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Exercise 1. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями I, you, we, it, he, she, they:

1. Helen is a first-year student…works hard. 2. Jonh comes home late…is a part-time student. 3. I am always glad to see Mary…are old friends. 4. Students have a lot of work to do at the University…can’t waste time. 5. Peter,come here, please! Could…help us? 6. This book is not suitable for children…is too difficult. 7..My father is an economist…teaches economics at the University. 8..My sister is fond of skating…is good at it. 9. My cousins are schoolchildren…do well at school. 10. Our family is going on holiday next week…will be back in two months. 11. On Saturdays the Fishermen eat out in an Italian restaurant…like Italian food very much. 12. I usually stay at the Hilton when I’m in New York…is the best hotel I’ve ever stayed at. 13. Jack smokes badly…will damage his health for sure. 14. Her children are very intelligent…have all the possibility to enter the University. 15. What time is it now?…is half past six.

Exercise 2. Замените подчеркнутые слова местоимениями в объектном падеже:

Example: I always meet Jane at the concerts.—I always meet her at the concerts.

1. The lecturer helps the students to correct their mistakes. 2. The secretary prepares materials for the meeting of the staff. 3. The purpose of education is to prepare children for life. 4. Now you’ve got a chance to improve your knowledge. 5. We always discuss our problems with the Head of the Department. 6. He seldom gives good advice to his colleagues. 7. John often asks his friend to look through his projects. 8. Are you going to invite the Bakers to dinner? 9. Did you really give that letter to my mother? 10. I’ve seen Nora since she last came here. 11. This is the present for your boy friend. 12. You have been introduced to the guests recently. 13. Microsoft was set up by Bill Gates. 14. Linda is going to be married to Jim. 15. Do you still like Sue and Ann after they told you a lie?

Exercise 3. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями:

1.Tell him not to leave…books behind. 2. She took off…coat and began to work. 3. Now we send…children to school at the age of six. 4. They introduce new methods of teaching…methods are very efficient. 5. You must try to choose…future profession early in life. 6. She always keeps…promises. 7. I have…own way of doing things. 8. I don’t know this word. Can you explain…meaning to me? 9. Nelly saw Peter with…wife. 10. Some women are not happy with…looks. 11. Are you satisfied with…marks,Mark? 12. Charles is going to a picnic with…girl-friend. 13. There is a mouse under the table. I can see…tail. 14. I wash…hair every week. 15. I’ve got a relative in England….aunt lives in Guilford.

Exercise 4. Ответьте на вопросы притяжательные местоимения mine, yours, hers, his, theirs, ours

Example: Is this test yours?— Yes, it’s mine.

1. Is it Susan’s handbag? 2. I think, it is my turn to make a choice isn’t it? 3. Our last holiday was disastrous. And yours? 4. Was it your intention to invite those horrible people to our party? 5. Which one is your car the Ford or the Honda? 6. Is it your brother’s tennis racket? 7. I suppose, it’s your boss’s office, isn’t it? 8. Is it Cindy’s report? 9. Is it your luggage? 10. Is this Mr.Clay’s message that he sent yesterday? 11. Is it your deputy head’s opinion to expand the company? 12. It’s their duty to check in and out,isn’t it? 13. Whose bag is this? Is it yours? 14. Isn’t it their car?-No,it isn’t. It’s…

Exercise 5. Вместо точек вставьте возвратные местоимения:

1. I’ll give you the money to buy the trees, but you’ll have to plant them… 2. We’d like to make the shelves… 3. The work…isn’t difficult, but we simply haven’t the time to do it. 4. The tents…were small,but there was a big building where we could play or read when the weather is rainy. 5. Buy me some fruit and take some for… 6. The old man was walking up the street talking to… 7. I always draw the pictures for our wall newspaper. She never does it… 8. ”How do you know the things?”—Ann told me everything… 9. Nobody wants to go with me, so I’ll go by… 10..I hear you are going to Paris. I hope you will enjoy… 11. Cave knew his brother much more than… 12. I …used to be very wealthy. 13. Simon calmed…with great effort. 14. Miss Adele opened the door… 15. This way we wash…

Exercise 6. Вместо точек вставьте относительные местоимения:

1. Did you see the man…stole her bag? 2. Give me the keys…I left yesterday. 3. Is that the boy…we saw in the yard two days ago? 4. Have you tried the cakes…I baked for you yesterday. 5. How old is the man...lives next door? 6.Miss Wilky is the teacher…teaches us biology. 7. This is the house…Jack built. 8. Dan,…is very clever, did the puzzle in five



Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite pronouns)

К неопределенным местоимениям относятся местоимения some, any, по (и их производные), none, much, many, little, few, all, both, either, neither, each, every (и его произ­водные), other, one.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-10; просмотров: 1286. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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