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Simply stated, forensic scientists study the details of a crime and report their findings to a court of law. To do this, ____1____perform physical and chemical analyses on criminal ____2_____ submitted by the police or other law enforcement agencies. The physical evidence may be found at the ____3_____, on a victim, or both. Regardless, forensic scientists use a variety of problem-solving methods, mathematical principles, complex instruments, and ____4____ techniques to explain the intricacies of each piece of evidence from a case. Some forensic scientists work in laboratories, while others conduct their analysis at the scene of the crime.

After analyzing the physical evidence, forensic scientists draw links between ____5_____, the victim, and the crime scene. For example, they may use physical evidence to determine the model, year, and even the identity of the owner of a car associated with a crime. Then, they explain the results of their ___6____and describe the methods they used to reach their conclusion in____7____, which they will cite while providing testimony in court. Throughout this process, forensic scientists ensure that their examination of physical evidence is complete, tests are administered correctly, _____8____ is accurate, their report is clear and concise, and their testimony is truthful.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What does a forensic scientist do?
  2. What feature distinguishes forensic scientists from any other scientist?
  3. Where do forensic scientists work?
  4. Who is considered to be the grandfather of modern criminalistics?
  5. What does a criminalistdo?
  6. What does a forensic generalist do?
  7. What does an evidence technician do?




A forensic scientist examines physical evidence and then testifies about the results of their findings in court. They are in fact defined by the expectation that they may give expert testimony about their examinations and further provide interpretations or opinions under oath. As explained in Thornton (1997): “The single feature that distinguishes forensic scientists from any other scientist is the certain expectation that they will appear in court and testify to their findings and offer an opinion as to the significance of those findings. The forensic scientist will testify not only to what things are, but to what things mean. Forensic science is science exercised on behalf of the law in the just resolution of conflict.”

A true forensic scientist is not a policeman, nor are they partial about the outcome of their examinations. They are objective investigators of scientific fact. Subsequently, a forensic scientist may work in a state run crime lab, or they many work in private practice.

There are different kinds of physical evidence, and subsequently there are different kinds of forensic scientists, all variously educated and trained.

The Austrian Jurist Dr. Hans Gross (born Johann Baptist Gustav Gross, 1847-1915), was one of the earliest forensic scientists of modern record. In his ground-breaking text, System Der Kriminalistik published in 1893, he is widely credited with coining the term " criminalistics". Dr. Gross is also widely regarded as the grandfather of modern criminalistics. A criminalist, by his usage, would have been one who studies crime, criminals, and the scientific methods of their identification, apprehension, and prosecution.

In modern use, the scope of the term criminalist has been greatly narrowed. It now refers only to a particular kind of forensic scientist who, according to the American Board of Criminalists (ABC), specializes in one or more of the following areas:

Forensic Biology (serology and/or DNA)

Drug Analysis

Fire Debris Analysis

Trace Evidence (hairs, fibers, paints, & polymers).

A criminalist may or may not be board certified. They may also be trained in crime reconstruction related to their areas of specialized knowledge, though this is not always the case. Some may visit crime scenes on a regular basis, and some may never leave their lab station. Most modern criminalists will have a four-year degree of some kind, likely in a hard science like chemistry or biology. However, there are plenty of exceptions. Every lab and agency has their own unique policies and procedures about such things.


A forensic generalist is a particular kind of forensic scientist who is broadly trained in a variety of forensic specialties. They are big picture people who can help reconstruct a crime from work performed with the assistance of other forensic scientists, and then direct investigators to forensic specialists as needed. They can also make for good crime lab administrators or directors.

Because of the depth and complexity of criminalistics, the need for specialists is inescapable. There can be serious problems, however, with overspecialization. Persons who have working knowledge of a broad range of criminalistics problems and techniques are also necessary. These people are called generalists. The value of generalists lies in their ability to look at all of the aspects of a complex case and decide what needs to be done, which specialists should be involved, and in which order to carry out the required examinations.

The generalist typically has broad education and training in the major forensic sciences, and will often have a master's or doctorate level education. However, many of those claiming to be generalists have only a law enforcement background with no formal science education. These are often police technicians who have confused their role with that of forensic scientist.

As suggested, a related profession is that of evidence technician. An evidence technician is charged with the recognition, documentation, collection, and preservation of physical evidence. Sometimes they even have training, though this is not necessary. A full time evidence technician is typically not a forensic scientist, and is not necessarily qualified to examine forensic evidence and interpret its meaning. Evidence technicians may be attached to the police department, the crime lab, or the medical examiners office. They are not necessarily sworn police officers, though they can be. It is common for technicians not to have attended a four-year degree program at a college or university. Some have two year associates degrees, and still others have only on the job training with a high-school diploma. In many jurisdictions, police officers must do this work themselves with little or no forensic training, for lack of specialized assistance.


7. Соотнесите английские словосочетания из текста с их русскими эквивалентами.


1. to give expert testimony a. справедливое разрешение конфликта
2. to provide interpretations under oath b. аттестат о полном среднем образовании
3. to testify to their findings c. иметь опыт работы в правоохранительных органах
4. on behalf of the law d. давать показания в качестве эксперта
5. just resolution of conflict e. сохранение вещественных доказательств
6. the outcome of the examination f. свидетельствовать о результатах экспертизы
7. to be trained in crime reconstruction g. от имени закона
8. big picture people h. давать толкование ч-л под присягой
9. to have law enforcement background i. результаты экспертизы
10. to be charged with documentation and collection of physical evidence j. иметь подготовку в вопросе реконструкции преступления
11. preservation of physical evidence k. концептуально мыслящие люди
12. a high-school diploma   l. в обязанности которых входит документирование и сбор вещественных доказательств  

Заполните таблицу информацией из текста и расскажите, что вы узнали о профессии судебного эксперта, необходимом уровне образования, возможных местах работы и должностных обязанностях.

Forensic generalist      
Evidence technician      

Напишите служебную записку начинающему эксперту, напоминая ему, каким требованиям он должен отвечать при выполнении своих служебных обязанностей (Список требований приводится ниже).

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