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Pronounce the following words from Text 9


Error-sensing, discrepancy, amplifier, to accomplish, terrestrial, celestial, hundredths.


30. Give derivatives of the following words and translate them into Russian:


Properly, acceleration, generate, comparison, usable, amplifier, correction, to reposition


31. Analyse the structure of the following word-combinations and translate them:


Error-sensing feedback; gunlaying, fire-control and marine navigation equipment; satellite-tracking antenna; antiaircraft-gun control system; error-signal amplifier; communications-satellite-tracking antenna; satellite Earth station.


32. Supply synonyms for the following words:

Precision, main, to transmit, purpose, to direct, to achieve, to obtain, to place.


33. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the word result


1. The operation of the high-powered device results from a signal generated from a comparison of the desired position with its actual position.

2. Any discrepancy results in an error signal that represents the correction necessary to bring the controlled device to its desired position.

3. Any difference in the strengths of the signals results in a correction signal being sent to the antenna servomotor.


34. Translate the sentence paying attention to the meaning of the word that:


The ratio between the power of the control signal and that of the controlled device can be on the order of billions to one.


35. Analyse the grammatical structure of the following sentences paying special attention to the italicised words and translate them:


1. Servomechanisms allow high-powered devices to be controlled by signals from devices of much lower power

2. The ratio between the power of the control signal and the device controlled can be on the order of billions to one.

3. This information is converted to a form usable by the system (such as a voltage) and is fed to the same error detector as is the signal from the controlled device.

4. The objective is to keep the antenna aimed directly at the communications satellite in order to receive and transmit the strongest possible signal.

5. One method used to accomplish this is to compare the signals from the satellite as received by two or more closely positioned receiving elements on the antenna.

6. This continuous feedback method allows a terrestrial antenna to be aimed at a satellite 37,007 km (23,000 miles) above the Earth to an accuracy measured in hundredths of a centimetre.


36. Read and translate Text 9:


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