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Study the following text.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on 2 large islands and 5.000 smaller ones. These are the British Isles. Great Britain is the largest island in Europe. It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, from the European Continent – by the North Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. In the east the country is washed by the North Sea. On the west coasts Great Britain is bound by the Atlantic Ocean.

Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. Administratively Great Britain is divided into 55 counties.

England is the largest part of Great Britain. It occupies over 50 % of the territory and its population amounts to 83 % of the total population of Great Britain.

Wales is а peninsula in the south-west of the island of Great Britain. It occupies about 9 % of its territory with the population of 4.8 % of the total population. The Welsh speak their own language. The capital is Cardiff.

Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain with the territory of 32 % of the total territory and with the population of 9 % of the total population of Great Britain. Its capital is Edinburgh.

Northern Ireland occupies the north-east part of the island of Ireland. Its territory amounts to 5.2 % of the total territory of Great Britain. Its capital is Belfast.

The southern part of Ireland is an independent republic.

The greater part of the surface of England and Ireland is flat. The northern part of Scotland and Wales is mountainous and rocky. The main rivers are short but can be used by ships. The longest of them are the Severn, 353 kms in length and the Thames, 332 kms in length. There is a number of lakes in the country. The largest lake is the Lake District. The coastline of the country has excellent harbours.

As a rule, climate depends on the geographical position of the country. The British Isles are washed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream, It makes the climate more moderate than on the Continent and brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English people. So the weather is mild, wet, cloudy, windy and changeable.

The total area of the country is about 21.600 square miles or 245.000 kms. The population of Great Britain is about 58 million, 44 being Englishmen. Over 80 % of the population live in cities and towns. Nearly all people speak English. but some speak Celtic languages.

The main cities are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Cardiff.


15. Express your opinion.

Model: T: The greater part of England is flat.

St: It is right. The greatest part of England is flat.

T: The population of Great Britain is 130 million.

St: It is wrong. The population of Great Britain is 58 million.


1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on 1 large island.

2. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.

3. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea.

4. Great Britain is bounded by the Pacific Ocean.

5. The main rivers of Great Britain can be used by ships.

6. The British Isles are washed by the cold current of the Gulf Stream.

7. The Gulf Stream brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English people.

8. The weather in England is mild, wet, cloudy, windy and changeable.

9. The main cities of Great Britain are New York, Washington, San Francisco and Chicago.


16. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:


скалистый; прибрежная линия; независимая республика; это делает климат более умеренным; могут быть использованы судами; приносит немного «тро-пиков» к самым дверям англичан; на западном побережье; причем 44 – это англичанe.

17. Say it in English using the model:



1) to be situated – быть расположенным;

Model: T: Омск расположен в Сибири.

St: Omsk is situated in Siberia.


a. Франция расположена на Европейском континенте.

b. Шотландия расположена на севере Великобритании.

c. Великобритания расположена на Британских островах.


2) to be separated – быть отделенным;

Model: T: Европа отделена от Азии Уральскими горами.

St: Europe is separated from Asia by the Urals.


a. Великобритания отделена от Ирландии Ирландским морем.

b. Великобритания отделена от Европейского континента Северным морем.

c. Шотландия отделена от Англии горами и холмами.

d. Франция отделена от Великобритании проливами Ла Манш и Паде-Кале.


3) to include – включать;

Model: T: Омскaя область включает 32 района.

St: Omsk region includes 32 districts.


a) Великобритания включает Англию, Шотландию и Уэльс.

b) Британские острова включают 2 больших острова и более 5000 ма-леньких островов.

c) Лондон включает 3 основные части.


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