written a letter yesterday by 2 o’clock?


Ø The internist had been examining the patient for half an hour when you came.

Ø The internist had not been examining the patient for half an hour when you came.

Ø Had the internist been examining the patient for half an hour when you came?

A. 1. The patient had been making a slow recover for a month by that time.

2. The doctor had examined the patient before we came.

3. We had been investigating that case for three weeks by the end of the year.

4. He had filled in the case history by 2 o’clock.

5. The patient had been coughing for a month by the time he was admitted to the hospital.

6. My mother had been suffering from a severe pain in the substernal area for three months before she was hospitalized.

7. The patient had restored his health by that time.

8. I had been waiting for findings of my blood analysis for an hour when my doctor came.

9. The dry rales had been disappearing during two weeks by that time.

10. We were said that the professor had already published his book on the functions of the pancreas.


B. 1. The doctor said that brinerdin had been absorbing very slowly.

2. The renal function had been monitoring for a month before the patient was admitted to the hospital.

3. We were said that the scientist had determined the weight of atom.

4. It was reported that the patient had been taking antibiotics for a long time.

5. The professor had developed some new methods of analysis by that time.

6. The patient stated that her body weight had been decreasing for at least two months.

7. They had limited a high chronic toxicity and its concentration in food and drink when the analysis was made.

8. The patient’s vision had been steadily worsening before he consulted a doctor.

9. The patient told that he had been taking antidepressants for a long time due to his nervous problems.

10. We were said that the patient had well tolerated a new remedy.


C. 1. When we came the dentist had been removing the injured part of the pulp tissue.

2. We were said that the dentist had extracted a decayed tooth immediately.

3. Before extraction of an infected apex and the surrounding alveolar abscess the patient had been taking antibiotics for a long period.

4. The patient declared that to avoid advanced caries he had been following a special diet for a month.

5. By that time the dental students had studied the main methods of examination of the oral cavity in children.

6. When I came my daughter had not been sleeping because of a severe toothache.

7. The dentist had given his instruction on the care of dentures before they were inserted.

8. When the nurse came the dentist had been trying to arrest profuse bleeding of the gums.

9. The dentist had been applying sodium fluoride gel to the teeth with a special impression tray before they were polished.

10. The dentist said that the patient had used hydrogen peroxide mouth-washes to help keep the mouth clean.


EXERCISE 4. Turn the following into the Past Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Active. Add other words indicating a past moment.

1. The doctors have already examined the patients.

2. The patient has been complaining of a considerable muscular pain for some days.

3. The professor has been delivering the lecture for half an hour.

4. The student has been heating hydrogen in the tube for some minutes.

5. The nurse has been giving the injection for five minutes.

6. The nurse has just given intravenous injection.

7. They have been working at the laboratory for two years.

8. The dentist has been examining the gingival for some minutes.

9. The patients have been receiving the injections of streptomycin for several days.

10. The doctor has just discharged the patient from the hospital.


EXERCISE 5. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, Past Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Active.

1. It was reported that a high standard of living (to reduce) the disease incidence.

2. The patient (to complain) of a definite sense of numbness on the left side of the body for some time before the admission to the hospital.

3. My friend (to live) in Odesa for a month when I came there.

4. A progress in controlling tuberculosis (to make) it possible to eradicate the disease by that time.

5. In addition the patient (to receive) streptomycin twice daily during a period of 8 days before the surgery.

6. The researcher (to investigate) the origin of the inflammation for about a week before he drew a definite conclusion.

7. During the examination the patient declared that he (to have) nephritis four year before.

8. Some symptoms of the vascular impairment of the brain (to develop) gradually for some time before they became clearly marked.

9. The patient (to receive) 1 gr of that drug every six hours for the following 10 days when he began to feel better.

10. The patient said that the pain in his back (to subside).

11. To improve the patient’s sleep and the condition of his nervous system he (to take) bromide during the whole the course of the disease until his discharge from the hospital.

12. The girl (to cough) for a week before she came to the clinic.


EXERCISE 6. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. When we came the child had been sleeping.

2. Her case history stated that she had been suffering from diarrhea for a long time.

3. The nurse reported that the temperature of the patient (to subside) in the morning.

4. I had been talking with your doctor for half an hour before you came.

5. She had been complaining of pain in the left shoulder, arm and lower extremity before she was hospitalized.

6. Before the patient was admitted to the hospital he had suffer red from a sudden severe abdominal pain.

7. We were said that in spite of the patient’s much better condition he had been attending the follow-up department though no special remedies were added.

8. Anemia improved and blood protein reached normal degree when plasma transfusion had been made.

9. After the patient had been sleeping for two hours he felt much better.

10. Although she had been receiving injections of nicotine acid for several days she had showed little improvement.

11. The past history of this patient stated that he had been suffering from heart deficiency for many years.


EXERCISE 7. Translate into English using Past Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Active.

1. Кардіолог обстежував пацієнта уже пів години, коли ми прийшли.

2. Лікування визвало помітний ефект на стан здоров’я пацієнта до кінця неділі.

3. Мій брат знаходився в лікарні вже місяці, коли мені про це розповіли.

4. Коли медсестра ввійшла в палату, пацієнт спав.

5. Після того, як пацієнт прийняв ліки, він спав на протязі декількох годин.

6. Пацієнт повідомив лікаря, що він відчув себе на багато краще після вчорашньої процедури.

7. Пацієнт стверджував, що він страждав від сильного кашлю з гнійною мокротою близько місяця.

8. До того час, студент працював над своєю статтею вже місяць.

9. Дитина кашляла дві неділі, перед тим, як її обстежив лікар.

10. Пацієнт розповів лікарю, що він страждав від сильного болю в області серця декілька місяців.

11. Пацієнт ніколи не відчував такого сильного болю в груддях до цього часу.

12. Хворий розповів, що, у зв’язку з гострим запаленням шлунку, він дотримувався строгої дієти на протязі місяця.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 576. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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