The History of Methodology
History of language teaching has 3 periods:
During the 1 period the 2 main methods were grammar translation method & text-based translation method. In those days Latin was the dominant foreign language. It was the L of international legal & scholarly communication. The main aspects were: grammar, vocabulary. Major skill: translation. Grammar translation method consisted in presenting grammar rules much consciously, though not functionally. Vocabulary was supplied just to illustrate the usage of grammar patterns. Texts for reading did not have any educational value. They were supposed to be imitated doing back translation. They were intentionally disconnected in order not to distract the learners from grammar. The text based translation method on the contrary did not focus on grammar & offered no explicit release. Neither grammar nor vocabulary was specially selected & graded. The only thig carefully selected were texts for reading, but we not adapted & simply to the view of their educational value.
A kind of revolution was in the 2nd period. The science of phonetic appeared. The goal became pragmatic. The chief aspect – phonetics. Imitation & memorization.
Neo-direct methods Harold Palmer – “The Scientific Study & Teaching of Languages”. “This Language Learning Business” Michael West – “teaching English in difficult circumstances” “Learning to read a foreign language” Palmer worked in Japan, in elite schools, many of his learners later went to English Universities. He had ample time for teaching English. He taught all the major skill focusing on speaking, listening. West worked in India in ordinary schools. A class there would have 40-50 pupils. With practically no equipment, textbooks were in short supply, students often dropped out of school as soon as they achieve adolescence. Most teachers were native teachers, that is Hindi. There command of English was very far to be desired. He taught to very large audiences which can be retained or revived so to say. The only skill which did not require the fluency of the teacher as the sample was reading. He started devoting readers. He started with primer (букварь), then books called readers (хрестоматии).he took into consideration the interests of each age group. For 7 year olds he focused on fairy tales. For adolescences he gave adventure stories. He did not use the native language of the learners, instead of it he used direct demonstrations. He gave a lot of attach to the sense of achievement. Nearly lesson is concluded “now you know … (number) words”. He was the 1st to introduce the ides of before-questions & after-questions. He introduced such terms as searching reading, skipping reading & observational reading. He was the 1st who insisted on “read, look up & say” technique. He was the 1st to introduce the substitution tables, though much more was done by Palmer. He also insisted that teachers should not talk too much in the classroom & gave the learners a chance of ample practice. Palmer was the 1st to suggest certain principles of vocabulary & grammar selection. He introduced the idea of graded difficulties. Snowball was his idea. He believed in minimizing the language material during the early stages to achieve maximum perfection. Hi minimized the language material. He offered texts based on super primitive vocabulary.
Contemporary Methods Suggestopedia – a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. It learning can occur several times as quickly as it occurs in traditional teaching. Learners were able to memorize several hundred words per lesson. This method is subconscious. Theoretical principles:
Basis strategies:
Four phases of a language lass:
Content-Based Education (контекстный метод) It is treated for non-linguistic students of English. Students should receive new professionally oriented information through English. This education can be applied both to schools & to language universities. It overlaps the ideas of global education. It can be practically totally absorbed by the cognitive communicative method. Postulate: