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Упражнение 31. Переведите на английский язык, употребив соот­ветствующую форму времени и залога инфинитива.


1. Я рад, что дал вам эту книгу.

2. Я рад, что мне дали эту книгу.
3. Мы хотим сказать вам об этом.

4. Мы хотим, чтобы нам сказали об этом.

5. Мы рады, что встретили его на станции.

6. Мы рады, что нас встретили на станции.
7. Мы рады, что нас встречали на станции.

8. Они очень довольны, что их пригласили на конференцию.

9. Они очень довольны, что пригласили вас на конференцию.
10. Они очень довольны, что были на конференции.


Упражнение 32. Откройте скобки, используя инфинитив в соот­ветствующей форме времени и залога. Переведите.


1. This is the patient (to take) to ward.

2. I remember (to treat) this boy before.

3. He wanted (to send) to the Oncological center for practice.

4. He seems (to recover) by and by.

5. The students were glad (to show) a plastic operation yesterday.

6. He was the last (to leave) the hospital yesterday.

7. (To operate) on this patient we must give him a local anesthesia at first.

8. The nurse brought the blood (to transfuse) to the patient (to operate).


Упражнение 33. Определите форму времени и залога инфинитива и его функцию в предложении. Переведите.


1. When physicians started to control diseases they were faced with a number of infections.

2. A number of infectious diseases have been eradicated but influenza continues to be a problem.

3. It was necessary to stop bleeding immediately to save the woman's life.
4. I want to apply a splint on the casualty's leg myself.

5. This is the patient to be given general anesthesia.

6. The surgeon took a scalpel to make a midline abdominal incision.

7. Surgeon Maslov must be operating on the patient with a perforative appendicitis now.

8. To prevent complications after the flu one must go to bed at the onset of the disease and take the prescribed drugs.

9. The stitches are to be removed on the tenth post-operative day.

10. I remember to have been prescribed this ointment for skin irritation.

11. The tumour to be removed is benign.

12. It may be impossible to make a definite diagnosis at the early stages of the disease.

13. Nobody could make an injection to the child and a nurse had to be sent for.

14. The patient to be presented at the lecture in psychiatry today is suffering from amnesia.


Упражнение 34. Инфинитив - подлежащее или обстоятельство? Переведите.


1. To identify the virus, causing human influenza, serologic tests are made.

2. To cure advanced cases of cancer is very difficult.

3. To inspect the left ear, the examiner pulls the auricle by the right hand and inserts the speculum by the left one.

4. To save the patient from unpleasant sensations the speculum, which is to be removed from the nasal cavity should be open.

5. To be operated on successfully is to be operated on without any complications.

6. To determine the type of fracture the external nose is examined, the nasal bridge and slopes are palpated and the anterior rhinoscopy is performed.

7. To study matters concerning health is very important.

8. To be able to institute the definite treatment recent laboratory data are to be at hand in case of casualties.

9. To prove that frozen and desiccated tumour cells survive, the author carried cut many experiments.

10. To breathe fresh and pure air is very important as it works excellently on one's central nervous system.

11. To use the intravenous route for injection is indicated when one has to deal with certain sera, which are effective only if given intravenously.

12. To keep the body in health it is necessary to follow daily regime.

13. To manage the problems of orthodontic and orthopaedic dentistry, cooperation of the dentist and otorhinolaryngologist is necessary.



Упражнение 35. Переведите предложения на английский язык, об­ращая внимание на форму и функцию инфинитива.


1. Удалить эту опухоль необходимо как можно скорее.

2. Чтобы выписать этого больного, мы должны иметь все анализы.

3. Доктор Петров, должно быть, сейчас делает обход палат.

4. Я помню, что посещала кого-то в этой больнице раньше.

5. Вот больной, которому нужно сделать рентген.

6. Я хочу, чтобы меня оперировали под общим наркозом.

7. Я рада, что мне прописали курс физиотерапии.

8. Скорая помощь привезла больного, которого нужно было немедленно

оперировать по поводу гнойного аппендицита.

9. Он слишком стар, чтобы перенести такую сложную операцию.

10. Женщина решила подвергнуться пластической операции, чтобы

избавиться от шрама на лице.

Упражнение 36. Сложное подлежащее или сложное дополнение? Переведите.


1. The attending surgeon expects the patient to survive the operation well though the case is serious.

2. Whooping cough is known to bе accompanied by severe bouts of cough sometimes associated with vomiting.

3. The tumour is unlikely to bе malignant but it is necessary to take a biopsy to be sure of it.

4. We heard the people discuss the success of the operation on the heart.

5. The newspapers reported the international congress on hyperbaric medicine to be held in Moscow.

6. Mumps is known to be an acute specific infection.

7. We know the synonym for "mumps" to be epidemic parotitis.

8. Oncologists have found cancer to be caused by different substances.

9. The case to be described is said to be very severe.

10. Glucagon seems to be a promising agent in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

11. Skin is believed to be the most active tissue.

12. We know many of the bacteria to be harmless or even beneficial to the human body.

13. Tolerance to the drug appeared to be greater in infancy than in childhood.

14. Tuberculosis is said to be a disease without prognosis.

15. The students watched a pathologist make an autopsy.

16. This acid appears to promote the growth of organisms.



Упражнение 37. Переведите предложения, выделив конструкцию "Объектный падеж с инфинитивом".


1. Examination showed her to have moderate tenderness over the pelvis without any outer injuries.

2. The patient was watched closely by the surgeon on duty for l6 hours when he saw her change to the worse.

3. The possibility of hollow viscera rupture and internal bleeding caused him to undertake laparotomy.

4. The laparotomy demonstrated her to have sustained a perforation both of the stomach and bladder.

5. Professor Nikolaev believes that an operation is necessary in this case.

6. Scientists consider that cancer will be conquered in this century.

7. The newspapers report that a vaccine against flu was used successfully.

8. Mother wanted that I should become a doctor.

9. Doctors found that interferon was effective against viral diseases.

10. I saw how the students were examining the patient under the instruction of their teacher.

11. The nurse on duty didn't hear how the patient left the ward.


Упражнение 38. Преобразуйте сложноподчиненное предложение в простое, используя конструкцию "именительный падеж с инфинитивом".


1. It is known that infectious diseases are caused by viruses and microbes.

2. It is said that a new epidemic of the flu will come soon.

3. It is likely that your son has measles.

4. It was seen how she fainted at her first autopsy.

5. It is supposed that the operation will be performed next week.

6. It is certain that a source of infection of the flu is a sick man.

7. It seems that the diagnosis is correct.

8. It is likely that the wound will heal in about a week.

9. It appears that most bite cases have occurred indoors.

10. It seems that the actual bite is relatively painless.

11. It is stated that blood transfusion is also indicated for some patients to be operated on.

12. It was seen that the patient had changed for the worse since his last examination.


Упражнение 39. Переведите предложения на английский язык двумя способами: I) сложноподчиненным предложением и 2) простым предложением с конструкцией "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом ".


1. Известно, что острый аппендицит - это хирургическое заболевание.

2. Говорят, что грипп опасен своими осложнениями.

3. Полагают, что грипп имеет две формы: легкую и тяжелую.

4. Вы, вероятно, больны. Вам надо обратиться к врачу.

5. Утверждают, что переливание крови очень полезно.

6. Известно, что судебная медицина изучает признаки насильствен­ной смерти.

7. Считают, что самыми легкими повреждениями являются ссадины и кровоподтеки.

8. Оказывается, что отсутствие чувства боли очень редкое явление.

9. Это лекарство, несомненно, принесет вам облегчение.


Упражнение 40. Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкции "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом" или "Объектный падеж с инфинитивом".


1. Вероятно, у нас будет цикл лекций по психиатрии в следующем году.

2. Студенты видели, как сестра переливала кровь больному, кото­рого должны были оперировать.

3. Мой руководитель хочет, чтобы я сделал доклад о результатах эксперимента, проведенного нашей лабораторией.

4. Известно, что гниение вызывается бактериями.

5. Больной был под наркозом и не чувствовал, как хирург делал операцию по поводу острого аппендицита.

6. Ваш сын плохо видит. Заставьте его пойти к врачу проверить зрение.

7. Говорят, что профессор Петров - лучший отоларинголог в нашем городе.

8. Врач считает, что химиотерапия будет в этом случае эффективна.

9. Ожидают, что вскрытие обнаружит причину смерти.

10. Видели, как медицинский эксперт осматривал место происшест­вия.

11. Оказалось, что он был свидетелем этого происшествия.


Упражнение 41. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на местоположение инфинитива в конструкции "Именительный падеж с инфинитивом".


1. Common cold is therefore believed to bе connected with reflex mechanisms responsible for the reaction of nasal mucosa to cold.

2. Adrenaline, which is known to increase the sinoatrial nodal automacity and conduction velocity, was also unable to abolish arrhythmias.

3. The lateral abscess is considered to bе the most dangerous, since it may spread tо the pharyngeal cellular space.

4. 49 tumours believed to be supplied exclusively by the external carotid artery were removed without difficulty.

5. The nasal mucosa with its enormous capacity to produce secretion is supposed to partly stabilize the liquid balance in blood and tissues.

6. To avoid complications he was administered penicillin, as that drug known to result in temperature fall is still rather popular.

7. The rapid cardiac rate has also been reported to suppress intrinsic pacemaker activity by overdriving.

8...... it is necessary to carry out thorough laboratory tests on patients with gastric distress and those known to have had an achlorhydria of several years duration.

9. Glucagon is known to increase the velocity of conduction in the A-V node.

10. Adrenaline, which is known to increase the heart rate, was also used in the doze of 5 mg/kg in 3 cogs against cardiac arrhythmias.

11. The early clinical course of this disorder does not appear to differ whether the deficiency ultimately proves to be transient or permanent.

12. Also, isopropylnoradrenaline, which increased the heart rats and which is known to increase A-V conduction, was unable to abolish the cardiac arrhythmias.

13. The third function of gastrointestinal tract is to eliminate the materials, which are known to be unable to be absorbed by the small intestine.

14. The artificial blood circulation apparatus is known to enable the surgeon to operate on the open heart.


Упражнение 42. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. The first thing the physician is to learn is why the patient comes to the doсtor.

2. The method of treatment to be selected depends upon the type of infection.

3. Both children are said to have had measles nearly at the same time.

4. Some important functions of the blood are to convey nutritive particles to the tissues and take waste products away from them, to supply the tissues with oxygen and relieve them of their carbon dioxide and to play an important part in the regulation of the body temperature.

5. It should be noted if the dentist is to make a proper diagnosis of teeth abnormality related to the pathology of ear, nose and. throat, he must know as much as possible about the probable causes underlying these conditions.

6. If penicillin can cause аn irradiation around the eye, it is likely to cause it elsewhere in the body where penicillin has been applied locally.

7. A diagnostic method may be used to provide a precise description of any anatomic abnormality in the heart.

8. The physician found him to have been having an increase of body temperature to a subfebrile level for a prolonged period of time.

9. Any ectodermal tissue is to be regarded as a potential source of malignant growth.

10. The dentist may be the first to discover a benign or malignant tumour in the pharynx.

11. The child was seen to be sitting and moaning as if in pain.

12. This condition is due to damaged valves, which fail to prevent the backflow of blood.

13. The person suffering from a serious disease came to this town to have been treated at a special hospital.

14. Two of 12 patients had endocrine adenomas and are to be discussed.

15. Don't expect your local physician to offer the antibiotic therapy.

16. Although blood tests and breath tests to detect Helicobacter exist, they are not expected to become commercially available for two years.

17. Furthermore, researchers are likely to face continued resistance from main practitioners.

18. The walls of arteries are thin enough to allow passage of oxygen out of the bloodstream and into the tissue fluid surrounding the cells.

19. Uranium is radioactive, and this property has long been thought to be the cause of the high occurrence of carcinoma of lung among the miners.

20. The ulcerated tonsil and the patch at its base must be taken into consideration by the physician who has to differentiate Vincent's angina from more dan­gerous diseases with similar symptoms.



Упражнение 43. Подчеркните инфинитив. Переведите текст.


The purpose of this study was to define the course of pulmonary dysfunction in preterm and term infants with severe asphyxia. The effects appear to be qualit­atively similar in both term and the smallest preterm infants.

Postasphyxial lung dysfunction has been reported to be related to various factors; the resistance with right to left shunting.

Asphyxia is the presence of meconium aspiration or respiratory distress syndrome produced pulmonary insufficiency requiring high ventilator pressures associat­ed with severe right to left shunting.

Our data are compatible with the general conclusions that acidosis does not appear to be a major factor in the development of respiratory distress syndrome.

Asphyxiated infants with meconium aspiration syndrome developed lung disease compatible with persistence of the fetal circulation. Our term “asphyxiated infants” without meconium aspiration appeared to have acute hypoxia perinataly rather than chronic hypoxia, and this may account for the absence of persistence of the fetal circulation in this group.



Причастие - это неличная форма глагола /т.е. не изменяется по лицам и числам/.

В английском языке существуют два типа причастия –

причастие I / Participle I/ и причастие II / Participle II/:

to write - writing - written

to ask- asking – asked


5.1. Причастие I / Participle I/. Образование.

Participle I образуется прибавлением к основе глагола суффик­са -ing:

to give - giving

Если основа глагола оканчивается на -е, то буква -е опуска­ется:

to take - taking; -у сохраняется вне зависимости от того, какая буква перед ней: to study - studying; to play - playing.

Если основа глагола оканчивается на -ie, то -ie меняется на -у:

to lie - lying

Если основа глагола оканчивается на одну согласную с предшест­вующей краткой ударной гласной, то согласная буква удваивается:

to admit - admitting; to stop - stopping


Упражнение 1. Образуйте причастие I от следующих глаголов:


to perform, to treat, to study, to take, to run, to read, to learn, to do, to occur,

to say, to admit, to tie, to forget, to give, to close, to lead, to resemble,

to locate, to act, to cough.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-31; просмотров: 2216. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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