Студопедия — Decide which answer A, B or C best fits each blank.
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Decide which answer A, B or C best fits each blank.


1. The President administers national government through instructions to heads of departments and agencies appointed and … by him.

a. removable; b. remove; c. removal;

2. In addition to the 11 … departments, there are many independent agencies in the Federal Government.

a. execute; b. execution; c. executive;

3. The office of the US President is one of the most … in the world.

a. power; b. powerful; c. empower;

4. Today there … 22 standing committees in the Lower House.

a. will be; b. is; c. are;

5. There … only one representative in six states at present.

a. was; b. is; c. are;

6. Last year there … a lot of work to be done by the standing committees.

a. were; b. is; c. was;

7. A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with … rights reserved to each.

a. no; b. some; c. something;

8.Aconstitution may be defined as … system of fundamental principles according to which a nation is governed.

a. any; b. no; c. someone;

9.Governments always spend … money on election process.

a. many; b. a lot of; c. few;

10. One Presidential term of office numbers four years.

a. не переводится; b. один, -на, -но; c. слово-заместитель;

11. In some countries the more money one can pay, the better lawyer one can have.

a. слово-заместитель; b. не переводится; c. один, -на, -но;

12. The House of Representatives is the lower one.

a. один, -на, -но; b. слово-заместитель; c. не переводится;

13. He … his work in a few days when you come.

a. finishes; b. will finish; c. will have finished;

14. My friend … this institute before I visit him.

a. has entered; b. will enter; c. will have entered;

15. By the end of the month we … English for six years.

a. shall study; b. will have been studying; c. shall be studying;

16. Don’t phone me at this time tomorrow, I … a report.

a. shall write; b. shall be writing; c. shall have written;

17. You will solve this problem if you … this chapter.

a. study; b. will study; c. will have studied;

18. I know tomorrow this commander … our barracks.

a. will inspect; b. will be inspecting; c. inspects;

19. Many people contributed to writing the Constitution.

a. пишущий; b. написание; c. написав;

20. The Congress meets in regular sessions, beginning with January 3.

a. начало; b. начинающий; c. начиная;

21. The majority party in each House is controlling the whole work of this committee now.

a. проверяет; b. проверка; c. проверяющий;

22. The method of electing President is peculiar to the USA.

a. избрания; b. выбирать;c. избирающий;

23. Maintaining close contacts with the President is one of the duties of "Big Four" in the USA.

a. поддерживающий; b. поддержание; c. поддерживая;

24. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is the Speaker.

a. председательствуя; b. председатель; c. председательствующий;

25. An important function of the Queen is appointing the Prime Minister.

a. назначая; b. назначение/назначать; c. назначающий;

26. Apart from holding meetings the Queen gives audiences to her ministers and other officials in Britain.

a. при проведении; b. проводя; c. проведение;

27. Having equal constitutional rights, each House has the power to introduce bills on any subject.

a. имея; b. имеющий; c. имеют;

28. When the debate is over, members vote to … the bill or to defeat it.

a. appoint; b. approve; c. reject;

29. The Congress … some other important influences on the other two branches of power.

a. represents; b. establishes; c. executes;

30. Executive power is … in the president who serves a four-year term.

a. vested; b. represented; c. performed.



Decide which answer A, B or C best fits each blank.


1. By law, all judges in Russia are... and cannot be removed from office.

a. depend; b. independent; c. independence;

2. A... found guilty by the magistrates may appeal against the punishment to the local Crown Court.

a. defend; b. defendant; c. defence;

3. The problem of... was discussed at the last meeting.

a. violate; b. violent; c. violence;

Public international law is the set of rules that governs international organisations like the United Nations.

a. который; b. тот; c. что (чтобы);

When the Appellate Court publishes its opinion on a case, that opinion may create new case law.

a. слово-заместитель; b. то (это); c. что;

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