Energy: Our body needs energy (calories) day and night to ensure the vital functions (cardiac activity, breathing, cell renewal, thermoregulation, growth, digestion...). Our body also needs energy to function and move when we work or during leisure time. The energy is brought by: Caloric nutriments Proteins are “building blocks” – all cells in our body, the organs, muscles, bones and blood all need proteins for their renewal. Proteins are essential to most processes of life. Given their number, this is not surprising. Hemoglobin for instance is a protein that carries the molecules of oxygen in blood, insulin is our sugar accountant and checks its rate, and collagen forms the building blocks for bone. Therefore it is not difficult to understand that a defective protein could be harmful. Such protein deficiencies are the cause of congenital malformations, or illnesses such as anaemia and cancer. Foods rich in proteins include meats, fish, poultry, cheese, nuts, milk, eggs, and cereals. Fats provide us with stock of energy. They contain an important amount of calories. Too much fats can cause cholesterol levels to rise and deposit in arteries. We consume fats mostly under hidden forms (fatty meats, cheese, pastries, French fries, most “fast foods”). Carbohydrates participate to the energy needs of our body. For example, the cells of the brain use glucose only as a fuel. Non-caloric nutrients Vitamins are essential to the good functioning of the organism, we need vitamins in small quantities. Minerals have multiple roles: participate in the construction of the body (bones, blood, teeth), make up part of our cells, too. They also regulate and “protect” many chemical reactions in the body. Fiber is necessary for good intestinal functioning. It also helps to eliminate cholesterol. The body is made up of 60 per cent water. It is essential to transport and elimination of substances. Water also helps regulate body temperature. Liquid intake should not be lower than 1.5 litres per day (3-31/2 pints) Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What does our body need calories for? 2. What substances bring energy to our body? 3. Why are proteins so important for our body? 4. How do proteins, carbohydrates and fats participate to the needs of the body? 5. What is the caloric value of alcohol and how does it influence our organism? Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: прием пищи (жидкости); переедание (чрезмерное употребление алкоголя); обновление клеток; отложение холестерина; сидячий образ жизни; нанести вред организму; чтобы сохранять тепло; для функционирования кишечника; потребление жидкости; жизненно важные функции 4. Закончите текст, используя английские эквиваленты русских словосочетаний, данных в скобках: Lipids represent a group of (органических веществ) that are insoluble in water, but are (растворимы) in organic solvents, such as ether and chloroform. Lipids include (ряд соединений), such as fats, phospholipids, and steroids, which (имеют жизненно важную функцию) in cells and are important constituents of (клеточных мембран). The most common lipids, however, are the fats. They are used to build cell parts and (поставлять энергию) for (клеточной) activity. In fact, fat molecules can supply more energy gram for gram than can carbohydrate molecules. Fats (встречаются) in meats, eggs, milk, and lard, as well as in various (орехах) and in (растительных маслах), such as corn oil, peanut oil, and olive oil. Lipid Requirements As with carbohydrates, the lipid (содержание питания человека) varies widely. One person’s diet may provide 10% of the body’s energy in the form of fats, while another person’s provide 40%. The amounts and types of fats (необходимые для здоровья) are unknown. A report from the Surgeon General of the United States recommends that (чтобы улучшить здоровье) most people should reduce (потребление насыщенных жиров) by selecting leaner meats and fish for their meals and by using (нежирные молочные продукты). The report also suggests that people should increase their(потребление фруктов), vegetables, and whole grains. The American Heart Association recommends that fats make up no more than 30% of the calories (в питании человека). 10. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык: 1) Живые организмы состоят из белков самого разного размера, которые выполняют различные функции. 2) Они не синтезируются в организме, а поступают только из пищи.3) Белок - строительный материал для всех клеток, органов и клеток.4) Белки важны для большинства жизненных процессов.5) Гемоглобин переносит молекулы кислорода в крови. 6) Инсулин регулирует количество сахара в крови. 7) Коллаген составляет основу костной ткани. 8) Углеводы – необходимы для нормальной деятельности мышц, центральной нервной системы, сердца, печени. 9) Белки играют важную роль в регуляции обмена белков и жиров.