Студопедия — VITAMINS
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Vocabulary List

adolescent n. подросток

adj. подростковый

ailment заболевание, недомогание

to bleed (bled, bled) кровоточить

blood clot тромб

to boost усиливать, активировать

flushing прилив крови к лицу, покраснение

irreversible необратимый (о процессе)

scurvy цинга

rash сыпь, высыпание

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Vitamins are organic compounds (other than carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins) that must be present in small amounts for normal metabolic processes, but cannot be synthesized in adequate amounts by body cells. Thus, they are essential nutrients that must be supplied in foods.

Vitamin A helps cells develop, advances bone and tooth growth, and boosts the body’s immune system; helps you see at night. You are well on your way to getting enough if you regularly eat diary products and eggs or baked goods made with eggs. Leafy green vegetables, carrots, broccoli, peaches are also great sources.

But during pregnancy overdosing can cause birth defects. Beta-carotene supplements have been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

Vitamin B6 helps the body process proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It supplies energy to the muscles, aids in the production of blood cells. Vitamin B is important for a healthy immune system. Best sources of vitamin B6 are chicken, fish, pork, liver, eggs, spinach, potatoes, bananas, whole wheat bread – the list is so long and varied that most people do not have to worry about getting enough. Overdosing for more than six months can cause nervous damage.

Vitamin B12 helps the body use fats and carbohydrates. It helps the nervous system work properly. Meats, chicken, fish, and dairy products are great sources of vitamin B12. It is often added to some breakfast cereals.

Vitamin C is needed to produce collagen, which makes up connective tissue. It acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from natural destruction that occurs with aging. It is not proved to prevent colds, but studies have found that big doses can make cold symptoms milder. If you eat fruit and vegetables every day – especially citrus fruits, broccoli, leafy greens, red and green peppers – you are probably over the RDA (recommended dietary allowances). Overdoses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea.

Vitamin D regulates the formation and repair of bone, controls the amount of calcium and phosphorus you absorb from foods. If you drink milk regularly, you are getting plenty of vitamin D. Your body also forms vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Older men and women should consider daily supplements to protect their bones. But any extra supplements may be risky if you drink more than a quart of milk daily. Overdosing can cause irreversible kidney and heart damage.

Vitamin E appears highly effective in preventing heart disease. It also acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from natural destruction that occurs with aging. Vitamin E helps prevent blood clots and is needed for red blood cell production.

Best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oil, margarine, meats. Nuts and leafy greens provide plenty. Most Americans get enough to meet the RDA. Although if you consume too much the body doesn’t really absorb at all.

Low folic acid levels increase your risk of dying from coronary heart disease. It also regulates fetal development. Low levels of folic acid increase a woman’s chance of having a baby with neurological defects. Folic acid is needed for red blood cell production. If you eat lots of leafy greens, peas, and beans, citrus fruits, or whole grain breads and cereals, you are probably getting enough. Women planning pregnancy should make sure to eat plenty of these foods or take a supplement to prevent birth defects. But be careful because high doses may increase zinc loss and can mask vitamin B12 deficiency, opening the door to irreversible nerve damage.

Suggest synonyms to the following words and word combinations

to boost, to advance, to supply, to build up, to consume, to occur, to boom

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