Exercise 1. Give the plural of the following Nouns. Task, lecture, test, tube, meal, tooth, glove, day, doctor, symptom; page, place, class, box, nurse, hero, leaf, life, shelf, knife, duty, history, library, cystoscope, cavity, X-ray, child, man, tooth; datum, analysis, basis, foot, crisis, phenomenon, index, formula, nucleus, coccus, progress, knowledge, information, money, news, index, advice, nucleus, key, roof, silver, chalk, sugar, salt, oxygen, sand, earth, mother-in-law, text-book.
Exercise 2. Give the singular of the following Nouns. Patients, walls, keys, kidneys, eyes, crises, females, glands, ducts, gases, diseases, processes; halves, wives, studies, females, capillaries, extremities, ladies, data, bases, women, feet, foci, bronchi, stimuli, indices, fungi, counties, times, formulae, phenomena, solutions, substances, techniques, formulae, weights, males, liquids, solids, acids, alkali, cocci, women-doctors.
Exercise 3. Write the countable and uncountable nouns into two different columns: Music, coffee, branch, armchair, gold, trauma, milk, idea, furniture, butter, analysis, cell, happiness, fluid, kidney, system, pneumonia, tree, world,, ink, illness, peace, money, blood, tissue, diagnosis, university, hero, report, assistance, hair, brain, vaccination, service, advice, assistant, urine, disease, darkness, meat, machine, instrument, recovery, health.
Exercise 4. Give the plural of the following word combinations. This magazine, this drainage, that disease, this wall, this foot, that tooth, this man, this child, that male, this knife, that shelf, this symptom, that disease, this property, that filling, this capsule, that alloy, this tissue, this jaw, this diagnosis, that analysis, this procedure, that examination, this fungus.
Exercise 5. Give the plural of the following sentences. 1. This is a baby. 10. Is the door closed? 2. That is a child. 11. Is the patient near the window? 3. This is an operating-room. 12. This is not a report. 4. That is a ward. 13. That is not my friend. 5. This is a shelf. 14. This is not a nurse. 6. That is a bookshelf. 15. It is a clamp. 7. Is this a man? 16. It is not an infant. 8. Is that a female? 17. It is not salt. 9. Is the window opened? 18. It is not a poisonous drug.
Exercise 6. Translate into English: 1. Ця лабораторія. 11. Це грип? 2. Цей студент. 12. То ваш лікар? 3. Це операційна. 13. Цей діагноз вірний. 4. То професор. 14. Той хірург зараз в лабораторії. 5. Цей хірург. 15. Це заразна хвороба. 6. Це нові медичні статті. 16. Цей препарат застосовують дуже часто. 7. Ті експерименти. 17. Ті дослідження дуже важливі. 8. Ці ліки. 18. Той пацієнт у важкому стані. 9. Цей симптом. 19. Це лікування дуже складне. 10. Ті хвороби. 20. Ці дані необхідно зареєструвати.
Exercise 7. Give the plural of the following sentences. 1. The child is playing in the yard. 2. The story was very interesting. 3. We came to the woman who was working at the polyclinic. 4. The female is in prenatal clinic. 5. His tooth was not extracted. 6. This knife is mine. 7. The book was on the shelf. 8. The doctor carries on the experiment on a white mouse. 9. Is she a nurse? 10. Your tooth is decayed. 11. My prosthesis needs repair. 12. The datum of analysis is not ready yet.
Exercise 8. Replace the of-phrases by the possessive case where possible. 1. The book of out teacher. 11. The pills of the woman. 2. The window of this room. 12. The life of that girl. 3. The ward of my father. 13. The report of our professor. 4. The toy of her child. 14. The surface of the body. 5. The back of the head. 15. The book of the students. 6. The order of the head doctor. 16. The analyses of the patients. 7. The prescriptions of my ward doctor. 17. The eyes of the child. 8. The arrival of the professor. 18. The health of people. 9. The father of the student. 19. The vertebrae of the skeleton. 10. The card of the patient. 20. The data of the experiments.
Exercise 9. Translate the following word combinations. Milk teeth; plant substance; nerve fiber; food industry; grammar mistake; evening round of the wards; food stagnation; heart diseases; animal products; protein substance; nose eye throat diseases; porcelain dentures; heat failure; blood circulation; heart murmurs; lung cancer; milk products; antitoxin treatment; salt-free diet; home treatment; in-patient department; amalgam tooth sealants, mercury forms, sulfur dioxide, alcohol solution.
Exercise 10. a. Form Nouns and translate them: -ment: develop, govern, move, appoint, treat, manage -ness: happy, kind, dark, weak, ill, empty, painful, restless -ion: restrict, connect, digest, contract, prevent, protect -ence: important, differ, absent, present, exist, covalence, occur -ance: appear, assist, attend, important, enter b. Form Nouns and translate them (profession or doer of the action): -еr: work, write, ravel, read, lecture, organize, research, teach -or: visit, act, operate, detect, create, investigate, conduct -ist: biology, economy, piano, physiology, psychology -ian: music, library, politics, mathematics, obstetrics, pediatrics -ant/ent: preside, correspond, assist, consult