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Task I. Make sure you know these words.


1. insufficient (adj) – недостаточный

2. take a course – пройти учебный курс

3. supervise (v) – наблюдать, руководить

4. finals (v) – выпускные экзамены

5. articled clerk – служащий конторы солиситора (без жалования)

6. requirement (n) – требование

7. the Bar Final examination – экзамен, сдаваемый при поступлении в Коллегию Адвокатов

8. the Law Society Final examination – экзамен, дающий право быть членом Общества юристов

Task II. Complete the sentences choosing the proper ending.


1. The British lawyers are required....

a) to pass professional exams;

b) to work as a clerk for 5 years after graduating from a university;

c) wear black suits.

2. The requirements for barristers and solicitors are....

a) identical;

b) partially identical;

c) different.

3. In Japan the professional law exams are....

a) difficult to pass;

b) not practised;

c) easy to pass.

4. A barrister must work for a year as....

a) an articled clerk;

b) a pupil;

c) an attorney.


Task III. Tick off the false statements according to the text.


1. The legal profession is extremely popular all over the world.

2. A future lawyer must pass various professional exams.

3. A solicitor in England must spend half a year as an articled clerk.

4. The final exam for barristers is called the Bar Final examination.

5. Japan has a large number of lawyers.


Task 1. Look through the advertisements. Which of them appeals to you most?

№ 1

The Law Society of England




TheLaw Society is seeking to appoint a motivated solicitor to work in thearea of law reform. Candidates shouldbe solicitors with a minimumof 5 years' experience, should demonstrate an interest in the criminal law and legalaid. Candidates will require to service various committees.


№ 2



Salary: £ 18.220 – 21.250

We require a qualified solicitorto workas part of a small team responsible for the full range of the Council's legal work, including conveyancing (составление нотариальных актов о передаче имущества), planning agree­ments, Sheriff Court, DistrictCourtand general advice.

You should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and have some relevant experience.


№ 3


The Law Society of Scotland





Salary: £ 22.595 – 25.268 plus car (35 hours per week)


The Law Society is seeking to appoint a motivated and enthusiastic solicitor to answer Professional Practice correspondence and telephone enquiries (запрос) from members of the profession, to deal specifically with all Conveyancing enquiries, to service the two Conveyancing Committees.

Candidates should be solicitors with at least 3 years' experience. They should have a strong qualification in Conveyancing, and demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively.


№ 4




The Court of Justice of the European Communities in Luxemburg is holding an open competition to recruit (m/f).



At the Court of Justice of the European Communities a team of lawyer-linguists is responsible for producing all the English translations for the European Court Reports and other publications of the Court of justice and for translating English a very wide range of other legal texts and documents directly related to the work of the Court.

The Court is holding an open competition to recruit lawyer-linguists to perform these challenging duties.

The attractive salary and associated benefits are commensurate with the responsibilities involved and compare favourably with those offered by other international organisations.

Candidates must: ~ be nationals of one of the Member States of the European Union; ~ subject to certain exeptions; be less than 40 years of age; ~ have a perfect command of English, a good knowledge of French and a good knowledge of at least one other official language of the European Communities; ~ be holders of a law degree awarded in Ireland of the United Kindom or be qualified as an Advocate, Barrister or Solicitor in one of those countries.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-31; просмотров: 1058. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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