Theme and rheme progression in the English sentence and text.
Functional sentence prospective – can characterize a sentence and a text (can be used both in a sentence and in a text). Any utterance consists of three chunks: at the end we put something new to the listener (pronounced in a quick way, and slow down at the end) – rheme (focus); theme – the information that we know Different grammatical means used to express theme and rheme - Intonation is the strongest way to express rheme - If no intonation – rheme at the end (end focus) - Word-order pattern - Constructions with introducers (there were tall birches surrounding the lake (rheme); tall birches surrounded the lake) - Contrasted complexes – it is not for you, but for your friend - Construction with determiners - Constructions with intensifying particles John came here – Even John came here Theme and rheme characterize the text as well - Scale progression – (one sentence flows out from another) - Practically equal sentences – - Characterize text from different standpoints 6. Classification of sentences in English. - Can be classified according to the nature of predication One member p. – nominal, verbal (imperative), Two member p – doer of the action + action (N +V) Acc. to structure – Simple, Composite: Compound, Complex Acc. to the purpose of utterance. Predicating is attributing some state or action or quality to some aobject of reality (person or things), phenomenon or event Attributing can be logical and… Two-member predicationOne-member predication Winter is coming winter (the meaning should be deduced) One primary predication – Simple sentence More than one primary predication – a composite sentence Compound – the predications are independent Compound-complex Complex the predications are dependent Kinds of simple sentences: According to the purpose of utterance; Statements, Questions, Directives i. Each of them can be; Affirmative, Negative, Exclamatory, Non-exclamatory Acc. to presence of secondary parts - Non-extended, Extended Acc. to representing of structural parts - One-member nominal, One-member verbal (no smoking) 7.Notional and functional words in English. Notional word – which denote things, objects … have corresponding matters in objective reality Functional w. – those having no reference in objective reality (e.g. Notional words are lexical, functional – grammatical (articles, particles, interjections) Noun – thingness, Verb – verbality, Adjective – quality 8.Parts of speech problem in English. 3. Why do we need to divide into parts of speech – to make it easier for our children – to render our knowledge to younger generation 4. First classification was suggested by ancient Greek philosophers i. Aristotle – logical classification: subject, predicate and popular – listen by sentences – good for Latin and Greek – lots of declinable parts of speech (notional words) – not good for English (analytical) ii. It is difficult to divide words morphologically in English iii.Sweet – XIX c.; introduced ‘notional’ and ‘non-notional’ parts of speech; he tried to divided according to FUNCTIONS – action, iv.Charles Freeze – he created co-called distributional classes: 0 – adjectives; I – names; II – verbs: III – adverbs v.Hockett – classified all the words in English into those adjectives and noun…. What to do with functional words? To which class them refer? vi.Presently especially soviet school: 1. Semantical criterion (meaning) 2. Morphological (form) 3. Functional c. (function)