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III. After you have read. 3.1. Answer the following questions:

3.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is this text about?

2. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

3. What about the total area of the United Kingdom?

4. How many parts is Great Britain consist of?

5. What do you know the population of this country?

6. What is the geographical position of Great Britain?

7. How did Shakespeare call Britain? Why?

8. Mountains are an important feature of the geography of the country, aren't they?

9. Where are the mountain chains situated?

10. What are the largest rivers of Great Britain?

11. Do the rivers freeze in winter?

12. What is the climate of the British Isles like?

13. Why do English people often speak about the weather?

14. What is England's winter famous for?

15. What is smog?

16. Is the climate in our region as mild as in Great Britain?

17. Fog turns into «smog» in big industrial cities, doesn't it?

18. What is the best season in England?

19. What is the usual temperature in winter in this country?

20. Is the UK a state with a highly developed industry? Prove it.

21. What are the largest industrial centers in Great Britain?

22. What are Oxford and Cambridge famous for?

23. Are they big industrial centers or quiet university towns?

24. Is the United Kingdom a parliamentary monarchy or a republic?

25. Whom does legislative power belong to?

26. Are the powers of the Queen limited by the constitution?

27. Is there only one political party or there are several main political parties? What are they?

28. What two main political parties dominate the British political

3.2. Find in the text the sentences giving information about:

1) The geographical position of the UK.

2) The main parts of the country.

3) Britain's industry.

4) The main industrial centers.

5) The rivers and mountains of Great Britain.

6) Educational centers of the country.

3.3. Put questions to the underlined parts of the sentences:

1. Great Britain lies to the West of Europe.

2. Britain is washed by the English Channel in the south.

3. There are mountain chains in the north and in the west of the British

4. The climate of Britain is mild.

5. The coal-mining and the textile industries are the oldest industries in Great Britain.

6. The longest river in Ireland is the Shannon.

7. The district around Birmingham is known as black country.

3.4. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions. Mark the sentences giving you new information about Great Britain:

1. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy where the legislative power belongs... the Queen. But her powers are limited... the Parliament and Constitution.

2. The Houses... Parliament consist... the House... Commons and the House... Lords. There are... 630 members... the English House... Commons. The Prime minister is usually the leader... the party that has a majority... the House... Commons.

3.... 46 million people live... England, 3 million... Wales, 5 million... Scotland, 1.5 million... Northern Ireland. Only... 20%... the population is rural.

4. Great Britain is separated... the Continent... the English Channel, the narrowest part... which is called the Strait... Dover.

5. The Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea wash the country... the West and... the East.

6. The highest mountains are situated... Scotland.

7. The West... England is a very beautiful part... the country. It is called Lake District.

8.... the centre of England there is a district... no grass called the Black country. This part is rich... coal.

3.5. Translate the following combinations of words with
Participle I and Participle II

Developing industry; developed industry; changing distances; changed distances; a controlling device; a controlled device; an increasing speed; an increased speed; a transmitting signal; a transmitted signal; a reducing noise; a reduced noise; a moving object; a moved object; heating parts; heated parts.

3.6. Make up sentences:

I must have (get) I had my hair cut. my dress made. my shoes mended. my watch repaired. my photo taken. my clothes washed, etc.



3.7. Read, translate and analyze the sentences paying attention
to the Participles

A. 1. Mildly speaking you are wrong.

2. The method mentioned is worth using.

3. Though received in time the data were of no use for further research.

4. When explained the rule appeared quite simple.

5. She smiled remembering a joke.

6. While working in the laboratory yesterday he hurt himself.

7. The center of the cotton industry is Manchester connected with Li-verpool by a canal.

8. If done properly the work will give good results.


B. 1. This method of work being employed at the company is quite new and very effective.

2. Having arrived two days before the conference he had a lot of time to see Edinburgh.

3. Having been weakened by the storm the bridge was no longer safe.

4. Never having experienced such difficulties, he was at loss.

5. Being heated, most substances expand.

6. If supported I will continue the work.

7. As transported carelessly some goods were damaged.

8. Having been trained by a good teacher he could easily pass all

3.8. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Participle Constructions:


1. Time permitting, the manager will write a report.

2. The contract having been signed, the delegation went away.

3. It being very late, we went home.

4. The terms of delivery having been discussed, he signed the contract.

5. The morning being cold, Nick put on his overcoat.

6. Weather permitting, the plane will fly.

7. The article deals with microwaves, with particular attention being paid to radio location.

8. The weather being wet, we didn`t go for a walk.

9. With factories operating at less capacity, total output of goods and services enters a long-term decline.

10. He went to the park, his dog running after him.

11. It being a hot day, they decided to go to the country.

12. Supper finished, she began to clear the table.


3.9. State the functions of the words with - ed and translate the sentences:

1. The first television set produced quite a sensation in 1939. The first television set produced in 1939 was a tiny nine-by-twelve inch box.
2. Newton’s great work published in 1687 is called «Principia». Newton published his great work «Principia» in 1687. 3. The Russian Chemical Society organized more than a century ago is named after Mendeleev. The Russian Chemical Society organized an international conference devoted to the latest achievements in organic chemistry. 4. The energy possessed by the body due to its position is called the potential energy. The new material possessed good properties. 5. The car model developed a speed of
50 miles an hour. The car model developed by our students design bureau
will be shown on TV.

3.10. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. Explain the use of the articles with geographical names:

1. Large masses of... land are called... continents. They are... Europe,... Asia,... North and South America,... Australia and … Antarctica.
2. When we were travelling in... Grimea, we stopped one day at... nice
little village in... mountains. 3.... highest mountain chain, which is called...
Himalayas, is situated in... Asia. 4.... mountains of... Urals are not so high as... mountains in... Caucasus. 5. … longest river in England is... Severn and … deepest is... Thames, on which stands... capital of... England,... London. 6.... largest and deepest ocean in... world is... Pacific, then comes... Atlantic,... smallest ocean is... Arctic. 7.... deepest lake in... world is... Lake Baikal. 8. Which... countries do you fly over if you go from... Moscow to... Glasgow by... plane? 9.... Severn flows into...
British Channel. 10.... Shannon is very important for... Ireland.

3.11. Find in the text sentences with the Simple Passive.

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