to issue a warrant
| выдавать ордер
to keep law and order
| поддерживать правопорядок (закон и порядок)
to assist at accidents
| оказывать помощь при дорожно-транспортных происшествиях
liable to disciplinary proceedings
| подлежащий ответственности в дисциплинарном порядке
"serious arrestable"
| подлежащий усиленному режиму задержания
to charge with the offence
| предъявлять обвинение в совершении преступления
to fail to appear in court
| уклониться от появления в суде
to be held in custody
| находиться под стражей
regular police force
| регулярная полиция, регулярные полицейские силы
traffic warden
| инспектор дорожного движения
Ex. 19. Give the Russian equivalents to the international words.
1. Minister (Secretary), Constable, function, arrest (n, v), regular (adj), grant (n, v), uniform (n), reflect (v), preservation, prevention, administration;
2. police officer, police discipline, special aspect, academic qualification, intensive training, terrorist incidents, airport patrol.
Ex. 20. Match the two columns.
1. to authorise
2. to charge
3. to apprehend
4. to release
5. to catch
6. to suspect
7. to search
8. to comply with
| 1. освобождать из закдючения
2. обыскивать
3. проверять
4. санкционировать, разрешать
5. подчиняться, исполнять
6. следовать
7. ловить, поймать, задерживать
8. задерживать, арестовывать
9. подозревать
10. регулировать
11. обвинять, предписывать
Ex. 21. Make up word combinations with the verbs above. Translate them into Russian.
A suspect; two offenders; of/with robbery and murder; of/with an offence; carrying guns; criminals and would-be criminals; a person under detention; using weapons; with or without a warrant; of/with committing a serious crime; people and cars; on bail; any rule of codes; a defendant in the court.
Ex. 22. Match adjectives with nouns and translate them.
1. personal, governmental, private
2. serious, reasonable, sufficient
3. minor, less serious, arrestable
4. new, disciplinary, strict
| 1. regulation
2. offence
3. property
4. grounds
Ex. 23. Find the word/word combination with the most general meaning in each section.
1. Chief Inspector, rank, Sergeant, Constable;
2. murder, theft, crime, kidnapping;
3. detention, search, arrest, police power.
Ex. 24. Translate the following attributive groups.
1. Police policy; police work; police powers; law preservation; life protection; crime prevention; crime detection;
2. certain specialist units; local county councilors; separate police force; criminal investigation department; police force operation.
Ex. 25. Arrange the synonyms in pairs. Mind! Several variants are possible.
1. powers
2. to apprehend
3. an imprisonment
4. an accusation
5. to guard
6. essential
7. unreasonable (search)
8. reasonable (grounds)
9. a robbery
10. responsible
| 1. a burglary
2. a charge
3. authorities
4. basic
5. unwarranted
6. to arrest
7. sufficient
8. liable, answerable
9. a custody
10. to protect
11. to detain
12. a theft
13. to safeguard
14. duties
Ex. 26. Match the meaning (A) with the correct word (B).
1. the state of being guarded by police
2. an official statement saying that someone is responsible for a crime
3. a crime of taking someone else’s property
4. a written order signed by an official of law allowing the police to take certain action
5. an act of breaking the law
6. a crime of killing a person
7. an act of taking (someone) illegally and by force to demand money for their safe return
8. a British police officer of the lowest rank
| 1. warrant
2. offence
3. constable
4. murder
5. kidnapping
6. charge
7. custody
8. robbery
Ex. 27*. Match the two columns.
1. investigative detention
2. house of detention
3. pre-trial detention
4. preventive detention
| 1. предварительное заключение, содержание под стражей до суда
2. превентивное тюремное заключение
3. камера предварительного заключения
4. задержание в интересах следствия
1. body search
2. unreasonable search
3. search warrant
4. unwarranted search
and seizure
| 1. ордер на обыск
2. незаконный/необоснованный обыск
3. личный обыск/досмотр
4. незаконный обыск с конфискацией
1. release for lack of evidence
2. release from punishment
3. release on bail
4. pre-trial release
5. conditional release
| 1. освобождение под залог
2. освобождение из под-стражи до рассмотрения дела в суде
3. освобождение от наказания
4. условное освобождение
5. освобождение (от ответственности) за отсутствием доказательств