Exercise 1*. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to Complex Object. 1. We expect the professor to explain it to us. 2. Everybody knows her to be a good student. 3. The teacher wants the students to remember the rule. 4. He let them finish the work at home. 5. Who made you do it? 6. Nobody can order you to do something illegal. 7. We all know him to be ill. 8. Does the teacher consider him to be a good student? 9. Did they expect her to be there? 10. Nobody saw him leave the room. Exercise 2*. Use either bare infinitive (without to) or gerund of the verbs in brackets, translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1. They say the nurse (to leave) the ward. 2. She didn’t notice anybody (to take) the key from the table. 3. Who heard him (to sing) the song. 4. She saw tears (to run) down the child’s cheeks. 5. We didn’t see her (to enter) the room. 6. I felt my knees (to tremble) with fear. 7. They saw the nurse (to give) him an injection. 8. She heard the children (to talk) about something excitingly. 9. The students watched the doctor (to listen) to the patient’s heart. 10. Did you hear her (to complain) of a severe headache?
Exercise 3**. Substitute subordinate clauses for Complex Object. 1. The nurse on duty didn’t hear how the patient left the room. 2. Mother wanted that I should become a doctor. 3. The newspapers report that a vaccine against flu was used successfully. 4. Scientists believe that treatment for cancer will be found out soon. 5. I haven’t seen how surgeons close wounds. 6. Everybody knows that rupture of spleen is dangerous for life. 7. The professor thinks that the post operative cause of the patient will be uneventful. 8. We know that bacteria are killed by boiling. 9. They expected that the physician will make diagnosis at once. 10. Physicians found that interferon was effective against viral diseases.
Exercise 4**. Combine two sentences into one using Complex Object. 1. He saw two men. They were looking for something on the floor. 2. The watched the doctor. He was examining their son. 3. The needle fell on the floor. We saw it. 4. The patient was moaning all night long. The nurse heard it. 5. He is a very experienced surgeon. Everybody knows it. 6. He will be well again soon. His friends expect that. 7. We have to do all the exercises in writing. Our teacher insisted on it. 8. We could use our dictionaries at the test. The teacher allowed us to do it.
Exercise 5**. Translate into English using Complex Object. 1. Я хочу, щоб вони це запам’ятали. 2. Вони очікують, що ми їм допоможемо. 3. Лікар вже дозволяє йому ходити. 4. Вони вважають, що вона ще дуже слабка. 5. Вони чули, як вона це сказала. 6. Студенти спостерігали, як робив операцію пацієнтові. 7. Він не бачив, щоб хтось входив в палату. 8. Всі знали, що він дуже здібний студент.
Exercise 6***. Translate into English using Complex Object. 1. Вони ніколи не чули, щоб цей пацієнт скаржився. 2. Ви коли-небудь бачили як хірурги обробляють руку перед операціями? 3. Всі знають, що ця хвороба може викликати дуже важкі ускладнення. 4. Студенти спостерігали як переливали кров. 5. Вони вважають, що у цього хлопчика туберкульоз легень. 6. Ніхто не очікував, що той пацієнт не витримає операції. 7. Ми б хотіли, що б результати цих аналізів перевірили знов. 8. Хто дозволив вам входити в операційну під час операції?
Exercise 7***. Substitute subordinate clauses for Complex Object. 1) He believed that the constant lack of sleep was the cause of his weakness. 2) The physician has noticed that patients develop serious lesions after a few weeks of active lung disease. 3) We know that obesity occurs as a result of metabolic disturbances. 4) Scientists consider that polio virus enters the body through the mouth or the nose. 5) Oncologists have found that cancer is caused by different substances. 6) The students were standing and watching the nurse who was giving a patient an intramuscular injection. 7) They expected that the patient would not have any complications after the operation. 8) The surgeon considered that the man’s wound was a bad one and needed an immediate operation