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Exercise 1. a) Translate into Russian:

b) make questions to the underlined words and phrases:

1. I will hospitalize you as soon as we have a vacant bed.

2. Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells and nerve fibers.

3. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly.

4. The surgeon on duty has arrested a profuse abdominal bleeding.

5. She had an attack of pain behind the breastbone last night.

6. In front teeth fillings restore the normal appearance.

7. The doctor is deciding what filling material to use.

8. All food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

9. Anesthesia produced an adverse reaction in this patient.

10. Refined carbohydrate is the cause of caries.


Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the correct form of the verb:

1. They (to work) hard at that problem for the whole year.

1. Latin (to be) a dead language now, but it (to be) an international language many centuries ago.

2. The Metric system (to be) a system of measures and weights which (to be) first adopted in France.

3. Renaissance (to mean) “a new birth”. Thus we (to call) the time of great revival of art which (to cover) the 15th and 16th centuries.

4. Many centuries ago Cyprus (to be) famous for its copper. The word “copper” (to originate) from ”cuperus” that (to come) from Cyprus.

5. “You ever (to be) to pathologic-anatomic museum of Medical University?” “ Yes, I (to be) there once and the exhibits (to make) a great impression on me. Since then I (not to be) there.”

8. The Egyptian civilization (to be) the oldest which left us art. It (to begin) about 5 thousand years ago.

9. I (to see) a light in your window when I (pass).


Exercise 3. Put the verb into the correct form:

1. Whom … the doctor … at the hospital every day? (treat)

2. What … you … now? (study)

3. What … the surgeon already …? (transfuse)

4. What … the surgeon … for two hours? (perform)

5. What … the lecturer … yesterday at 3 o’clock? (report on)

6. What … you … to do before you saw me? (decide)

7. What … the nurse … for an hour before the surgeon began the operation? (sterilize)

8. What … you … tomorrow at 6 o’clock? (do)

9. What … you … tomorrow? (take part in)

10. How many patients … the doctor … tomorrow by 5 p.m.? (hospitalize)


Exercise 4. Put verbs from brackets in a proper tense and translate them:

1. My mother (почуватися) worse yesterday.

2. The doctor (виписати) just my mother from the hospital.

3. Senior students (не відвідувати) lectures in Anatomy.

4. Next year we (слухати) to the lectures in Therapy.

5. We didn’t see the dean because he (читати) a lecture.

6. A little girl (лежати) in bed because she (страждала) from flu.

7. George (допомагати) the nurse in the hospital.

8. He knew that I (навчатися) at the Medical University for 2 years.

9. After the patient (страждати) profuse external bleeding, he (розвиватися) severe anemia.

10. As soon as all analysis (бути готовими) the doctor (поставити) the diagnosis.


Exercise 5. Put verbs in a proper form and translate the text.

Allen is a little disaster

Allen Davies is only 5, but already everybody in his surrounding understood that he is a little disaster. He already (to crack) his head, falling into an empty swimming pool, (to chop off) the end of his finger with a knife and (to poison) by drinking half a bottle of antiseptic.

Each time another disaster (to strike) to Allen, he (to take) to the Children’s Hospital where he (to be) such a regular visitor he believes the nurses (to be) the members of his family. Allen’s grateful father just (to buy) a neonatal monitor to measure babies’ breathing and temperature.

His mother Margaret said:” It started when little Allen was 1 year old. He (to fall) over and (to cut) himself and (to put) stitches in his forehead. Since then he (no to stop). He (to take) to hospital at least 10 times. His latest accident was when he (to chop) the end of his finger off with a knife and (to sew) it back. Surgeons at the hospital (to suture) his head when he (to plunge) head along into the pool.

Allen’s brothers Robert, 15 years old, and Lee, 13 years old also had a lot of accidents. Robert (to tear) some ligaments on skiing holiday and (to slip) off his crutches, breaking his ankle a few days later. Lee (to injure) his neck when he (to do) a motorbike stunt.


Exercise 6. Circle the correct forms in the following sentences.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 818. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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