Present Perfect Tense
Exercise 1.* Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect and translate them: 1. The nurse just (to give) analgesics to the patient suffering from muscle pain. 2. Nelly never (to visit) a dentist. 3. Viruses grow when they (to invade) living cells. 4. When the tumor (not to spread) beyond the lymph nodes, surgery may be effective. 5. Some oncogenic viruses (already to be investigated). 6. Experiments (to show) that certain viruses can cause cancer. 7. We already (to learn) a lot of English words. 8. He just (to do) something for us. 9. It (to be demonstrated) that viruses cause cancer in laboratory animals. 10. The theoretical principles of computed tomography (to know) since 1917.
Exercise 2.* Make the following statements interrogative and negative: 1. Mary has already bought some anti-inflammatory medicines at the chemist`s. 2. The doctor has just examined the patient`s back. 3. The nurse has given an injection to a patient today. 4. The ambulance has taken this boy to the hospital. 5. We have learnt the functions of the skeletal muscles this month. 6. The patient has lost 3 kilograms of weight this month. 7. Today the surgeon has completed the operation. 8. I have known this orthopedist for several years. 9. He has already learnt the rule. 10. The doctor has just discharged my mother without any complications from the hospital.
Exercise 3.** Put special questions to the underlined words and phrases: 1. Ann has studied very much this term. 2. The patient has sustained a major trauma. 3. These affected tissues haven`t recovered for a long time. 4. He hasn`t wiped the skin around the burn with alcohol yet. 5. The sanitary transport has just delivered an injured person from the spot of accident. 6. I have been his patient since 2009. 7. The doctor has just opened large blisters. 8. The traumatologist has just examined a child with sports trauma. 9. They have just seen the nurse in the hall. 10. I`m sorry. I have broken the thermometer.
Exercise 4. ** Correct the mistakes: 1. My friend is already helping me to solve a difficult problem. 2. I has known this doctor for 5 years. 3. They not have read the text “The liver“ yet. 4. My professors haven`t see me since January. 5. Is he still reading the article “Hepatic diseases “? - No, he have just read it. 6. We have carried out the investigation already. 7. Fred has be ill a lot in the past few years. 8. Smoking has cause spasms. 9. Have the surgeon finished the operation? 10. His respiratory rate has recently increased considerably.
Exercise 5.** Translate the following sentences: 1. We have concentrated our interest on the study of angina at rest. 2. This hypothesis has attracted many followers. 3. Our investigators have confirmed our results. 4. It has been shown that coronary spasm can be induced by exercise. 5. I have never experienced acute headaches. 6. The patient has been cheerful and felt better since the 20th of March. 7. The progress in controlling TB has made it possible to eradicate the disease. 8. The pain in his back has subsided lately. 9. The nicotine acid has already been injected. 10. A high standard of living has reduced the disease incidence.
Exercise 6. ** Translate the following sentences: 1. Recent clinical studies have suggested that an elevated level of homocysteine may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 2. In vitro fertilization pregnancies research has shown that chromosomal abnormalities increase either the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or the development of an abnormal fetus. 3. Researchers have found that a new computed topography process can detect on x-rays when they can be easily cured by simple surgery. 4. The problem of cerebral vascular diseases has become increasingly serious in our age with its accelerated place of life and severe nervous tension. 5. A team of Australian researchers has discovered that the hair structure of breast cancer patients shows clear and consistent intermolecular differences from the hair of healthy women.
Exercise 7.** Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Анна вже знайшла таблетки від болю в м`язах і суглобах, які їй приписав лікар. 2. Я щойно прийняв знеболювальний засіб. 3. Лікар ще не закінчив операцію із заміни ушкодженого суглоба на штучний. 4. Вони щойно бачили медсестру у третій палаті. 5. Студент уже надрукував реферат про травми м`яких тканин. 6. Ти коли-небудь був на студентській науковій конференції? - Ні, ніколи. 7. Я не можу розмовляти з тобою по телефону. Моя сестра щойно обпекла долоню. 8. Студенти вже прочитали та переклали цей текст.
Exercise 8.*** Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect or Past Indefinite: 1. Look! Margaret (to make) a lot of mistakes in her test. She (not pass) it. 2. I (not eat) anything yesterday because I (not feel) hungry. 3. When you (give up) smoking? 4. Sam is ill with measles. He (to be) ill for 4 days. 5. I can hardly recognize you. I (not to see) you since you (to leave) for New York. And you (to change) so much. 6. Where is Dr Brown? I (not see) him since she (to arrive) from the conference today morning. 7. My sister (not take) medicine since she (to finish) the prescribed treatment. 8. Half an hour ago a patient (to be admitted) to the hospital and the doctor on duty already (to send) him to blood analysis and X-ray.