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Work in groups. Complete the sentences with must or should.

Take turns.

Act out a job interview between the two people.

After each interview, let the class decide if the applicant will get the job.

Activity 10. Dream Job

Do you have a 'dream job'?

What job would you want if you could have any job in the world?

Text A

Modal verbs: should, must, have to

1. Study the Word List.

employ v -нанимать, предоставлять работу

employer n -наниматель, работодатель

employee n -рабочий, служащий

employment n -работа по найму, служба; трудоустройство, занятость;

unemployment n -безработица;

unemployment benefit - пособие по безработице

unemployed adj -безработный;

He is unemployed

the unemployed - безработные

interview v -проводить собеседование, брать интервью

to interview for a job

interview n -собеседование, интервью

interviewer n -проводящий собеседование, берущий интервью

interviewee n -проходящий собеседование, интервьюируемый

recruit v -вербовать, набирать (служащих, членов органи­зации)

recruiting company агентство по найму

recruitment n -набор, наем

train v -обучать, готовить(ся) тренировать(ся)

to train for the diplomatic se rvice готовить кого-либо для дипломатической службы

to train as a secretary - учиться на секретаря

trainee n -стажер, практикант

training n -обучение, подготовка

in-house training - обучение по месту работы

external training – обучение за пределам работы

2. Answer the questions using the words from the Word List:

1. Is it easy for young people to find jobs nowadays?

2. What activities does looking for a job involve?

3. What does the Human Resources department do?

Read the text paying the attention to the words in bold and do the task after it.

Applying for a job [1]


When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may de­ckle to advertise the job or position in the "NEED HELP" section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for the job by sending in a letter of application or covering letter (US cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CV (in US - resume) containing details of their education and experience.

A company may also ask candidates to complete an applica­tion form. The company's Human Resources department will then se­lect the most suitable applications and prepare a shortlist of candidates or applicants, who are invited to attend an interview. Another way for a company to hire is by using the services of a recruitment agency (in US - search firm), which provides a list of suitable candidates.

Look at these words connected to work. Underline the two words or phrases in each group that can go with the verbs in bold.

1. recruit a staff b employees c information
2. earn a a living b a trainee c a salary
3. send a a resume b a CV c a placement
4. interview a a department b a candidate c an applicant

Complete the stages of a career with the verbs in the box. Then put the stages in order.


take apply go accept get write


A get promotion

B a CV

C a job offer

Dearly retirement

Efor an interview

Ffor a job


Complete the lines from the interview with words from the box.

have to don’t have to Do you have to had to didn’t have to

1 I sometimes __________ work at night.

2 _____________________ work at weekends?

3 When I’m on call, I _______ stay in the surgery.

4 I __________ study for five years.

5 I __________ look for a job.


Match phrases 1-10 with their definitions a-j.


1 apply a a job which will end on a specific day
2 starting salary b training or exams needed for a job
3 curriculum vitae (CV) (BrE)/resume (AmE) с working less than the normal working week
4 permanent job d to ask questions to find out if someone is right for a job
5 interview e a job which you can expect to do for a long time
6 temporary job f the amount of money you are paid when you start working
7 qualifications g knowledge you get from doing a job for a long time
8 working conditions h situation in which you work
9 experience i to ask for a job in writing
10 part-time job j a short history of your education and where you have worked so far

Work in groups. Complete the sentences with must or should.

When you are applying for a job …,

1 you _______ look through a lot of advertisements.

2 you _______ go to the interview then.

3 you _______ write CV and a cover letter.

4 you _______ be late for a interview.

[1] Агабекян И.П. English for Managers. Английский для менеджеров: учеб пособие / И.П. Агабекян. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2007. – С. 71.

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Text 3. СОБЕСЕДОВАНИЕ | Reading

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