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Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

1. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the texts of the unit:

Першокурсник, другокурсник, стаціонар, закінчити школу, жити в згоді, витрачати час на …, захоплюватися чимось, регулярно щось робити (в минулому), згідно з …, повільно, але впевнено, це зазвичай забирає, маршрутка, мати багато спільного, певна річ, відвідувати заняття, студент, випускник, гуртожиток, семестр, приватний некомерційний заклад, прийняти перших студентів, переживати фінансові проблеми, здобути бездоганну репутацію, об’єднатися з …, в результаті …, призначити на посаду, навчальний корпус, (не) жити в студмістечку, неодружені студенти, сімейні студенти, ядерний реактор, осінь, відсіяти, пристосуватися до регулярного оцінювання, слідувати стандартній схемі, пояснити концепцію(ідею), набір проблем, засвоїти, вирішувати проблему, застосовувати знання, карати, давати роботу.


2. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Ukrainian and use them in the sentences of your own:

I can’t help mentioning; to generate global revenues; to win a prize; to obtain a perfect score; students' ability; introductory freshmen classes; t follow a standard pattern; to have numeric identifications; "drinking from a fire hose"; "academic boot camp”; failure rate; to be remarkably helpful; newly arrived freshmen; to be graded Pass/No Record; MIT's on-campus nuclear reactor; pressurized wind tunnel; towing tank; campus-wide wireless network; access points; to get from class to class; independent educational institution; an increasingly industrialized America; to be flush with cash; to maintain a friendly rivalry; to redress the issue; a fanciful unit called the Smoot.

3. Find in the texts synonyms for the following words and expressions and use them in the sentences of your own:

expenses, profit, proportion, mark, hall of residence, prominent, graduate, to set up a company, score, to use, first-year student, term, faculty, academic building, student, family name, to finish school, day time, to get used to …, sophomore, autumn.


4. Complete the following sentences in the context of the above information:

1. Maksym … school and became a … of the National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use.

2. Maksym lives with his … and … in Rivne.

3. Mykola is fond of … ….

4. Maksym used to live according to the saying ….

5. I have always been interested in ….

6. We can use computers for so many things - ….

7. The history of … began in the year 1922.

8. NUWMNRU currently enrolls more than 15,000 … and … students.

9. The term of study for NUWMNRU day-time students lasts … years.

10. The campus of NUWMNRU includes ….

11. is a leader in science and technology, as well as in many other fields, including management, economics, linguistics, political science, and philosophy.

12. MIT is organized into … schools which contain … academic departments.

13. MIT … … in 1861 by William Barton Rogers.

14. … took office as the Institute's 16th …on December 6, 2004.

15. … are guaranteed four-year housing in one of MIT's 12 undergrad dormitories.

15. MIT utilizes a 4-1-4-based … ….

17. The anti-authoritarian nature of the school results in a situation where ….

18. … are numbered, and students will typically refer to their major by the course number rather than the name.

19. Most of the science and engineering classes follow a … ….

20. Over120,000 of MIT’s … have had considerable success in ….


5. Find the preposition that usually follows the verbs. Use these phrasal verbs in the sentences of your own:

to work by off for with into on out about of to in
to get
to go
to be crazy
to be fond
to move
to be divided
to be full
to penalize
to be accompanied
to merge
to live
to consist

6. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense form:

1. He (to live) with his parents in Rivne.

2. We (to spend) most of our time on skateboards.

3. My life completely (to change).

4. I (to receive) an email from him yesterday.

5. I (to send) him email as soon as I (to be) free.

6. Mykola (to practice) English now.

7. When I (to come), he (to play) computer games.

8. The University (to enjoy) national and international reputation.

9. She (to take) office as the Institute's 16th president on December 6, 2004.

10. Susan Hockfield (to be) a president for six years, when Mike (to enter) MTI.

11. 120,000 alumni (to have) considerable success in scientific research, public service, education, and business.

12. I’m sure she (to defend) her diploma project in English.

13. This group (to solve) the problem sets at 10a.m. tomorrow.

14. Don’t come in. The teaching assistants and professors (to hand-grade) the examinations.

15. He (to live) in this dormitory for three years.


7. Make the sentences from Ex. 6 interrogative. Start questions with:

1. Where …? 6. What …? 11. What … in?
2. Who …? 7. What …? 12. What language …?
3. How …? 8. What reputation …? 13. When …?
4. When …? 9. When …? 14. What …?
5. When …? 10. How long …? 15. How long …?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 436. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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