Студопедия — Часть 2. 1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, используя страдательный залог:
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Часть 2. 1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, используя страдательный залог:


1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму, используя страдательный залог:

1. Footballall over the world (play).

2. Roof_in the storm last week (damage).

3. Presentsto all the children tomorrow (give).

4. Porridgealready(cook).

5. Bananasin Africa (grow).

6. Credit cardsin this store (accept).

7. The cake_yesterday (eat).

8. The dishesnow (wash).

9. This bridgein the 20 century (build).

10. Parisby thousands of tourists every year (visit).

11. My keysjust(find).

12. The wallsat the moment (paint).

13. These booksin many countries (sell).

14. The librarynext week (open).

15. The ―Moonlight Sonata‖ by Beethoven (compose).



2. Переведите предложения из действительного залога в страдательный:

1. An expert is restoring the antique car.

2. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

3. The judge has fined him £300.

4. A number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport.

5. A famous designer is going to redecorate the President's house.

6. The Romans founded Bath in the first century A.D.

7. A nightmare woke Mary up.

8. Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

9. Van Gogh painted "Sunflowers".

10. Astronauts are exploring space.

11. They didn‘t need my help.

12. They kill elephants for ivory.

13. Homer wrote the "Iliad".

14. People chop down a lot of trees every year.

15. A dog is chasing a cat.

16. They have already drunk the juice. 17.My friend invited me to his birthday. 18.She will buy a new dress tomorrow. 19.They grow coffee in Brazil.

20.The children have already eaten all sweets.



3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect:

1. I_lunch (just/have).

2. We_this film (already/see).

3. Sheto London (never/be).

4. Theyat the university for two years (study).

5. The letteryet (not arrive).

6. Shein Moscow since April (live).

7. you everin a zoo (be)?

8. How many magazinesyou(buy)?

9. Where_he(go)?

10. How longyouthis car (have)?



4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Perfect:

1. She said theythree miles (walk).

2. She was upset because she_her ring (lose).

3. you evera flying saucer (see)?

4. I decided to read the book the teacher(recommend).

5. Shealreadythe dentist today (visit).

6. She got a message saying that her son_the exam (pass).

7. ―I_


her‖ – said he (phone).


5. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя for или since:


1. John and Norma have been married20 years.


2. They have been living in New York1989.


3. John has been working on Wall Streetfour years and he has made a lot of money

he started working there.

4. Norma hasn't workedthey moved to New York but she has been writing a book

the last two years.

5. She has had a lot of spare timetheir son left home four years ago to work in France.


6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple:

1. Ann isn‘t at home. She_shopping (go).

2. Aristotle_a Greek philosopher (be).

3. My parentsin 1978 (get married).

4. Theyfor ten years (be married).

5. Look! She_juice on the carpet (spill).

6. He_in a circus (never/be).

7. Theyto the circus last week (go).

8. She can‘t get home, she her keys (lose).

9. He_his documents yesterday (lose).

10. The Chineseprinting (invent).



7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect или Past Simple:

1. ‗Was Ann at the party when you arrived?‘ ‗No, she_ home (go).‘

2. I was very hungry when I came home, so Ia lot of soup (eat).

3. I was very glad to see Jim again after such a long time. I_him for five years (not see).

4. They finished their lunch andfor a walk (go).

5. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He_before (never/fly).

6. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebodyinto the office during the night (break).

7. They played tennis yesterday and Tom(win).



8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Perfect:

1. Sheby the end of June (come back).

2. He until eight o‘clock (not finish).

3. Imy book by October (finish).

4. Theynew house by summer (build).

5. Hethe room until dinner (not paint).

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