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Simple Passive Voice

1. The patient is usually examined by the doctor.

2. The patient was examined by the doctor yesterday.

3. The patient will be examined by the doctor tomorrow.


Exercise 4. Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to the expressions. Make the following sentences negative and then interrogative:

1. Anatomy is usually taught in practical classes.

2. The patients were operated on yesterday.

3. The lecture in Biology will be delivered on Monday.

4. Many experiments were carried out by our students last week.

5. The label is always stuck by a pharmacist.

6. Skin irritation was caused by over dosage of the drug.

7. The wound is usually dressed by the nurse.

8. Interesting lectures will be delivered by Professor Dukin in two days.

9. The novel was established two months ago.

10. They were always seen at the university anatomy theater.

11. The condition of the patient was recovered at night.

12. The examination was carried on in time.


Exercise 5. Find and translate the sentences in Passive Voice.

1. Some drugs are made from plants.

2. A nurse looks after the patients.

3. The infection diseases can pass through the mouth and nose.

4. We were examined at the clinic yesterday.

5. The sick baby is fed by the nurse.

6. The woman’s heart was slightly enlarged.

7. Blood transfusion will be made to improve the patient’s condition.

8. The director sends reports every month.

9. May I take your blood for transfusion?

10. A nurse fills in the patient’s cards.

11. The patients’ tests are taken every morning.

12. The patients are not allowed to take the medicines themselves.

13. The electrocardiograms were taken yesterday.

14. The operation will be performed this week.

15. The doctor made a diagnosis ten minutes ago.

16. The patient takes his temperature every three hours.


Exercise 6. Change the following into Passive Voice

A. The doctor examines the patients every day. The scientist published his article in Moscow. We did not discuss such questions at out meeting. Somebody called in a doctor. The nurse did not visit the patient yesterday. The students will not be able to complete their experiments in a week. We will invite the junior students to visit our scientific conference. The patient’s temperature returns to normal. The students saw a scientific film yesterday. The surgeon operated on the patient successfully. My friend broke his leg. They immobilized the victim in time. The doctor will discharge the patient from the hospital in two days.


B. The pharmacist prepares medicines. Last year we built new pharmacy. We bought medicines at the chemist’s department. The pharmacists usually dispense drugs according to the doctor’s prescriptions. The drug caused the adverse effects. A ward doctor will take into consideration therapeutic action of a drug. The doctor was prescribed a drug for internal use. The nurse will have to give the patients solutions according to the doctor’s instructions. I ordered the ointments at the chemist’s. The patient took medicines last night because of severe headache. The patient must shake this mixture before use.


C. The students study stomatology at our University. They second-year-stomatological students have their training practice at the stomatological polyclinic. The dentist inserted the denture properly. The doctor will treat the dental caries in a child. The student filled the patient’s tooth himself. The dentists usually use dental drilling machines in their practice. The child damaged his gum with a pointed wooden stick. The doctor will make the diagnosis as soon as possible. The dentist put a temporary filling. A dental technician made a prosthesis appliance for the teeth. Preventive dentistry includes instructions in oral hygiene.


Exercise 7. Put questions to the italicized words.

A. 1. Now artificial joints are used in many cases of the diseases of different joints.

2. The operation was performed successfully and the patient could walk.

3. Before the operation on the man a great number of experiments on animals using artificial metal joints were carried on by doctor Sivach.

4. The patient was admitted as an emergency as 23 February with acute retention of urine due to his enlarged prostate.

5. Stable angina is characterized by left- sided or central chest pain that is precipitated by exertion and promptly relieved by rest.

6. A lower respiratory tract infection will be diagnosed and erythromycin prescribed.


B. 1. Under the microscope fine prolongations of cells can be seen passing through the tubes in the dentine.

2. A tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane.

3. AIDS is caused by infection with a virus called the human immunodeficiency virus which is abbreviated to HIV.

4. The finished dentures are kept in a bowel of water until insertion.

5. As the root canal must be sterilized before it is filled, all instruments and dressings must be sterilized.

6. Rubber dam clamps are often used alone to hold cotton wool rolls in place, especially when filling lower molars.


C. 1. Medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold in pharmacies.

2. Great number of new compounds was described and the important work was carried out on the determination of anatomic weights.

3. The organic acids are extracted from an aqueous solution of urine.

4. If the liquid to be filtered, contains free acid or alkali, or a very fine precipitate, or is very dense or hot, a double filter should be used.

5. Prior to an injection of any vaccine, all known precautions should be taken to prevent side effects.


Exercise 8. Translate into ENGLISH using SIMPLE PASSIVE VOICE

А. 1. Плеврит виявили за допомогою рентгенівського обстеження.

2. Операцію закінчать о 10 годині.

3. Інтенсивну абдомінальну кровотечу зупинили зразу.

4. Наявність альбуміну була підтверджена аналізом сечі.

5. Ця хвороба виникла через недостатність вітаміну Б.

6. Лікарям подякували за вчасну високо кваліфікаційну допомогу. Лекцію по гістології будуть читати завтра.

7. Бактерії можна буде побачити лише за допомогою електронного мікроскопу.

8. Жахлива головна біль при водобоязні часто супроводжується конвульсіями.


B. 1. З’єднання коронки та кореня називається шийкою.

2. Кожен зуб складається з емалі, дентину, цементу та пульпи.

3. Пацієнту зробили обстеження всієї ротової порожнини.

4. Ряд різних процедур використовують для того, щоб поставити правильний діагноз. 5. Якщо зуб пошкоджений, у пацієнта неприємні відчуття.

6. Під час протезування використали анестетики.

7. Якщо порожнина невелика, і вона виявлена на ранній стадії, то зуб вилікують без болю.

8. Пацієнту поставлять пломбу з композиту завтра.

9. Коли вам запломбували зуб?


С. 1. Таблетки слід зберігати в щільно - закритих контейнерах.

2. Скінчення терміну зберігання препаратів вказують на упаковці.

3. Препарат не повинні були приймати через хронічну недостатність печінки.

4. Препарат будуть приймати із застереженням через низький кров’яний тиск.

5. Не застосовується при важких формах ниркової та печінкової недостатності.

6. Препарат будуть приймати внутрішньо не розжовуючи.

7. Пацієнту зробили внутрівенну ін’єкцію вранці.

8. Цей лікувальний препарат приймали двічі на день.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1122. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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