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Has the operation been completed?

1. The patient has just been operated on by the surgeon.

2. Yesterday the patient had been operated on by the surgeon by 2 o’clock.

3. The patient had been operated on by the surgeon when I came.

4. Tomorrow the patient will have been operated on by the surgeon by 2 o’clock.

5. The patient will have been operated on by the surgeon before you come.

EXERCISE 3. Pay attention to the using of Adverbs in the bold type in Perfect Passive Tense:

1. I have never been admitted to take medicines myself.

2. The patient has already been restored his health.

3. Have you ever been operated on?

4. A new book has just been published by professor Nikitin on the functions of the pancreas.

5. The doctor has not been sent yet. Do it immediately.

6. The functions of the heart have been studied by our physiologists lately.

EXERCISE 4. Say the following sentences in the Past and Future Perfect Passive.

A. 1. The work has been completed.

2. The important findings have been proved.

3. The number of leucocytes has been counted.

4. A female patient has been transferred to the hospital.

5. The new methods of research have been included into my work.

6. The course of treatment has been prolonged.

7. The structure of the pancreas has been described in the new book.

8. The processes of inhibition in the cortex of the experimental animals have been described after the observation.


B. 1. Acrylic dental prostheses have been used in many cases of dental practice.

2. Prolonged treatment has been followed by the patient with chronic suppurative pulpitis.

3. Occlusion has been corrected as the patient feels discomfort in chewing.

4. The patient has been directed to the nearest dental clinic for rendering first urgent aid.

5. The examination with instrument has been preceded by a through general inspection of the face, neck and mouth and the affected areas in detail.

6. The examination has been conducted with the simplest aids, a good light, a mirror, probes and carrying forceps for cotton wool.


C. 1. The wound has been cleansed by the surgeon and antibiotics have been introduces in it.

2. Penicillin has been found in the mold Penicilliun notatum.

3. Other drugs have been used as the patient is sensitive to penicillin.

4. As the home treatment is ineffective the patient has been hospitalized.

5. Whenever it is possible sulfonamides have been used.

6. As the patient can not retain the drug by the mouth it has been administered intravenously.

7. Penicillin treatment has been prescribed by the doctor after making a diagnosis.

8. Acute poisoning has been caused by the over dosage of a strong effective drug.

EXERCISE 5. Choose the appropriate answer:


Why had the patient’s condition been complicated?

(a). The patient’s condition has been complicated today because he feels pain in the heart area.

(b). The patient’s condition had been complicated because he didn’t receive any treatment last month.

(c).The patient’s condition will have been complicated if he doesn’t receive any treatment by tomorrow.


What has been controlled?

(a). The disease will have been controlled by the beginning of the next week.

(b). The disease had been controlled before the patient was discharged from the hospital.

(c). The disease has already been controlled and the patient is able to start his work.


When will the new book on the physiology respiration have been published?

(a). The new book on the physiology respiration will have been published by the end of the year.

(b). The new book on the physiology respiration had been published by the end of the year.

(c). The new book on the physiology respiration has just been published.


EXERCISE 6. Put the verbs given in brackets in the appropriate tense and voice.


1. The patient already (to treat) by the doctor from pneumonia.

2. We were said, that the direction of the nerve fibers already (to establish) experimentally.

3. Several new medical schools (to found) in our country recently.

4. The exact amount of blood in the experimental animal (to estimate) by next week.

5. I (to treat) at this clinic for acute pneumonia last week.

6. The lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs (to deliver) tomorrow by 2 o’clock.

7. It is in the alveoli that respiratory metabolism (to take).

8. Recently it (to determined), that in the adults the heart makes from 60-72 beats per minute.


1. Dental aid (to render) at the stomatological polyclinic immediately.

2. Before the treatment of the disease, the etiology, pathogenesis as well as the symptom by which it can be revealed, (to determine).

3. A number of different procedures just (to use) to establish a diagnosis.

4. The patient with a severe toothache (to direct) the local dental clinic immediately.

5. The dental students were said, that anodynes (to give) to the patient to forget all about his fears.

6. The patient with the flamed and swollen gums (to recommend) to go to the local dental clinic for the emergency treatment as soon as possible.


1. The patient just (to prescribe) medicines for headache.

2. The doctor supposed that poisoning (to produce) by over dosage of medicines.

3. Good drinking water must (to be) free from toxic salts, disease producing organisms and from harmful contamination.

4. It was observed that tablets (to make) from certain drugs without the addition of auxiliary substances.

5. It already (explain) that ester is the product formed by the reversible reaction between acid and alcohol.

6. It is known that recently the word “pharmacy” (to use) to define the place where medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold.


EXERCISE 8. Put questions to the underlined words.


1. The treatment has just been prolonged as the patient is still complaining of a general weakness.

2. The patient will have been sent to the X-ray examination by the end of the week.

3. The number of red blood cells had been counted before the surgeon began the blood transfusion.

4. The itching has lately been relieved by bathing the child with a small quantity of soda 2-3 times a day.

5. The children had been isolated from the onset of the disease before poliomyelitis occurred.

6. The doctor said that a new baby with whooping cough had been separated from other children for the first 3-4 weeks.


1. Extraction has been avoided by early conservative treatment.

2. We were said, that caries would have been prevented by removal of carbohydrate debris.

3. The pulp is said to have been exposed and the sequence of events describes under inflammation follows.

4. The victim told that after the accident his teeth had been traumatized so severe that they became luxated and even comminuted.

5. As the pulp is still alive a local anesthesia has been given.

6. The canal will have been filled with a zinc oxide and eugenol cement, using a spiral root canal filter.


1. The exact findings of the white blood cell count have been estimated.

2. It was known that the first Russian University had been founded by Lomonosov.

3. The patient said that discomfort in colds, influenza, sore throat have been relieved by Panadol Extra Soluble.

4. The pharmacist explained that ethyl acetate had been prepared by interaction of alcohol and glacia acid in the presence of concentrated sulphuric (сірчана) acid.

5. The patient has been recommended to consult his pharmacist for professional advice on medicines.

6. Louis Pasteur produced the theory that disease and infection had been caused by germs.


EXERCISE 9. Translate into English using Present, Past or Future Perfect Passive.

1. До того часу пацієнту вже видалили верхній лівий моляр.

2. Нам повідомили, що протипоказань не було виявлено.

3. Нас повідомили, що трави зберуть до періоду повного цвітіння.

4. Перед операцією хірург вимив руки спеціальним розчином.

5. Після госпіталізації пацієнту зробили розтин та дренували рану.

6. Для розширення кореневового каналу використали ример.

7. До того часу пацієнта прооперують та назначать відповідне лікування.

8. Після того, як пацієнта прооперували йому назначили протимікробну терапію.

9. Позитивні властивості препарату з’являться після того, як проведуть лікування гострих інфекцій сечових шляхів.

10. ВІЛ спровокував гострий некротичний гінгівіт.

11. Після знеболювання пацієнту видалили зуб.



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