Simple Stringed Instruments
Music in ELT
ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Разработки (тексты с вопросами и заданиями), включенные в сборник, представляют обязательный, дополнительный или альтернативный материал для изучения темы «Музыка», предусмотренной рабочей программой УД «Практика основного языка» для 5 курса английского отделения ИИЯ УрГПУ. Материалы о композиторах, современных музыкальных течениях Великобритании и США, рассчитаны на повышение социокультурной компетенции студентов и могут быть востребованы в рамках курса «Лингвострановедение и страноведение». Одна из тем разработки (Music and Teaching Foreign Languages) призвана обогатить копилку методических приемов будущих преподавателей английского языка. Работа по данному пособию предполагает аудирование ряда музыкальных произведений с элементами критического анализа. Поскольку тема является заключительной, предусмотрена максимальная активизация словаря индивидуального пользования студентов и речевых умений, приобраетнных за предыдущие годы освоения учебной дисциплины за счет включения проблемных тем и групповых методов работы.
SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA GUIDE____________________________p.4
DESCRIBING MUSIC_______________________________________ p.11
MUSIC AND YOUNG PEOPLE_______________________________ p.17
MUSIC IN USA; AMERICAN COMPOSERS____________________p. 20
Introduction Making music is one of the most pleasant and satisfying activities of all life experiences. Sharing music with a friend or a group of people creates, for the music maker, a delight and happiness that transcend most other forms of communication. Even for the solitary performer, music can be a positive avenue of release for inner feelings and emotions. Music’s appeal to the senses heightens joy in times of good cheer; its liberating abilities can be cathartic in times of hurt and sorrow. Music is a means of expression that all people understand; it is a language that all people everywhere have in common. No one really knows why music affects us the way it does, but the magic that results from musical experience is undeniable. In many cultures, past and present, instruments were important in every aspect of man’s life from magic and religion to the deliniation of social structure. Supernatural powers were often attributed to instruments; their influence in both love and war has been documented throughout history. In many countries music makers make use of their immediate environment to provide the means for building their sound-making devices. Gourds, bamboo groves, and vines have great potential in the making of musical instruments. Sometimes these simple instruments play music that is more touching and humanly expressive than all the force of a great symphonic composition.
Symphony Orchestra guide Simple Stringed Instruments From earliest days instruments have been inseparable from ceremonial magic and supernatural ritual. They are still associated with pageants and rites and their power to introduce mood change is well known. Another characteristic modern stringed instruments share with their earlier counterparts is that their primary components have remained the same, namely strings and a resonator. The world “string” is used even though the strings of instruments such as the guitar, piano, harp, and violin are made of steel, nylon, or gut.
Violin - скрипка A widely-spread four string instrument, played with a bow, takes the first place in an orchestra as a solo-instrument. Famous violins of the XVIIth century belong to as a Stradivari, Amatti, Gwarneri, Stalian Virtuoso violinists: Carelli, Vivaldi, Paganini.
Viola [vioula] – альт It looks like a violin, but somewhat bigger. The tone is mellower and deeper than that of a fiddle. Its role in the orchestra is to fill the gap between cellos and double basses (at the foundation of the orchestra) and violens (first and second) above. It’s a string bow instrument.
Cello-виолончель It is still bigger. While playing it is put on the floor and held by the musician’s knee. Due to its wide range cello occupies the second place as a solo instrument, leading the melody. The tembre is warm, soulful, exciting. The pitch (строй) is lower than that of a viola by an octave.
Double bass (контрабас) The biggest string instrument in the orchestra. In the European orchestra serves as a foundation (опорный нижний голос). It was Beethoven who realized its full capacity.
Harp - (арфа) - one of the oldest string instruments, dating past to 3000. It has 46-47 strings getting shorter and shorter (the corresponding tone gets higher).