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Прочитайте высказывания выдающихся ученых о науке и дайте свой комментарий к каждому из них. Начните свой ответ с одной из моделей.


It doesn’t make sense – Мне это не кажется логичным.

It is true to fact – Это соответствует действительности.

There is no denying it – Это нельзя отрицать.

That may be true but I have to see the bigger picture – Это может быть и правда, но надо смотреть шире.

That’s only one side of the problem – Это только одна сторона проблемы.

Most probably – По всей вероятности …

1. The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them. ~William Lawrence Bragg (the Australian physicist)

2. Science is built up of facts, as a house is built of stones; but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. ~Henri Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis, 1905

3. A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation. ~Max Gluckman, Politics, Law and Ritual, 1965

4. The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions. ~Claude Lévi-Strauss, Le Cru et le cuit, 1964

5. Facts are not science - as the dictionary is not literature. ~Martin H. Fischer (American physician)

6. The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it.~ Confucius, 551-479BC

3. Прочитайте определения понятий «ученый» и «судебный эксперт». Выпишите в таблицу ключевые слова, описывающие суть данных понятий. Составьте с ними предложения.

A scientist, in a broad sense, is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method. Scientists perform research toward a more comprehensive understanding of nature, including physical, mathematical and social realms.

Forensic scientists are scientists, but when they apply their scientific knowledge to assist juries, attorneys, and judges in understanding the physical evidence of a criminal case, they become forensic scientists. The word “forensic” applies to the use of scientific methods and techniques to investigate a crime and help to resolve legal issues in a court of law. Forensic science literally means science applied to public affairs or social justice.


SCIENTISTS a systematic activity, knowledge. …  
FORENSIC SCIENTISTS scientific knowledge, a criminal case,..  

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

1. How old is forensic science?

2. How do you understand the word “forensic”?

One of the first accounts of forensic science being used to solve a crime occurred in 44 B.C., when Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by Roman senators. A physician named Antistius was called to study the corpse of Julius Caesar. Upon examination of the body, Antistius concluded who was responsible for the crime, and the guilty senators were sentenced to death. The physician made his fateful announcement in the Roman forum, giving forensic (forensic – from the Latin forensics, “belonging to the forum”) science its name.

Местоимения this (этот) и that (тот) имеют формы мн.числа, соответственно: these (эти) и those (те). Если эти местоимения в предложении выполняют функцию подлежащего, то при грамматическом анализе предложения нужно искать сказуемое в соответствующем числе. В этом случае these обычно переводится - они.

Местоимения that / those употребляются также как слова-заместители тех существительных, которые были употреблены ранее. Главным признаком такого употребления является наличие предлога (обычно of) или причастия после that / those.

Слово that также может является относительным местоимением или союзом со значением "что / который / то, что";, если оно находится перед придаточным предложением.

5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию местоимения в предложении.


1. Forensic science describes the science of associating people, places, and things involved in criminal activities; these scientific disciplines assist in investigating and adjudicating criminal and civil cases.

2. Sev­eral departments in the federal government have forensic science labs. These include the Departments of Justice and the Treasury.

3. Each state has its own forensic science laboratory system. These include labs run by state or local government.

4. The dis­cipline has two parts to it divides neatly, like the term that describes it.

5. High school or university teams that compete in debates or public speaking are called "forensics”.

6. The larg­est area of forensic science is criminalistics, which includes the physical evidence that commonly occurs at crime scenes.

7. It is now necessary to have an armoury of complementary investigative tools to crack the hardest cases. These guarantee that the most sophisticated crimes are uncovered, the perpetrators are revealed and case winning evidence is assured.


6. Прочитайте и переведите текст.






The Oxford English Dictionary lists one of the first uses of the phrase "forensic science" to describe "a mixed science." The early days of foren­sic science could certainly be called mixed, when science served justice by its application to questions before the court. Forensic science has grown as a profession from the early 1880s and into a science in its own right in the early twenty-first century. Given the public's interest in using science to solve crimes, it looks as if forensic science has an active, even hectic, future.

Forensic science describes the science of associating places, things and people, involved in criminal activities; these scientific disciplines assist in investigating and adjudicating criminal and civil cases. The dis­cipline has two parts to it divides neatly, like the term that describes it.

Science is the collection of systematic methodologies used to increasingly understand the physical world. The word "forensic" is derived from the Latin forum meaning "public." In ancient Rome, the Senate met in the Forum, a public place where the political and policy issues of the day were discussed and debated; even today, high school or university teams that compete in debates or public speaking are called "forensics." More technically, forensic means "as applied to public or legal concerns." Together, "forensic science" is an appropriate term for the profession which answers scientific questions for the courts.

Forensic science is the application of scientific methods to solving crimes. Any science can be a forensic science if it has an application to the criminal justice system. The larg­est area of forensic science is criminalistics, which includes the physical evidence that commonly occurs at crime scenes. There are about 400 crime labs in the United States. Sev­eral departments in the federal government have forensic science labs. These include the Departments of Justice and the Treasury. Each state has its own forensic science laboratory system. These include labs run by state or local government.

Forensic scientists analyze evidence and testify in court as expert witnesses. They may also go to some crime scenes where especially serious or notorious crimes have been com­mitted. Crime laboratories must be secure so that evidence can be protected. There are many types of labs, but they all have an intake section, an analysis section, and a storage location for evidence.



7. Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте.


Общественный интерес, раскрывать преступления, перспективное будущее, замешанные в уголовных преступлениях, расследование и судебное разрешение дела, четко разделенный, понять в большей степени, насущные государственные и политические вопросы, вещи (дела) общественного и правового характера, система уголовного правосудия, место преступления, управляемая государством, выступать в суде в качестве эксперта, общеизвестное преступление, отдел по сбору проб и образцов.


8. Переведите словосочетания из текста на русский язык.


3. foren­sic science

4. to solve crimes

5. to assist in investigating and adjudicating criminal and civil cases

6. systematic methodologies

7. to compete in debates

8. labs run by state

9. to analyze evidence

10. to testify in court as expert witnesses

11. to be secure

12. an intake section


9. Прочитайте интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык а) однокоренным; б) словом со значением, с которым оно использовалось в тексте.


application, profession, active, associating, criminal, discipline, assist, collection, physical, forum, political, debates, legal, method, criminalistics, department, local, analyze, scene, laboratory, protect, type, analysis, section.


10. Найдите в тексте синонимы английских слов, данных ниже.


public, forensics, an offence, a dispute, a corresponding word, research techniques, to be free from danger, to examine.


11. Соотнесите слово с определением.


1) science

2) forensic science

3) scientific methods

4) the Forum

5) evidence

6) crime laboratories



a) a public place where the political and policy issues of the day were discussed and debated

b) a place where things from the crime scene are studied

c) a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

d) something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter

e) the application of scientific knowledge and methodology to legal problems and criminal investigations.

f) a systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about the world and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories.


Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. Forensic science describes …..

2. The word "forensic" is derived from …..

3. The larg­est area of forensic science is ……

4. Forensic scientists analyze ……

5. Crime laboratories must …….


13. Соедините слова из двух колонок, чтобы получились словосочетания из текста. Составьте с ними свои предложения.


a. to serve 1. investigating criminal cases

b. to solve 2. debates

c. to be involved in 3. as expert witnesses

d. to assist in 4. justice

e. to compete in 5. public concerns

f. to analyze 6. crimes

g. to testify 7. criminal activities

h. to be applied to 8. evidence



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