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FOCUS 4. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words or word combinations. Use the appropriate tense form.

specification to complain rough handling to investigate grave defects responsible allowance notice of claim disposal to refer compensation to accept to withdraw shock-resistant on the lines at random irretrievable damage to bring


1. We regret to inform you that examination of the goods shipped on RailWay Bill 567-987 has shown that they are not in accordance with the contract ….
2. Therefore, we feel obliged to … in the strongest terms about the careless way in which these goods were packed.
3. Only thin cardboard packing was provided to protect the heaters from the … which is bound to occur when parcels are sent by rail.
4. The heaters have … which make them useless for the purpose intended.
5. As we have incurred the losses we are compelled to give you formal … for damages, as, no doubt, the damage was caused through fault of yours.
6. We cannot make use of the goods and are very sorry to have to place them at your … pending your instructions as to how they should be returned.
7. Failing your acceptance of our offer, our claim will be … to the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce.
8. We are extremely sorry to learn that the goods dispatched in execution of your contract have not met your approval and fully … your claim as we admit that this was caused by inadequate packing on our part.
9. It is true that the new cartons are not … but this is the first time we have had any trouble with them.
10. We have instructed our Forwarding Agents to appoint an expert to … the matter.
11. As we assume entire responsibility for the damage incurred we agree to consider the settlement of the claim … proposed by you.
12. With the sale on c.i.f. basis and the forwarding company being your agents, we suggest you contact them with regard to ….
13. Thank you for … the matter to our attention.
14. As the contract was concluded on ex-works terms we cannot be held … for the alleged damage incurred during transportation.
15. We hope that you will be satisfied with this explanation and … this claim.
16. The agent opened … a number of crates which showed no sign of damage on the outside, and found that the contents were badly damaged.
17. The crate was severely dented, this allowed seawater to seep into it, causing … to the goods it contained.
18. We suggest you grant us an … to the amount of 3 heaters in settlement of our claim.

FOCUS 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions/particles where

1. As the machine is quite useless … the purpose intended, we place it … your disposal.
2. We request … you to replace the defective machines … new ones conforming … the specification … the contract.
3. As we cannot make use … the goods, we are holding them … your disposal.
4. We regret having to give … you formal notice … claims … Bills … Lading Nos. 4, 5.
5. We are sorry to learn that the goods have not met … your approval.
6. … shipment the goods were … excellent condition and there is no doubt that they were damaged … transport.
7. … the opinion of Mr A the damage … the goods was due … insufficient packing.
8. … no way can we hold ourselves responsible … the damage … the goods incurred … transit.
9. As you have not complied … our Maintenance Instructions we are unable to replace the equipment free … charge.
10. Therefore, we feel obliged to complain … the strongest terms … the careless way … which these goods were packed.
11. As a consequence, two … the heaters were badly dented and a third does not correspond … the technical conditions … the basis … which the contract was concluded which makes them useless … the purpose intended.
12. We are sorry that the goods have not met … approval and fully accept that this occurred … inadequate packing … our part.
13. As we assume the entire responsibility … the damage incurred we are ready to satisfy your claim … full, i.e. we agree to consider … a settlement … the claim … the lines proposed … you.
14. We are holding the units … your disposal … your instructions.
15. We suggest you contact Forwarding Agents … regard … compensation.
16. We have serious trouble … your machines so we put the consignment … one side.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 770. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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