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Упражнение 31. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее, сказуемое, причастие. Определите синтаксическую функцию причастий и пере­ведите предложения на русский язык.


1. The flu is an infectious, wide-spread disease affecting all ages.

2. The urinolysis made confirmed the diagnosis of nephritis, and the doctor directed the patient to an inpatient department.

3. Having given the details about the state of health of each patient to a doctor on duty a ward doctor left the clinic.

4. Having operated on the patient with a gastric ulcer the surgeon told his assistant to watch the patient's condition.

5. Having been treated with penicillin injections the case being presented here showed a marked improvement in his condition.

6. Having been called to a doctor's surgery, the patient came in and having greeted the doctor started to tell her about his complaints.

7. The powders prescribed relieved the cough caused by allergic asthma.

8. Though very ill he continued to work paying no attention to the doctor's advice.

9. When at home, the patient developed an acute pain in the heart and substernal area radiating to the left arm.

10. When asked about the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer the student couldn't answer.

Упражнение 32. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1. Выслушивая сердце больного ребенка, терапевт услышал шумы.

2. Лекарства, прописываемые в случае гриппа, разнообразны.
3. Диагноз, поставленным студентами, был правильным.

4. Врач, вызванный к больному пневмонией, прописал банки и уколы пенициллина.

5. Приняв снотворное, я лег спать и быстро уснул.

6. Поставив диагноз язвы желудка, врач прописал больному диету.
7. Люди, страдающие язвой желудка, должны соблюдать диету.

8. Больной, которого сейчас оперируют, страдает врожденным дефек­том



Упражнение 33. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.


Образец: When my mother felt bad she went to see a doctor.

Feeling bad my mother went to see a doctor.


1. As I felt severe pains in the abdomen I called in a doctor.

2. The head doctor examined a patient who was suffering from a high blood pressure.

3. The boy that was admitted to our department yesterday has pneumonia.

4. When he was skating he fell down and sprained his ankle.

6. When the doctor had finished a check-up of the patient he recorded, everything in the case history.

7. While I was examined I was asked about my past ailments.

8. As soon as the patient with a perforated ulcer was admitted to the hospit­al he was taken for an urgent operation.

9. After a nurse had taken the inmates temperature she wrote it down in the temperature charts.

10. An ambulance that was called to my mother came within half an hour.

11. If these pills are taken regularly they are effective.


Упражнение 34. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое. Переведите предложения, определив формы и функции причастий.


1. Having arrived at this decision, she immediately felt more cheerful.

2. While reading the text, I noticed some misprints.

3. The top three caused of high blood pressure identified in 1973 remained the same in 1979 emotional stress, overweight and improper diet.

4. Having plenty of time we did not hurry.

5. Having got all the subjective and objective findings the students made the initial diagnosis of angina pectoris.

6. The rain having ruined my hat, I had to buy a new one.

7. The letter being written, I went to post it.

8. As shown in table 6 when asked about the meaning of high blood pressure, a very small proportion of the population answered "Hypertension".


Упражнение 35. Переведите предложения, определяя функции и формы причастий.


1. Having been X-rayed the child was taken back to his ward.

2. The patient complaining of an acute pain in the abdomen was admitted to a hospital. Having examined the man a doctor diagnosed an acute appendicitis.

3. If arrested in time almost any disease can be cured.

4. The patient's post-operative course being uneventful, he will be discharged soon.

5. Prodromal symptoms of infectious diseases appearing earlier than the characteristic ones, it may be impossible to make a definite diagnosis at the early stages of the disease.

6. The preparation for the operation was being carried on in the Theatre, the surgical nurses sterilizing the instruments.

Упражнение 36. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Оп­ределите функцию причастий.


1. Acute inflammation accompanied by violent pain, swelling and exudation usually requires immobilization of the joint.

2. This is an excessive and consequently faulty defense mechanism of the body against substances, which, though modified, are still produced by the body itself.

3. Passive exercises, i.e. movements carried out by the physiotherapist on the patient's joints can only benefit joint mobility and reduce deformation.

4. Thanks to the excellent results achieved through surgery in recent years, these prejudices have been overcome.

5. Decayed joints can be repaired by plastic surgery, using either foreign or autogenous material.

6. All papers published on the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever stress the difficulties involved, even when the necessary data and analyses are present.

7. Surgical procedures are of great value when performed at an early stage of the disease.

8. Because of its broad antimicrobial activity ampicillin, when combined with an aminoglycoside, is effective as initial therapy for suspected septicemia or meningitis.

9. Last month they held the annual club dinner, and Mr. F. ate and drank heartily, feeling that a man in his good physical condition could afford to do so.

10. Nothing the worried expression on her face, the doctor explained that her complaint was die to the natural degeneration of the cartilage covering the ends of the bones in the knee-joint.

11. The antibodies combine with the liberated products of the destroyed cell, thus setting off a chain reaction, which destroys the walls of still other cells.

12. After examining in the diagnostic centre a few patients were allowed to return home while waiting for the operation.

13. Thirty-four patients suffering from various skin infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens were treated with enoxacin for 8 to 14 days.


Упражнение 37. Переведите на русский язык, определяя функции причастий.


1. The pathogens identified in cultures from the wound smears are shown in Figure 2.

2. He was given cortison 100 milligrams daily, this being reduced to 50 milligrams daily on the third day.

3. To identify the virus causing human influenza serologic tests are made.

4. There being no recurrence of blooding, the postoperative course was stable.

5. There having been no postoperative complications, the patient's health was quickly restored.

6. Clinical evidence of heart failure having disappeared, the administration of digitalis was stopped.

7. Allergy affecting the respiratory tract, hey fever and especially asthma and chronic bronchitis of allergic origin, are even more serious than skin allergies.

8. The compounds studied have a high degree of activity against a wide variety of pathogens.

9. Enoxacin was 100% effective in each of three dosages used.

10. Fifty patients admitted to the hospital were determined early signs of heart failure.

11. Tachypnea at rest was an early sign of cardiac failure and often preceded hepatomegaly, the respiratory rate rising rapidly and progressively.

12. A long series of experiments being carried out, they will determine what equipment modifications will be necessary for the operation.

13. The most common signs seen before the operation for heart failure are enlargement of the liver, tachypnea at rest, cardiac enlargement, and edema.

14. The child operated on for congenital heart defect will be followed till complete recovery.

15. A marked abatement of clinical symptoms, accompanied by eradication of the causative pathogens was observed in all 34 patients.

16. All measures required are to be undertaken to save the life.

17. Unless treated in due time any disease brings about complications.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-31; просмотров: 914. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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