Б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов и сочетаний слов.
1. древесный уголь и кокс a) to collect data 2. жидкое топливо б) charcoal and coke 3. накапливать в) to be composed of limestones 4. собирать данные г) liquid fuel 5. происходить от д) to accumulate 6. получать хорошие результаты 'е) to derive from 7. богатый горючими сланцами ж) to obtain good result» 8. состоять из известняков з) abundant in oil shales 9. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Переве 1. Mineral fuels such as oil, oil shale, gas and coal are com 2. These fossils are organic materials accumulated in the geologic 3. As a rule oil deposits are usually associated with water and 4. Salt deposits form folds in which petroleum can be found. 5. Liquid is one of the states of matter. 6. Liquid fuels are derived from petroleum. 7. Coke manufacture depends on certain (определенный) grades 8. Chemical plants manufacture synthetic materials from natural Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя приведенные слова
accumulation ^accumulate accumulate 1. Fossil fuels were formed as a result of the... of vegetable matter. 144_____________________________________________ Unit 6 2. These fossil fuels are organic materials that... in the geologic 3. Coal, for example, deposited from vegetable remains... in 4. As is known, any natural... of mineral of some volume in the 11. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них 1. Using coal as a fuel began in the twelfth century. 2. Extracting useful minerals by underground methods will con 3. Winning coal from deep horizons is difficult due to high tem 4. Producing oil from shale has been successfully carried out for 12. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных 1. Electricity is a source of light as well as of heat. 2. As igneous rocks and their veins are rich in mineral deposits, 3. As is known, fossils are found in sedimentary rocks although 4. Mine cars are unloaded (разгружать) as they pass through a 5. As far as petroleum is concerned it is associated with water 6. Nowadays natural gas is utilized as a raw material for manu 7. As a rule open-cast mining is used when the deposit lies near 13. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на пере-вод 1. The progress in the coal industry was achieved by mechaniz 2. Brown coal and lignite are used as raw materials for produc 3. The problem of extracting geothermal energy is under con Unit 6______________________________________________ 145 4. On re-utilizing the wastes (отходы) it will be possible to 5. Geologists have got good results in prospecting for mineral 14. а) Назовите, в каких предложениях употреблен герундий. Укажите 1. Charcoal is used for producing high grades of cast iron. 2. Coke is formed in the process of heating certain grades of coal 3. New concentration plants have been built for the processing of
4. Many minerals undergo changes by taking water in their 5. The form of a mineral body is taken into consideration in 6. In prospecting for useful minerals, aerial photography will
7. Using modern mining equipment allowed the miners to in 8. The training of mining specialists now takes place in proxim 9. It is difficult to understand the nature of fossils without study Найдите в тексте А предложения, в которых употреблен герундий. Переведите предложения. 15. Переведите предложения, используя следующие слова и сочетания