- The divorced farther has a court order allowing him to see his son once a week, but the mother, who has remarried, doesn’t let him contact with the child.
- The employee was made redundant. The company didn’t pay him the money he had earned and refused to pay compensation.
- The relatives of the deceased person don’t agree with the will. They think it is invalid.
- A new housing estate has been built on a territory of the national park. The local authorities say that they haven’t given permission for the construction.
- A company promised to deliver new equipment by the end of April. It’s the end of May already, but the equipment hasn’t arrived yet.
- Your neigbours make an excessive noise every night. You can’t endure it any more.
- One hundred unlicensed copies of discs have been sold.
- During the fierce argument one man snatched a knife and stabbed it into the other man. Four hours later the injured man died in hospital.
- The owner of a pit bull terrier allowed it to be in a public place without being muzzled.
Прочитайте описание правовых дисциплин, которые предлагаются студентам-юристам в высшем учебном заведении. Сопоставьте описание с названием курса.
· Introduction to law
· Criminal procedure
· Civil procedure
· Contract law
· Constitutional law
· Criminal law
· Legal research
- ______________The course describes the nature of legal research. Students will analyze judicial opinions, apply legal concepts and rules and learn legal precedents. Special attention is given to writing memoranda and briefs.
- _______________The course describes general principles of the study of law. Students will develop certain basic skills such as reading, analysis and interpretation of statutes. They will discuss fundamental aspects of the legal process, e.g. how courts “apply laws” or main functions of law enforcement bodies.
- _______________Topics covered in this course include crimes against persons and property with special emphasis placed upon the law of homicide.
- _________________This course covers regulation of law enforcement conduct during the investigation of crimes. Topics include search and seizure, types of surveillance, identification procedure, etc.
- _________________This course covers the general principles of federal constitutional law, including distribution of authority between the national government and the state government; the judicial functions in constitutional cases; intergovernmental relations; the federal constitution and its amendments.
- _________________This course covers the process of litigation at the level of district courts and appeal at the level of Supreme Court. Students will study and analyze different procedural documents on state and federal levels.
- _________________The course covers the fundamental principles of formation, interpretation, performance and enforcement of legally binding agreements.
Ответьте на вопросы.
- Which courses cover basic skills that students will need in their future career?
- Do you have the same courses at your university?
- What is the difference between these courses and the courses at your university?
- Which course are you mostly interested in? Why?