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К урокам 3-5 основного курса. Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into Russian:

Assignment 1. Translate these sentences into Russian:

Our company does a lot of business every year.

Who usually brings you the mail?

We’d like to make a contract with your firm for power equipment.

All of them / All of the employees came in time.

He usually spends his days off in the country.

Assignment 2. Translate these sentences into Russian:

What countries do you do business with?

Every morning I go through the newspapers.

Many foreign firms buy mining equipment from our country.

The performance was over at 9 o’clock.

How much time do you usually spend on your English?

Assignment 3. Translate these sentences into Russian:

The engineers of our company often go to different countries of the world.

I must send these enquiries today.

Please, go through our catalogues and price-lists.

This is good news.

My friend spent his holiday at the seaside last summer.

Assignment 4. Translate these sentences into Russian:

What does Donexport sell / trade in?

Can you send us your answer this week?

- Can I telephone you at 6 o’clock in the evening? - Certainly.

They met during the interval.

I’d like to spend this month at a holiday-home near Moscow.

Assignment 5. Translate these sentences into Russian:

This is new power equipment.

I sometimes receive engineers from foreign firms.

I usually walk to the office.

When did you get their enquiry?

Did you have a good time last Sunday?

Assignment 6. Translate these sentences into Russian:

The goods are already in Odessa.

Do you often receive letters from Germany?

He went outside.

I decided not to discuss the terms of delivery with the manager.

Every year there are a lot of holiday-makers on the Black Sea.

Assignment 7. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. My office is on the third floor.

2. We’d like to know the price of (for) this new equipment.

3. What street do you live in?

4. I decided not to go there today.

5. It’s good to sunbathe early in the morning on/at the beach.

Assignment 8. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. Are you ready for the meeting?

2. I’d like to discuss the terms of payment with you.

3. It’s frosty today. Put on your cap.

4. We listened to him but we did not hear him.

5. You are among your friends now.

Assignment 9. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. What foreign language does your assistant know?

2. What are your terms of delivery?

3. We had a good walk on our way back.

4. I heard the news on the radio.

5. My friend came back from Greece a fortnight ago, he is very sunburnt.

Assignment 10. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. All the managers of our company speak English or German.

2. What are your terms of payment?

3. Yesterday I bought a ticket for the theatre.

4. Did your firm make contracts with American companies last year?

5. By the way, what performance did you see last night?

Assignment 11. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. We do business with different foreign firms.

2. Our factory makes furniture.

3. What is on at the theatre?

4. We received an enquiry for twenty boilers yesterday.

5. By the way, there is a new cinema near our block of flats.

Assignment 12. Translate these sentences into Russian:

1. When do your working hours begin?

2. We’d like to make a contract with your firm for office furniture.

3. When can you give back my money?

4. Where can I get your price-lists?

5. Let him translate the / this enquiry into English.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 667. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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