The Myths and Realities of a Manager's Job
How managers actually work? Here are some myths and realities about managers and their job.
Myth 1:The manager is a reflective, methodical planner with time to systematically plan and work through a day. Reality: The typical manager and encounters such constant interruption that little time remains for reflection. The average time spent on one activity is 9 minutes.
Myth 2:The effective manager has no regular duties to perform. He establishes others' responsibilities in advance and then relaxes to watch others do the work. Reality: Managers have regular duties to perform. They must attend meetings, see to visitors from the organization, and continuously process information. To perform all their duties, managers often extend the day into the night. Some of the scientists consider that 12-hour days are common for managers.
Myth 3:The manager's job is a science; managers work systematically and analytically to determine programs and procedures. Reality: The manager's job is less a science than an art. Rather than systematic procedures and programs, managers rely heavily on intuition and judgment.
Text «The Myths and realities of a Manager’s Job»
I. Read and translate the text. Try to learn by heart all the myths and realities of a manager’s job. II. Words and expressions to remember: myth - [mıq] -миф, несуществующая вещь; reality –[rı:´ælıtı] - действительность, реальность; methodical - [mı´θodıkәl] - a 1. систематичный, методичный; 2. методический; reflective -[rıf´lektıv] - 1. отражающий; 2. размышляющий, мыслящий;
encounter [ın´kauntә] n I. 1.неожиданная встреча; 2.столкновение; v II.1. (неожиданно) встретиться; 2. сталкиваться; иметь столкновение; 3. наталкиваться (на трудности); interruption [ıntә´rlpƒәn] n 1. перерыв; прерывание; 2. остановка, заминка; 3. разрыв, разлом, разъединение; average a -[´ævәrıd] 1. средний, обычный, нормативный; establish v -[ıs´tæblıƒ] 1. основывать, создавать, учреждать 2. устраивать; 3. устанавливать; 4. упрочивать; responsibility n -[rısِ ponsә´bılıtı] 1. ответственность; 2. обязанность, обязательства; in advance -[әd´va:ns] вперед, заранее; relax v - [rıl´æks] 1. ослабляться, расслабляться; 2. смягчаться, делаться менее строгим; watch v- [wotƒ] наблюдать, следить; attend v-[ə´tend] посещать, присутствовать; to process information [prə´ses] обрабатывать информацию; extend v -[iks´tend] 1. простираться, тянуться; 2. удлинять; 3. расширять, продолжать; consider v - [kən´sidə] полагать, считать; common a -[´komən] простой, обыкновенный, элементарный, обычный; determine v -[di´tə:min] определять, устанавливать; procedure n -[prə´si:dgə] процесс производства работы; технологический процесс; rely on/upon v -[ri´lai] полагаться, доверять; heavily a - [´hevili] сильно, тяжело; intuition n -[intj:´i∫ən] интуиция; judgement n -[´dadmənt] мнение, взгляд; рассудительность, зд. здравый смысл; to see to smb.- видеться с кем-либо; встречаться, встретиться с кем-либо;
III. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use such phrases as:
a) Yes, definitely. c) No, not really. b) Yes, you are really right. d) No, definitely not.
A manager plan and work through a day. The average time the typical manager spend on one activity is 9 minutes. The effective manager has no regular duties to perform. Managers have regular duties to perform. Some scientist consider that 12-hour days are common for managers. The manager´s job is a science. The manager´s job is an art. Managers rely on intuition and judgement.
IV. Find Russian equivalents of the following expressions. Make up your own sentences with them: to work through a day; constant interruption; effective manager; regular duties to perform; to do smth. in advance; to see to smb.; to watch smb. to do smth.; to extend the day into the night; to be common; to rely on judgment;
V. Please, discuss with the fellows in your group the statement:
«The manager´s job is less a science than an art»; «The myths and the realities of the manager´s job»;