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OAO STALTRANSIT Krivokolenny 9 Moscow, Russia tel: (095) 253-12-18 e-mail: rec@staltransit.com
    Our ref. Your ref.   Nord Vest Shipbrokers 3rd March, 20__ Beethovenstraase 17 210u Stuttgart 10 Germany   Dear Sirs,   This letter is to confirm our telex to you this morning in which we asked if you could find a ship of six to seven thousand tons which we could charter for six months to take shipments of ore from St. Petersburg to Hamburg.   We will need a ship that is capable of making a fast turn round and will be able to manage at least twenty trips within the period.   We would also like to note that the MV BIRGITTA you chartered the previous time for the similar contract will fully meet our requirements.   In view of general slackness of the market at the moment we hope that you can get us a really good offer.   Yours faithfully, A.Vasiliev Andrey Vasiliev Shipping Depatment    


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  From: freightdep@nordvestship.com  
  Date: March 9, 20__ 11.24  
  To: Andrey Vasiliev rec@staltransit.com  
  Subject: MV BIRGITTA  
  Mr. Vasiliev,  
  The MV BIRGITTA is not available at present.   We can offer a substitute suitable for your purpose that is the MV VALGALLA. The cargo capacity of the vessel is 8,000 tons, average speed 24 knots, charge €3 per ton.   A letter with relevant details will follow.   Best wishes,    
  Brian Huxbury  



NORD VEST SHIPBROKERS Beethovenstrasse 17, 210u Stuttgart 10, Germany
    Our ref. Your ref.   OAO StalTransit March 9, 20__ Krivokolenny 9 Moscow   Dear Mr. Vasiliev   With reference to your telex and letter, we are to inform you that the MV BIRGITTA you required collided with another vessel in bad weather conditions; she was towed by a tug to Hamburg, where she has been laid up for repairs.   However we have been able to secure a vessel similar to that you have asked for. She is the MV VALGALLA and is docked at present in Rostok. She has a cargo capacity of eight thousand tons, is a bulk carrier, and has a speed of 24 knots which will certainly be able to make the number of trips you mentioned.   She is, perhaps, a little larger than you require, but the shipowners are prepared to consider a special rate for a time charter.   The MV VALGALLA has just completed a charter and can therefore be at St. Petersburg dock and ready to load by the end of the month.   We hope this fixture will suit you, and as soon as we receive your confirmation we will prepare the charter party.   Yours sincerely, Brian Huxbury Brian Huxbury Charter Department    


Adopted by the Documentary Committee of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom Code Name:   GENCON RECOMMENDED
Issued to come into force for fixtures on and after 15th September, 2002 The Documentary Council of The Baltic & White Sea Conference
  AS REVISED 2002.
  (Only to be used for trades for which no approved form is in force) __________ Hamburg ______________________
_____ 10 March ______ 20__
Owners. Position. Charterers. Where to load. Cargo. Destination. No. of voyages Rate of Freight. 1. IT IS THIS DAY MUTUALLY AGREED between _______ ____________ Nord Vest Shipbrokers ________________________ Owners of the steamer or motor-vessel _______ Valgalla _____________ of__ 20,000 ___tons-(gross/net) Register and carrying about 8,000 tons of deadweight cargo, now____ at Rostok _________________________ and expected ready to load under this Charter about___ 31 March _____ and Messrs______ OAO Stal Transit __________________________ of___ Russia ______as Charterers. That the said vessel shall proceed to ___ St. Petersburg dock __ _____________________or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there load a full and complete cargo (if shipment of deck cargo agreed same to be at Charterers’ risk) of______ Ore _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ separations required, the Owners allowing the use of any dunnage wood on board if required) which the Charterers bind themselves to ship, and being so loaded the vessel shall proceed to______ Hamburg _______________ ______________________________________________________________________ 26 ________________________________________________ as ordered on signing Bills of Lading or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat and there deliver the cargo on being paid freight – on (delivered/intaken) quantity – as follows €3 per ton    

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