a. Stylistic functions of archaic words and forms. b. Inversion as a syntactical expressive means. c. Salient features of metaphorical group of tropes. The mechanism of metaphorical transfer of name in the structural varieties of metaphor including personification. d. The problem of functional styles classification. e. Simile and metaphor; the semantics of their tenor and vehicle. Structural, semantic and functional differences between metaphor and simile. f. Lexico-syntactical features of direct speech. g. Types and stylistic functions of low-flown words in the English vocabulary. h. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. i. Types and structure of anaphoric repetition, chiasmus and parallelism. j. Classification of syntactical stylistic devices. Their structural, semantic and functional features. k. Different types of repetition and parallelism. l. Syntactical expressive means based on redundancy of the sentence structure. Their structural, semantic and functional features. m. Types and stylistic functions of the metonymical group of semasiological expressive means in the English language. n. Structural, semantic and functional features of different types of epithets.