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Topic 7 CSR in Human Relationships
1. Market Power in HR
Market Power of the Employer
Usually the employer is the side which has more market power and may abuse it to increase its benefits: • Low wage • Save money on investments into working conditions • Hazardous jobs
The exploitation problem of the 19thcentury • Large masses of workers, low salary, bad working conditions • The ideas of communism and the consequences
How the problem was solved in the developed countries?
Market Power of the Employees
Employees may also get market power if they create a trade union. • Industrial union • Professional union • Enterprise union
The purpose is the same: – wage, working conditions, hazard.
Another problem - where are ethical boundaries of union power use? Some unions may have very strong market power and may abuse it, e.g. in public transport or dangerous production.
Bread and Roses (2009)
• What this power is based on?
• How the employers abuse this power?
Trade Unions
• Why it is difficult to create the union?
• What strategies were used by the activists?
– Enlightenment of workers
– Economic boycott
• The role of whistle-blowing
• The inequality in trade unions
For discussion Strikes in public transport
1. Find information 5 recent strikes in public transport. 2. What is the common problem in all these strikes? 3. Are these strikes ethical? 4. What solutions could be proposed to avoid strikes in public transport?
2. Asymmetry of information: Quality and Price
Asymmetry of information