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Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.


1. buying and selling houses 2. defend 3. legal questions 4. prosecute 5. Queen’s Counsel 6. public offices 7. advocacy 8. routine work 9. judges 10. to advise 11. interpretation of law 12. judicial 13. different 14. lawyers 15. chambers


There are two classes of... (1) in England: barristers and solicitors. Solicitors make up the largest branch of the... (2) profession. They can be found in every town, where they deal with all... (3) of preparing legal documants or contracts for... (4), making wills and so on. The main job of a solicitor is... (5) his or her clients on... (6). Barristers are... (7) from solicitors. They are experts in the... (8) and in... (9) – the art of presenting cases in court. Barristers... (10) or... (11) in the higher courts. Unlike solicitors, barristers do not have... (12) in any street. They work in (13), most of which are in London. Only barristers can become... (14) in an English court above the magistrates’ courts. The highest level of barristers is the title of a... (15).






Topic: Law-Enforcement Bodies

Text A:The Work of the Police in Great Britain

Text B:Police Powers

Text C:International Criminal Police Organization or Interpol

Phonetics:Sounds: [o] [ә:] [iә] [ð] [ tòә;] [ ʒ ә]


Grammar: Complex Object Complex Subject Emphatic Construction

Wordbuilding:Suffixes: -(i)ty, dis, -(i)an, -ist, -th



Ex. 1. Practise saying.

[o] Sc o tland, pr o perty, r o bbery, v o luntary, w a rrant, c o nstitute;
[ә:] m ur der, b ur glar, p ur pose, c er tain, s er vice, s ear ch;
[iә] h ere, cl ear, per io d, ser iou s, sinc ere, interf ere;
[ð] th ey, th en, th is, th at, th ese, th ose, th ough, al th ough;
[tòә] cul ture, na ture, fea ture, lec ture, depar ture;
[ʒә] sei zure, plea sure, mea sure.


Ex. 2. Listen to and repeat after the speaker.

1. stop, office, what, constant, response, qualify;

2. birth, her, person, turn, further, learn, earn;

3. central, regular, protection, terrorist, weapon;

4. department, charge, branch, guard, staff, sergeant;

5. important, record, disorder, because, warden, laundering.


Ex. 3. Group the words according to the following sounds.


[o] [o:] [ә:] [ð] [i:] [ tòә;] [ai] [ ʒ ә]


Officer, form, though, future, crime, meet, service, order, responsible, speak, murderer, chief, seizure, those, comply, support, release, structure, receive, literature, court, personal, apply, speeding, warrant, policy, force, confirm, reason, although, right, term, measure, these, perform, picture, involve, deal.


Ex. 4. Mind the stress and pronunciation of the following words.

pre'serve – preser'vation 'regulate – regu'lation pre'vent – pre'vention in'vestigate – investi'gation con'sider – conside'ration 'qualify – qualifi'cation res'ponsible – responsi'bility 'separate (v) [eit] – 'separate (adj) [it] ′suspect (n) – sus′pect (v) ′record (n) – re′cord (v)


Ex. 5*. Find the odd word in each set. Think phonetically.


1. speak, release, search, each;

2. fig ure,fea ture, mix ture, depar ture;

3. here, serious, were, interfere;

4. law, property, court, order.


Ex. 6. Make up derivatives according to the following models. Translate them into Russian.

a) Adj + (i)ty = N

safe – safe ty

active – activ ity


major, special, real, formal, minor, popular, equal;


a) dis + N / V / Adj

( придает слову отрицательное значение)

order – dis order


ability, advantage, obey, agree, appear;


c) N + ian = N

Canada – Canad ian

library – librar ian


history, politic(s), technic(s), Hungary;


d) N + ist = N

geology – geolog ist


tour, terror, strategy, art, ideology, economy;


e) V / Adj + th = N

to grow – grow th


true, wide, strong, deep, long.


Ex. 7. Group the words according to their parts of speech: a) nouns, b) verbs, c) adjectives, d) adverbs. Read and translate them.


Minister, populist, litigator, nationality, organize, accessible, mainly, popularity, depth, important, regulate, arrestable, primarily, performance, public, authority, actively, effective, apply, justify, variety, religious, permanent, strength, presence, investigate, judgement, independently, responsible, director, different, empower, imprisonment, legislate, disagreement, dangerous, recently, careless.


Ex. 8. Find the odd word in each set. Mind suffixes and prefixes.


1. commander, officer, easier, murderer;

2. usable, serious, special, community;

3. normalize, investigation, justify, strengthen;

4. empower, enforce, enter, enlarge;

5. apply, regularly, primarily, freely;

6. comply, reply, intensively, supply.


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