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Английский язык с Оскаром Уайльдом 15 страница


courage ['kArIdZ], proof [pru:f], speech [spi:tS], furiously ['fju(q)rIqslI]


And the Lion answered, "I am a Cowardly Lion, afraid of everything. I came to you to beg that you give me courage, so that in reality I may become the King of Beasts, as men call me."

"Why should I give you courage?" demanded Oz.

"Because of all Wizards you are the greatest, and alone have power to grant my request," answered the Lion.

The Ball of Fire burned fiercely for a time, and the voice said, "Bring me proof that the Wicked Witch is dead, and that moment I will give you courage. But as long as the Witch lives, you must remain a coward." The Lion was angry at this speech, but could say nothing in reply, and while he stood silently gazing at the Ball of Fire it became so furiously hot that he turned tail and rushed from the room.


He was glad to find his friends waiting for him (он был рад найти своих друзей, которые ожидали его), and told them of his terrible interview with the Wizard (и рассказал им о своем внушающем ужас разговоре с Волшебником; interview — деловое свидание, встреча, беседа; terrible — внушающий страх, ужас).

"What shall we do now (что же нам теперь делать)?" asked Dorothy sadly (грустно спросила Дороти).

"There is only one thing we can do (есть только одна вещь, которую мы можем сделать)," returned the Lion (сказал Лев; to return — вернуть; ответить/отозваться на реплику), "and that is to go to the land of the Winkies (а именно — пойти в страну Винки), seek out the Wicked Witch (найти Злую Волшебницу), and destroy her (и уничтожить ее; to destroy — разрушать, рушить; уничтожать, лишать жизни)."

"But suppose we cannot (а вдруг мы не сможем; to suppose — допускать, думать, полагать)?" said the girl.

"Then I shall never have courage (тогда я никогда не получу храбрость)," declared the Lion (заявил Лев).

"And I shall never have brains (а я никогда не получу мозги)," added the Scarecrow (добавил Страшила).

"And I shall never have a heart (а я никогда не получу сердце)," spoke the Tin of Woodman (проговорил Железный Дровосек).

"And I shall never see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry (а я никогда не увижу Тетушку Эм и Дядюшку Генри)," said Dorothy, beginning to cry (сказала Дороти, начиная плакать).


interview ['Intqvju:], sadly ['sxdlI], destroy [dIs'trOI]


He was glad to find his friends waiting for him, and told them of his terrible interview with the Wizard.

"What shall we do now?" asked Dorothy sadly.

"There is only one thing we can do," returned the Lion, "and that is to go to the land of the Winkies, seek out the Wicked Witch, and destroy her."

"But suppose we cannot?" said the girl.

"Then I shall never have courage," declared the Lion.

"And I shall never have brains," added the Scarecrow.

"And I shall never have a heart," spoke the Tin of Woodman.

"And I shall never see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry," said Dorothy, beginning to cry.


"Be careful (осторожней: «будь осторожна»)!" cried the green girl (воскликнула зеленая девушка). "The tears will fall on your green silk gown and spot it (слезы упадут на твое зеленое шелковое платье и запятнают его; spot — пятнышко, крапинка; to spot — пятнать, пачкать)." So Dorothy dried her eyes and said (поэтому Дороти вытерла глаза и сказала), "I suppose we must try it (полагаю, что мы должны попробовать /сделать/ это); but I am sure I do not want to kill anybody (но я уверена, что я не хочу никого убивать), even to see Aunt Em again (даже /ради того, чтобы/ увидеть Тетушку Эм)."

"I will go with you (я пойду с тобой); but I'm too much of a coward to kill the Witch (но я слишком большой трус, чтобы убить Ведьму)," said the Lion.

"I will go too (я тоже пойду)," declared the Scarecrow; "but I shall not be of much help to you (но от меня будет немного помощи; help — поддержка, помощь; to be of little/not much help — приносить мало пользы, мало помогать), I am such a fool (потому что я такой глупец)."

"I haven't the heart to harm even a Witch (у меня не хватит храбрости, чтобы навредить даже Волшебнице: /игра слов: «у меня нет сердца, чтобы»/; heart — сердце; мужество, смелость; to have the heart to do smth — решиться сделать что-либо/)," remarked the Tin Woodman; "but if you go I certainly shall go with you (но, если вы пойдете, то я, конечно же, пойду с вами)."


careful ['keqful], tear [tIq], again [q'gen]


"Be careful!" cried the green girl. "The tears will fall on your green silk gown and spot it." So Dorothy dried her eyes and said, "I suppose we must try it; but I am sure I do not want to kill anybody, even to see Aunt Em again."

"I will go with you; but I'm too much of a coward to kill the Witch," said the Lion.

"I will go too," declared the Scarecrow; "but I shall not be of much help to you, I am such a fool."

"I haven't the heart to harm even a Witch," remarked the Tin Woodman; "but if you go I certainly shall go with you."


Therefore it was decided to start upon their journey the next morning (поэтому было решено отправиться в путь следующим утром), and the Woodman sharpened his axe on a green grindstone (и Дровосек наточил свой топор о зеленое точило; to sharpen — точить, заострять; to grind — молоть, размалывать; точить, оттачивать; grindstone — шлифовальный круг, точильный камень) and had all his joints properly oiled (и должным образом смазал все свои шарниры). The Scarecrow stuffed himself with fresh straw (Страшила набил себя свежей соломой) and Dorothy put new paint on his eyes (а Дороти нанесла новую краску ему на глаза) that he might see better (чтобы он мог лучше видеть). The green girl, who was very kind to them (зеленая девушка, которая была очень добра к ним), filled Dorothy's basket with good things to eat (наполнила корзину Дороти вкусной снедью; thing — вещь, предмет; еда, питье; to eat — есть, питаться), and fastened a little bell around Toto's neck with a green ribbon (и привязала маленький колокольчик на шею Тото, /повесив его на/ зеленую ленточку).


decide [dI'saId], journey ['dZq:nI], sharpen ['SQ:p(q)n], grindstone ['graIndstqun], properly ['prOpqlI]


Therefore it was decided to start upon their journey the next morning, and the Woodman sharpened his axe on a green grindstone and had all his joints properly oiled. The Scarecrow stuffed himself with fresh straw and Dorothy put new paint on his eyes that he might see better. The green girl, who was very kind to them, filled Dorothy's basket with good things to eat, and fastened a little bell around Toto's neck with a green ribbon.


They went to bed quite early (они легли спать довольно рано; bed — кровать, постель; to go to bed — ложиться спать) and slept soundly until daylight (и крепко проспали до рассвета; daylight — дневной свет, солнечный свет; рассвет, день), when they were awakened by the crowing of a green cock (когда они были разбужены пением зеленого петуха; to crow — кричать кукареку) that lived in the back yard of the Palace (который жил на заднем дворе Дворца; backyard — двор или садик за домом; задний двор), and the cackling of a hen that had laid a green egg (и кудахтаньем курицы, которая снесла зеленое яйцо; to cackle — кудахтать; to lay — класть, положить; откладывать /яйца/).


soundly ['saundlI], daylight ['deIlaIt], yard [jQ:d], cackle [kxkl]


They went to bed quite early and slept soundly until daylight, when they were awakened by the crowing of a green cock that lived in the back yard of the Palace, and the cackling of a hen that had laid a green egg.


12. The Search for the Wicked Witch (Поиски Злой Волшебницы)


The soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the Emerald City (солдат с зеленой бородой вел их по улицам Изумрудного Города) until they reached the room where the Guardian of the Gates lived (пока они не добрались до комнаты, в которой: «где» жил Страж Ворот). This officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box (этот воин открыл ключом их очки, чтобы положить их обратно в огромную коробку; officer — чиновник, должностное лицо; офицер), and then he politely opened the gate for our friends (и после этого он вежливо открыл ворота для наших друзей).

"Which road leads to the Wicked Witch of the West (какая дорога ведет к Злой Ведьме Запада; to lead — вести, сопровождать; вести /о дороге и т. п./)?" asked Dorothy.

"There is no road (нет такой дороги)," answered the Guardian of the Gates (ответил Страж Ворот).

"No one ever wishes to go that way (никто и никогда не хотел идти той дорогой)."

"How, then, are we to find her (как же нам тогда найти ее)?" inquired the girl (спросила девочка).


soldier ['squldZq], guardian ['gQ:dIqn], officer ['OfIsq], inquire [In'kwaIq]


The soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the Emerald City until they reached the room where the Guardian of the Gates lived. This officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box, and then he politely opened the gate for our friends.

"Which road leads to the Wicked Witch of the West?" asked Dorothy.

"There is no road," answered the Guardian of the Gates.

"No one ever wishes to go that way."

"How, then, are we to find her?" inquired the girl.


"That will be easy (это будет легко)," replied the man (ответил мужчина), "for when she knows you are in the country of the Winkies (потому что, когда она узнает, что вы в стране Винки) she will find you (она /сама/ найдет вас), and make you all her slaves (и сделает вас всех своими рабами)."

"Perhaps not (возможно, и нет)," said the Scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her (потому что мы собираемся уничтожить ее)."

"Oh, that is different (о, это другое /дело/; different — отличный /в смысле: непохожий, другой/)," said the Guardian of the Gates.

"No one has ever destroyed her before (никто раньше ее не уничтожал), so I naturally thought she would make slaves of you (поэтому /вполне/ естественно, что я подумал, что она обратит вас в рабов), as she has of the rest (как она обратила всех остальных; rest — остаток, остальное, другие, прочие). But take care for she is wicked and fierce (но берегитесь, ведь она злая и жестокая), and may not allow you to destroy her (и может не позволить вам уничтожить себя).

Keep to the West, where the sun sets (держитесь Запада, где солнце садится), and you cannot fail to find her (и вы не сможете не найти ее = вы непременно ее найдете; to fail to do smth. — не суметь, оказаться неспособным сделать что-либо)."


country ['kAntrI], destroy [dIs'trOI], different ['dIf(q)rqnt], naturally ['nxtS(q)rqlI], fail [feIl]


"That will be easy," replied the man, "for when she knows you are in the country of the Winkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves."

"Perhaps not," said the Scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her."

"Oh, that is different," said the Guardian of the Gates.

"No one has ever destroyed her before, so I naturally thought she would make slaves of you, as she has of the rest. But take care; for she is wicked and fierce, and may not allow you to destroy her. Keep to the West, where the sun sets, and you cannot fail to find her."


They thanked him and bade him good-bye (они поблагодарили его и попрощались с ним), and turned toward the West (и направились на Запад; to turn — поворачивать; направляться), walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups (идя по полям мягкой травы = по мягкой траве, усеянной здесь и там = то там, то здесь маргаритками и лютиками). Dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress (Дороти все еще носила = на ней все еще было то красивое шелковое платье) she had put on in the palace (которое она надела во дворце), but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white (но теперь, к своему удивлению, она обнаружила, что оно более не было зеленым, а было чисто белым). The ribbon around Toto's neck had also lost its green color (ленточка вокруг шеи Тото также утратила свой зеленый цвет) and was as white as Dorothy's dress (и была такой же белой, как и платье Дороти).


walking ['wO:kIN], daisy ['deIzI], buttercup ['bAtqkAp], pure [pjuq]


They thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. Dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress she had put on in the palace, but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white. The ribbon around Toto's neck had also lost its green color and was as white as Dorothy's dress.


The Emerald City was soon left far behind (Изумрудный Город вскоре остался далеко позади). As they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier (по мере того, как они шли вперед, земля становилась все ухабистей и холмистей; hill — возвышение, возвышенность, холм), for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the West (так как в этой стране Запада не было ни ферм, ни домов), and the ground was untilled (и земля была невспаханной).

In the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces (днем солнце жарко светило им в лица; afternoon — время после полудня; послеобеденное время; in the afternoon — днем, после полудня), for there were no trees to offer them shade (потому что там не было деревьев, /которые могли бы/ предоставить им тень); so that before night Dorothy and Toto and the Lion were tired (так что /еще/ до /наступления/ ночи Дороти, Тото и Лев устали: «были уставшими»), and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep (прилегли на траву и заснули), with the Woodman and the Scarecrow keeping watch (а Дровосек и Страшила стояли на страже; watch — пристальное наблюдение, надзор; дежурство; to keep watch — нести вахту, дежурить).


advanced [qd'vQ:nst], rougher ['rAfq], untilled ["An'tIld], tired ['taIqd], asleep [q'sli:p], watch [wOtS]


The Emerald City was soon left far behind. As they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier, for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the West, and the ground was untilled.

In the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces, for there were no trees to offer them shade; so that before night Dorothy and Toto and the Lion were tired, and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep, with the Woodman and the Scarecrow keeping watch.


Now the Wicked Witch of the West had but one eye (а у Злой Ведьмы Запада был всего лишь один глаз; now — теперь; now, … — так вóт, …), yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere (однако он был такой же мощный, как телескоп, и мог видеть везде; powerful — крепкий, могучий, мощный). So, as she sat in the door of her castle (итак, пока она сидела на пороге: «в дверном проеме» своего замка; door — дверь, дверца), she happened to look around and saw Dorothy lying asleep (ей случилось посмотреть вокруг = осмотреться и увидеть Дороти, которая лежала спящей), with her friends all about her (со всеми своими друзьями вокруг нее). They were a long distance off (они были очень далеко: «они находились на большом расстоянии»; distance — расстояние), but the Wicked Witch was angry to find them in her country (но Злая Ведьма рассердилась, обнаружив их в своей стране; angry — рассерженный, сердитый, недовольный); so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck (и она свистнула в серебряный свисток, который висел у нее на шее: «вокруг ее шеи»).

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves (тут же со всех сторон прибежала стая огромных волков; to come running — прибежать). They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth (у них были длинные лапы, свирепые глаза и острые зубы).


telescope ['telIskqup], castle ['kQ:s(q)l], lying ['laIIN], distance ['dIst(q)ns], wolves [wulvz]


Now the Wicked Witch of the West had but one eye, yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere. So, as she sat in the door of her castle, she happened to look around and saw Dorothy lying asleep, with her friends all about her. They were a long distance off, but the Wicked Witch was angry to find them in her country; so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck.

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth.


"Go to those people (идите к тем людям)," said the Witch, "and tear them to pieces (и разорвите их на куски)."

"Are you not going to make them your slaves (разве ты не собираешься сделать их своими рабами)?" asked the leader of the wolves (спросил вожак волков; leader — руководитель, глава, лидер; вожак /стада, стаи/).

"No," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw (один /из них/ из железа, а один из соломы); one is a girl and another a Lion (одна — девчонка, а другой — Лев). None of them is fit to work (никто из них не годен для работы), so you may tear them into small pieces (поэтому вы можете разорвать их на маленькие кусочки)."

"Very well (очень хорошо)," said the wolf (сказал волк), and he dashed away at full speed (и бросился прочь со всех ног: «на полной скорости»; speed — скорость, быстрота; at full speed — полным ходом, во все лопатки), followed by the others (/и за ним/ последовали все остальные: «сопровождаемый остальными»).

It was lucky the Scarecrow and the Woodman were wide awake (к счастью, Страшила и Дровосек не спали; lucky — счастливый, удачный; wide awake — бодрствующий, недремлющий; начеку) and heard the wolves coming (и услышали, что приближаются волки).


tear [teq], leader ['li:dq], work [wq:k], dash [dxS], speed [spi:d], lucky ['lAkI]



"Go to those people," said the Witch, "and tear them to pieces."

"Are you not going to make them your slaves?" asked the leader of the wolves.

"No," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a Lion. None of them is fit to work, so you may tear them into small pieces."

"Very well," said the wolf, and he dashed away at full speed, followed by the others.

It was lucky the Scarecrow and the Woodman were wide awake and heard the wolves coming.


"This is my fight (это мое сражение = я буду драться; fight — бой; драка)," said the Woodman, "so get behind me and I will meet them as they come (поэтому зайди за меня = спрячься за меня, а я встречу их, когда они приблизятся)."

He seized his axe (он схватил свой топор), which he had made very sharp (который он очень хорошо наточил), and as the leader of the wolves came on the Tin Woodman swung his arm (и когда вожак волков приблизился, Железный Дровосек взмахнул рукой; to swing — качаться, колебаться; махать, размахивать) and chopped the wolf's head from its body (и срубил голову волка /с его тела/), so that it immediately died (так что тот тут же сдох).

As soon as he could raise his axe (как только он /снова/ смог поднять свой топор) another wolf came up (подбежал другой волк), and he also fell under the sharp edge of the Tin Woodman's weapon (и он также пал под острым лезвием оружия Железного Дровосека; edge — кромка, край; лезвие, острие; weapon — оружие /для боевых действий/). There were forty wolves (их было сорок волков), and forty times a wolf was killed (и сорок раз было убито по волку), so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the Woodman (так что, в конце концов, они все лежали мертвыми в куче перед Дровосеком).


fight [faIt], seize [si:z], swung [swAN], immediately [I'mi:dIqtlI], weapon ['wepqn], dead [ded], heap [hi:p]


"This is my fight," said the Woodman, "so get behind me and I will meet them as they come." He seized his axe, which he had made very sharp, and as the leader of the wolves came on the Tin Woodman swung his arm and chopped the wolf's head from its body, so that it immediately died.

As soon as he could raise his axe another wolf came up, and he also fell under the sharp edge of the Tin Woodman's weapon. There were forty wolves, and forty times a wolf was killed, so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the Woodman.


Then he put down his axe (тогда он положил свой топор) and sat beside the Scarecrow, who said (и сел рядом со Страшилой, который сказал), "It was a good fight, friend (это была отличная битва, друг)." They waited until Dorothy awoke the next morning (они стали ждать, пока Дороти не проснулась на следующее утро). The little girl was quite frightened (маленькая девочка оказалась совершенно напугана) when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves (когда она увидела огромную кучу лохматых волков), but the Tin Woodman told her all (но Железный Дровосек рассказал ей все). She thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast (она поблагодарила его за спасение их всех и села завтракать), after which they started again upon their journey (после чего они возобновили свое путешествие).


axe [xks], quite [kwaIt], shaggy ['SxgI]


Then he put down his axe and sat beside the Scarecrow, who said, "It was a good fight, friend." They waited until Dorothy awoke the next morning. The little girl was quite frightened when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves, but the Tin Woodman told her all. She thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast, after which they started again upon their journey.


Now this same morning the Wicked Witch came to the door of her castle (и вот, этим самым утром, Злая Ведьма подошла к двери своего замка) and looked out with her one eye that could see far off (и выглянула /наружу/ своим единственным глазом, который мог видеть далеко).

She saw all her wolves lying dead (она увидела, что все ее волки лежат мертвыми), and the strangers still traveling through her country (а чужестранцы все еще идут по ее стране). This made her angrier than before (это рассердило ее еще больше, чем прежде), and she blew her silver whistle twice (и она дважды дунула в свой серебряный свисток).

Straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her (сразу же огромная стая диких ворон подлетела к ней; flock — стадо; стая /птиц/), enough to darken the sky (достаточная, чтобы затемнить небо; to darken — темнеть /особ. о приближении темного времени суток/; затемнять).


stranger ['streIndZq], twice [twaIs], straightway ['streItweI], flock [flOk], crow [krqu]


Now this same morning the Wicked Witch came to the door of her castle and looked out with her one eye that could see far off.

She saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still traveling through her country. This made her angrier than before, and she blew her silver whistle twice.

Straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her, enough to darken the sky.


And the Wicked Witch said to the King Crow (и Злая Ведьма сказала Королю ворон; crow — ворона), "Fly at once to the strangers (немедленно летите к этим чужеземцам); peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces (выклюйте им глаза и разорвите их на клочки; to peck — клевать, долбить клювом)." The wild crows flew in one great flock toward Dorothy and her companions (и дикие вороны полетели одной огромной стаей к Дороти и ее спутникам). When the little girl saw them coming she was afraid (когда маленькая девочка увидела, что они приближаются, она испугалась).

But the Scarecrow said, "This is my battle (это моя битва), so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed (поэтому ложитесь около меня, и вы не пострадаете)." So they all lay upon the ground except the Scarecrow (поэтому все они, за исключением Страшилы, легли на землю), and he stood up and stretched out his arms (а он поднялся /во весь рост/ и вытянул свои руки). And when the crows saw him they were frightened (и когда вороны увидели его, они испугались), as these birds always are by scarecrows (как эти птицы всегда пугаются при виде пугал; scarecrow — пугало: «пугать ворону»; to scare — пугать, отпугивать), and did not dare to come any nearer (и не решались подлететь поближе).


wild [waIld], flew [flu:], battle [bxtl]


And the Wicked Witch said to the King Crow, "Fly at once to the strangers; peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces." The wild crows flew in one great flock toward Dorothy and her companions. When the little girl saw them coming she was afraid.

But the Scarecrow said, "This is my battle, so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed." So they all lay upon the ground except the Scarecrow, and he stood up and stretched out his arms. And when the crows saw him they were frightened, as these birds always are by scarecrows, and did not dare to come any nearer.


But the King Crow said: "It is only a stuffed man (это всего лишь набитый /соломой/ человек). I will peck his eyes out (я выклюю его глаза)." The King Crow flew at the Scarecrow (Король ворон налетел на Страшилу; to fly — летать, лететь; to fly at smb. — броситься на кого-либо), who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died (который = а тот схватил его за голову и свернул ему шею, отчего тот сдох: «пока он не умер»; to twist — крутить, скручивать; разрушать, ломать кручением, сворачивать). And then another crow flew at him (затем другая ворона набросилась на него), and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also (и Страшила свернул и ее шею тоже). There were forty crows (/налетело/ сорок ворон), and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck (и сорок раз Страшила свертывал шею), until at last all were lying dead beside him (пока, наконец, все они не лежали мертвыми возле него). Then he called to his companions to rise (затем он крикнул своим спутникам, /чтобы они/ поднимались), and again they went upon their journey (и снова они отправились в путь).


stuffed [stAft], twist [twIst], companion [kqm'pxnIqn]


But the King Crow said: "It is only a stuffed man. I will peck his eyes out."

The King Crow flew at the Scarecrow, who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died. And then another crow flew at him, and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also. There were forty crows, and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him. Then he called to his companions to rise, and again they went upon their journey.


When the Wicked Witch looked out again (когда Злая Ведьма снова выглянула наружу) and saw all her crows lying in a heap (и увидела, что все ее вороны лежат в куче), she got into a terrible rage (она пришла в ужасную ярость), and blew three times upon her silver whistle (и три раза свистнула в свой серебряный свисток).

Forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air (незамедлительно в воздухе послышалось сильное жужжание; buzz — жужжание, визг /от звука, производимого летящими насекомыми/), and a swarm of black bees came flying toward her (и рой черных пчел подлетел к ней).

"Go to the strangers and sting them to death (отправляйтесь к тем чужеземцам и жальте их до смерти; sting — жало; to sting — жалить)!" commanded the Witch (приказала Ведьма), and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where Dorothy and her friends were walking (и пчелы повернулись и быстро полетели, пока они не подлетели /к тому месту/, где шли Дороти и ее друзья).


rage [reIdZ], forthwith ['fO:TwID], buzzing ['bAzIN], swarm [swO:m], bee [bi:], sting [stIN], command [kq'mQ:nd], rapidly ['rxpIdlI]


When the Wicked Witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle.

Forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air, and a swarm of black bees came flying toward her.

"Go to the strangers and sting them to death!" commanded the Witch, and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where Dorothy and her friends were walking.

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