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Exercise I. Open the brackets to form conditional sentences of I, II, III types. Translate the sentences.

E.g. I. If the weather is fine, he will not catch cold. - Якщо погода буде доброю, він не застудиться.

II. If the weather were fine, he would not catch cold. - Якби погода була доброю (сьогодні, завтра), він би не застудився.

III. If the weather had been fine, he would not have caught cold. - Якби погода була доброю (вчора), він би не застудився.

1. If the doctor (to be) in the policlinic, I (to come) to visit him.

2. If you (to be) ill, I (to call in) a doctor.

3. If you (to need) help, I (ring up) to the first aid station.

4. If your friend (to get) into the accident, you (to have) to call in an ambulance.

5. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examination.

6. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the University.

7. If the doctor (to perform) the operation, the patient (to recover) sooner.

8. If the student (not to be) ill, he (to attend) classes in Biochemistry.

9. If we (to receive) his telegram, we (not to worry).

10. If he (to have) more time, he (to study) better.


Exercise 2. Make up the sentences of unreal condition:

a) in present and future; b) in the past.

1. If I am not too busy, I shall attend the lecture in Anatomy.

2. If no one comes to help, students will be obliged to carry out analyses themselves.

3. If you put on your glasses you will see better.

4. Analyses will be important, if he has to undergo the operation.

5. What will the doctor do if the patient has allergy to the medicine?

6. How will a physician evaluate his health, if he hasn’t the findings of the analyses?

7. How will a neurologist make a diagnosis, if he has no data of ophthalmoscopic examination?

8. Will headaches in myocardial infarction be able to arise, if the patient has sufficient brain circulation?

9. Will a complete history be essential, if the patient has frequent headaches?

10. Will a physician be able to make a correct diagnosis, if she has no X-ray examination?


Exercise 3. Write down all possible conditional sentences of the I type using the table. Translate the sentences.

If he (she) falls ill he will not get medical help

loses his diagnosis recover soon

sees her wound go to the doctor

receives his cardiogram lose his consciousness

is made an injection be disturbed


If they need help they will have no caries

want be healthy visit a clinic

clean their teeth go in for sport

take remedies buy drugs

go to a chemist’s recover sooner


Exercise 4. Write down all possible conditional sentences of the II type using the table given below. Translate the sentences.

I wish I were a physician I should defend a thesis

an ophthalmologist discover new drugs

a good doctor treat people

If I were a scientist cure patients of eyes diseases

a pharmacologist do a research work

at the University carry out research work

in the laboratory catch many infectious diseases

in Africa listen to the lecture

in the library take some books

in space make up some analyses


Exercise 5. Write down all possible conditional sentences of the III type using the table given below. Translate them.


I wish I had translated the article I should spoken about drugs

learned Pharmacology have treated people for different diseases

known English got good marks

If I had had more practice in worked abroad


asked you to help me got ill

not come to the lecture done a homework well

not given vaccines in studied better


bought a dictionary worked out it

had more time translated the text

made correct diagnoses saved the patient


Exercise 6. State the type of conditional sentences. Translate them.

1. If you had done X-ray examination you would have revealed benign tumor in the lungs.

2. If the patient is operated on successfully he will be able to work.

3. If my sister’s temperature returned to normal she would undergo the operation.

4. If my mother follows bed regimen for several days she will recover.

5. If the electrocardiogram waves changed after the heart attack the doctor would consider it to be infarction.

6. If the blood group had been determined yesterday transfusion would have been given to the patient.

7. If the infection is serious you will have to take strict preventive measures.

8. If the emergency operation is performed all painful symptoms will be relieved.

9. If profuse abdominal bleeding is stopped danger for the patient’s life will be eradicated.

10. If the physician had expected the tissues of spleen and gallbladder to become involved, he would have performed an operation.


Exercise 7. Open the brackets and make necessary changes according to the given type of conditional sentences (I, II, III). Translate them.

1. If he (to be) at the University tomorrow he (to attend) a lecture in Physiology.– I

2. If a common bile obstruction (to develop), jaundice (to occur).- I

3. If the temperature (to be) extremely high, viruses (not to survive).- I

4. If the surgeon (to be) at the clinic, he (to perform) the operation. – II

5. If you (to take) this drug now, you (to feel) immediate relief. – II

6. The gastric juice (to contain) much mucus, if the examined patient (to have) carcinoma. - II

7. If he (to take) this drug yesterday, he (to feel) an immediate relief. – III

8. If biopsy (to reveal) cancer cells in the lung, the patient (to operate on). – III

9. The patient (not to develop) severe anemia, if he (not to suffer) profuse external bleeding because of bad injury. – III

10. If the doctor (not to insist) on this procedure to be carried out immediately, a severe disease (to occur). – III


Exercise 8. Translate into English parts of the sentences in a proper conditional type.

1. If Anton Leeuwenhock (1632-1723) [liu:enhuk] had not discovered the specific power of lenses, він би не побачив увесь світ мікробів.

2. If the patient’s sclerae were yellow, у нього могла би бути жовтяниця.

3. If the patient were not vaccinated, він був би інфікованим.

4. Хронічний гастрит не був би таким загрозливим для життя, if the patient were not so young.

5. Якщо процес запалення не контролювався би, the symptoms would occur.

6. Якби строга дієта не була би призначена пацієнту, gastric pains would not be controled.

7. If the human had no resistance capacity, навіть непрямий контакт міг призвести до інфекційної хвороби.

8. If all of us had absolute immunity, інфекційні хвороби не розвивалися би у людському організмі.

9. Якби всі праці великого дослідника Пастера розділити на три групи, they would form three great discoveries.

10. If I were you, я призначив би хворому ще один аналіз.


Exercise 9. Choose right variant. Translate the sentences.

1. If he … medical advice he will go to the polyclinic.

a) need b) needed c) needs d) will need

2. If the patient … immediate help, he would be admitted to the emergency room.

a) needed b) need c)needs d) will need

3. The necessary effective treatment would have been advised to this patient if she … severe disease.

a) would have b) had c)had had d) has

4. If the patient... treatment with digitalis preparations, the doctor will administer it to him.

a) needs b) need c) will need d) needed

5. If the extensive health measures were taken, the life span of population ….

a) will increase b) increase c) increases d) would increase

6. If the tongue had been coated the physician … a proper treatment.

a) will administer b) administer c) would administer d)would have administered

7. If the disease is in progress, prostration … marked.

a) becomes b) become c) would become d) will become

8. If the temperature had been accompanied by vomiting, headache and chills, the diagnosis of diphtheria … possible.

a) would be b) had been c) were d) would have been

9. If the condition is extremely dangerous to the patient’s life, an emergency surgery … to relieve it.

a) will perform b) is performed c) will be performed d) had been performed

10. If products of protein, fat and carbohydrate digestion were not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract by the liver, they … further chemical processes.

a) wouldn’t undergo b)would undergo c) will undergo d) underwent


Exercise 10. Make up conditional sentences.

1. He has enough time that’s why he completes his experiment.

2. He is a doctor and he will administer him a diet.

3. The patient follows the administered course of treatment lest an unfavourable reaction will develop.

4. My mother was at home and she called in a doctor immediately.

5. The doctor recommended the patient to take his temperature every day.

6. The surgeon said that this patient would be operated on next week.

7. He fell ill and didn’t attend lectures.

8. I wish him to be present at this operation.

9. It was necessary to the doctor to take the patient’s blood pressure.

10. It was important that the diet was strict in stomach ulcer patients.

Exercise 11. Find necessary form of the verb given below and fill in the gaps.

1. If it is necessary Pr. Smirnov … a lecture.

2. If it is necessary the lecture … by Pr. Smirnov.

3. If the scientist … a number of investigations, he would have to be able to isolate the agents of the disease.

4. If a number of experiments …, the scientist wouldn’t have to be able to isolate the agents of the disease.

5. If the external bleeding had been profuse, the doctor … him to the hospital.

6. If the external bleeding had been profuse, the patient … to the hospital.

7. If the doctor … the operation, the patient condition would begin to improve.

8. If the operation …, the patient’s condition would begin to improve.

9. If I were a doctor, I … him another treatment.

10. If I were a doctor, he … another treatment.

should be administered, should administer; will deliver, will be delivered;
would have sent, would have been sent; hadn’t carried out, hadn’t been carried out;
performed, was performed.


Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. Якби у хворого була жовтяниця, він би мав жовті склери.

2. На вашому місці я би призначив повторне обслідування.

3. Якби хіміотерапію не припинили останнього тижня, пошкодження печінки було би тяжким.

4. Якби значна зовнішня кровотеча не була би припинена, пацієнт би помер.

5. Хвороба розвинулася би,якби пацієнт не дотримувався дієти.

6. Якби медичні інструменти не стерилізували належним чином, ними неможливо було би користуватися.

7. Якби пацієнт був би інфікований харчовою отрутою, він би страждав від гострого болю у шлунку.

8. Якби пацієнт не дотримувався би лікування ще один тиждень, біль у спині з’явилася би знову.

9. Якби резистентність організму до інфекцій була би недостатньою, людина би страждала від численних захворювань.

10. Якби біопсія була би проведена вчасно, лікар встановив би патології структури печінки.

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