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Innovation in the content of regional mass media communication


Regional innovation strategy accumulates itself in all spheres of public communication on different levels and stages of innovation communication. It is characterized by different communication combinations with a specific grouping of symbolic, language, non-language, nomenclature, coordination practices. The key task of mass media communication as an incorporative unit of the national innovation communication is based on the specificity of interactions of media, society, state in the terms of forming and modeling public opinion by mass media. Let us distinguish the basic functions of mass media in the framework of the National innovation strategy of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of theoretical research in the field of communication studies. These are informational, educational, educational-precise functions; the function of evaluation; advertising and propaganda functions; image production, proper transformational and auxiliary functions; the function of socialization; the function of critics; the functions of public control, stimulating and mobilization; operational, motivational and adaptation functions.

Taken together the media functions influence on formation of innovation climate (as part of an innovation environment), innovation culture in society (as one of the multiple forms of culture), an innovative public awareness (as a regulator of innovation climate). On the other hand, the information content is an additional tool for assessing the innovativeness index. E. Babosov argues that the term «innovativeness» refers to the ability and willingness of the social system (scientific institutions, firms, industries of a region, country) to integrate the latest advances in science, engineering, technology, management activity, to commercialize scientific discoveries and engineering studies for sustainable innovative scientific-technical and socio-economic development and effective governance [2, p. 62]. The place of mass media in this process can be evaluated in the theoretical model of innovativeness. According to E. Babosov, the main aspects of innovativeness consist in saturation of society and its economic, health, educational, managerial and other innovation structures by innovational information, without which it becomes difficult to implement pioneering work in the information society [1]. The information society formed largely due to the diffusion of mass media information flows has a modifying influence on media. Interaction of national innovation system (innovation communication) actors with media institutions (mass media communication) is a bilateral process, that detects the legality of a certain effects which are caused by innovation activity on mass media, particularly, in its content. The most noticeable effects are listed below:

• innovation policy of the state is becoming an active source of information for Belarusian regional newspapers [5, p. 18]. Innovation communication is a source of such information which in the conditions of innovation economy is becoming more and more popular among mass audience. This aspect puts the media in some dependence on information about innovations due to the fact that such information is able to hold the interest of media consumers;

• innovation communication exports actual knowledge that can be useful and applicable in the process of media source modernizing at all levels and stages: organization of labor, professional activities, financial and legal aspects of functioning of media and others;

• information about innovation is the source of income for the media in the light of the growing mainstream of promoting innovation through its socialization. Media clients in this regard may be commercial enterprises (promoting of a specific innovation product, strengthening the image of the company, etc.), government agencies through which the media source can popularize its activities (advertising its competitions, tenders, etc.), foreign enterprises;

• the effect of boring text: is possible because of unscrupulous attitude of journalists to work while operating with special texts written in the official, business or scientific style when a journalist does not provide adaptation of information for unprepared audience. Lack of semantic links between a journalist, a text and a recipient can cause a decrease in confidence to media source;

• innovation oriented journalistic work due to diversity and complexity of topics with surface preparation of the texts and coverage innovation development process in general may cause media downgrade because of an objective assessment by the competent content consumers and the loss of confidence to the source of information;

• mass media management through the popularization of information on innovation. Different kind of information helps to perpetuate a certain image for the source of information. Due to the fact that innovation is always aimed for improving the living standards of its user, arises the probability of a positive impact of innovation and promotion of activities related to them at the image of mass media.

Thus, the nature of innovation communication orientation in the attitude to mass media (interest in cooperation) allows to determine the role, place, goals, objectives of mass media in the National innovation system to identify strategic position in terms of innovation policy implementation. Analysis of the effects arising in the course of interactions with mass media communication with innovation information flows gives the reason to conclude that serious obstacles to the extensive use of the concepts of innovation and its diffusion through the channels of communication do not exist when assessing the impact of innovation content on mass media sources. Moreover, information about innovations is widely used in journalism, therefore, some mechanisms of perceptions by mass media are formed. That should serve as a protective barrier if a threat of negative effects described above will appear. Simultaneously, domestic researchers note the relatively low rates of innovation thinking, innovation culture [3] and low level of innovation climate [4] in the country, that indicates the need for greater use of participants of the «social» block of National innovation system at both the regional and the national level, in particular by granting additional features to media in order to distribute innovation ideas in masses. One of these actions may become increase of the regional media readership interactivity on innovation based information. Ordinary citizens are potential actors of innovation development, so increasing of intellectual activity on innovation topics (contests, quizzes, themed crosswords, promotions, advertising on the search for talents) can affect formation of a more dynamic open to innovation development individual-psychological environment.

References: 1. Бабосов Е. М. Социлогия управления: учеб. пособие для студетнов вузов. – 5-е изд. – Мн.: ТетраСистемс, 2006. – 288 с. 2. Бабосов Е. М. Формирование и функционирование национальной инновационной системы / Е. М. Бабосов // Экономические и социальные перемены: факты, тенденции, прогноз. – 2012. – №5 (23). – С. 60-69. 3. Белоцерковец В. Инновационная культура как фактор эффективного функционирования национальной инновационной системы // В. Белоцерковец, Е. Завгородняя // // Перспективы инновационного развития Республики Беларусь: сб, науч. статей II Междунар. науч. кофн., Брест, 19-20 мая 2011 г. / Брест.гос. техн. ун-т; редкол.: А.М. Омельянюк (отв. ред.) [и др.]. – Брест: Изд-во БрГТУ, 2011. – С. 280-282. 4. Костыко, А. Брестский регион в инновационном климате / А. Костыко // Наука и инновации. – 2007. – №9. – С. 39-41. 5. Слука О. Идеология инновационной коммуникации / О. Слука // Рэгiянальныя СМI у сучаснай iнфармацыйнай прасторы: матэрыялы Рэсп. Навук.-практ. семiнара, 2-3 чэрв. 2011 г., Мiнск / рэдкал.: С. В. Дубовiк (адк.рэд.) [I iнш.]. – Мiнск: Выд. цэнтр БДУ, 2011. – С. 18-29.

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