Студопедия — Definition of Forensic Science 1
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Definition of Forensic Science 1

Forensic science is the application of natural sciences to matters of the law. In practice, forensic science draws upon physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific principles and methods. Forensic science is concerned with the recognition, identification, individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence. Forensic scientists present their findings as expert witnesses in the court of law.

(Midwest Forensics Resource Center at the U.S. Dept. of Energy)


Definition of Forensic Science 2

The word “forensic” means “pertaining to the law”; forensic science resolves legal issues by applying scientific principles to them.

(Hall Dillon, Bureau of Labor Statistics)


Definition of Forensic Science 3

Forensic science is a multidisciplinary subject used for examining crime scenes and gathering evidence to be used in prosecution of offenders in a court of law. Forensic science techniques are also used to examine compliance with international agreements regarding weapons of mass destruction.

The main areas used in forensic science are biology, chemistry, and medicine, although the science also includes the use of physics, computer science, geology, and psychology. Forensic scientists examine objects, substances (including blood or drug samples), chemicals (paints, explosives, toxins), tissue traces (hair, skin), or impressions (fingerprints or tidemarks) left at the crime scene. The majority of forensic scientists specialize in one area of science.

(Gale Encyclopedia of Espionage and Intellegence)

Definition of Forensic Science 4


Forensic science is the scientific analysis and documentation of evidence suitable for legal proceedings. Many people have heard the term “forensics” used to describe school debate clubs. There is a similarity between these two forms of the word. In academic forensics, political or other issues are debated between two teams using a logical approach, and likewise in forensic science the debate (or comparison) is between the physical evidence and the known or suspected circumstances about an event.

Forensic scientists determine scientific facts from the evidence they evaluate and may testify as expert witnesses in civil or criminal courts or other legal proceedings. It is the responsibility of the lawyers, judges, and juries to prosecute, defend, and judge the guilt or innocence of an individual accused of wrongdoing. It is the responsibility of the forensic scientist to present the scientific facts in a fair, objective manner based on accepted scientific methods to facilitate the decision.

(Hamilton County Forensic Center)


Definition of Forensic Science 5


Forensic science is the recognition, collection, identification, individualization, and interpretation of physical evidence, and the application of science and medicine for criminal and civil law, or regulatory purposes.
(McGraw-Hill Science &Technology Dictionary)


10. Используя выбранное Вами определение в задании 9 и ключевые слова для описания основных видов судебных экспертиз из задания 8, напишите небольшое эссе о предмете судебной экспертизы (120-150 слов). Используйте логико-грам­матические лексические единицы, которые подразделяются на смысловые классы:

1) соединение и логическая последовательность идей (and, also, apart from, besides, further more, in addition to, moreover, simultaneously, thus, too,...),

2) парафраз и наложение (as if, in the same way, in like manner, like, similarly,...),

3) причин­ность (accordingly, as, because, consequently, hence, once, since, therefore, as long as, owing to,...),

4) контраст и сопоставление (alternatively, although, but if, however, nevertheless, otherwise, in spite of, on the other hand,...),

5) ограничение (except, impossible, occasionally, only, unless, if, only when,...),

6) предположение (con­clude, confirm, consider, reduce, imagine, suppose, in principle,

it follows,...),


Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Does forensic science require a definite level of education in a definite area of science?

2. What should students decide early in the college?

3. Do investigation of crimes and analyzing evidence require the same type of education?

4. How long should students study to earn a Bachelor Degree?

5. Can undergraduates with B.S. degree apply for a job?

6. What are the advantages of MSFS graduate program?

7. How long does MSFS program last?

8. Is it easy for Bachelors to compete with Masters?

It is good to start planning early for any career, especially in forensic science. Forensic science is an interesting field since it spans so many areas, with each area requiring a different education path. Prospective students are most confused when trying to figure out what type of work a real forensic scientist actually does. Unfortunately, students must decide early in college whether they are interested in the lab side of forensic science or the investigative side. Investigating crimes and analyzing evidence in the lab are closely related areas of work, but most of the time each requires a different type of education.

In college, there are a couple choices to make. First, some colleges offer an undergraduate degree in forensic science. A B.S. in forensic science is basically a chemistry or biology degree with some classes covering forensic applications and criminal justice mixed in. The other undergraduate option is to complete a chemistry or biology degree at a 4-year university. After completing an undergraduate B.S. degree, you can start applying for forensic science lab jobs, or attend a 2- year MSFS (Master of Sciences in Forensic Science) graduate program. The advantages of completing a MSFS degree are that graduates can better compete for entry level jobs and graduates will be qualified for eventual promotions to supervisory positions. You will notice that MSFS students still enter crime labs at the entry level. This is one reason why it may be more difficult for a student with just a B.S. degree to find employment since they are competing with MSFS graduates.

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